Twice a month? No practice at all? Practice every day of the week?
It depends. What are your bowling goals? Do you just want to improve this year over last year? Do you want to shoot an honor game? Do you want to shoot 800? Do you want to be competitive in local tournaments? Do you want to earn your PBA card? Your goals will determine how much you practice.
My personal goal is to earn my PBA card and bowl in PBA Regional tournaments. When I practice I keep a few things in mind:
1 - accuracy is more important than striking on a burnt out condition.
2 - spares are more important than strikes. I can get strikes, but I will have to shoot spares eventually. I was at the South Regional tournament yesterday and one pro, Owen, told me how he lost nearly 100 pins in count for a few missed spares. That 100 pins would have put him in match play.
3 - regional events start with 8 games of qualifying. If you can't bowl more than 4 or 5 games without getting tired, then you have a problem. I practice 2-3 days a week and bowl 10-12 games at a time. I grab a lane on Wednesdays when I can get a pair for 6 buck for 2 hours. Games then end up costing me about 50 cents apiece. I also go on Sundays when games are a buck apiece.
My week in a nutshell:
Sunday - practice at about 12:00 when the center opens. I can get the lane man to put down a fresh league/tournament/sport shot for me. 10-15 games.
Monday - work, then league at 7:30.
Tuesday - work, time for my family.
Wednesday - work, practice 2 hr block. Usually 12 games.
Thursday - work, league at 7:30
Friday - work, local tournament for a little cash
Saturday, work @ bowling center
That's about 31-36 games a week, give or take. Based on my goals, that's what I do.
What you do is determined by what you want out of bowling.
If you wonder if you're good enough, then you're not good enough.