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Author Topic: When to practice? I'm Frustrated  (Read 1186 times)


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When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« on: October 18, 2003, 02:22:05 AM »
OK first a quick update on my game. I had a mental fart/block for a few weeks dropping my avg down to 184. Last two weeks I pulled out of the slump bowling 644 and 654(back on track)

Now for my question. I went to practice today(saturday) and the lanes were nothing like league play. Lots of carrydown and backend wasn't its usually thing for me(had some but little backend). I did notice that bumpers were up all over the place and had to have my lane pushed down(this could have contributed to carrydown)

The shot was very inconsistent. I am thinking about no more practice and just bowl in more leagues. Maybe three nights a week and never practice. I don't know! What do so of you guys do? Practice a lot or bowl in more leagues?

Edited on 10/18/2003 6:03 PM



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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2003, 06:13:57 PM »
C-Mac, I practice about twice a month, and it's usually on a Saturday or Sunday rent-a-lane when there's little to no oil and some carrydown.  Practice really depends on your expectations.  If you want to score, then off hours practice is tough.  I try to work on execution -- timing, ball speed, release, square at the line, follow through, etc. using the following strategy.
Game one, straight up 5.
Game two, swing 10 to 5.
Game three, straight up 10.
Game four, swing 15 to 10.
Game five, swing 15 to 5.
Game six, swing 20 to 10.
Game seven swing 25 to 15.
Game eight if I have time, I shoot 10 pins on the first ball and 7 pins on the 2nd.

I use my tamest urethane ball and concentrate on hitting the intended mark at the arrows.  A lot of shots don't make it to the breakpoint, but if I hit my mark and it's heading in the right direction, I'm OK with that.  As you can imagine, this yields a lot of low scores because you're not really playing the lane.  But I've found it helped with my accuracy when I have to move away from my A game.  And to be honest with you, I'm not even sure what that is any more.

Thanks for reading, and good luck.


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2003, 06:45:53 PM »
Joe makes some good points.  You can't practice for score on those conditions, it'll drive you nuts!  Work on the basics.  Most places around here have very dry conditions to practice on, and since I have problems with dryer lanes, it's good for me I guess.  Take the time to at least work on the spares!

As for bowling in more leagues for practice, I don't think that's the answer.  There are times you just need to work on one or two things, and not having to worry about avgs or losing the game for your team is not an option in league.  In practice, you can throw every ball in the same place to gain muscle memory if you need to.  How many times could you throw at the 3 pin in league before your team mates got pissed at you for not trying?  An extreme example, but something to think about.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2003, 06:52:44 PM »
C-Mac what I do is get to the lanes early enough to get a game or two warm up after they oil the lanes for league. It usually takes about an hour to oil the lanes, so you should have enough time for 2 or 3 games on the league shot, that is if they allow practice after they oil the lanes, some don't. If they don't try and bowl after the first shift on a pair that was not used, or a pair that had a few absentees on it, that is if they don't have a second shift.


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2003, 10:02:36 AM »
C-Mac, I know what you mean.  Where I bowl, they only oil for leagues, so if you get there in the late afternoon to practice, they're always pretty dry.  Trying to throw strikes on dry lanes with equipment designed for medium-heavy oil can actually hurt your game, as you're trying to force the ball to do something it's not designed or set up to do.  For example, you may find yourself throwing it harder than normal, possibly screwing up your timing along the way.

I thought about this last week, and decided that I'm going to ask them to turn off the pinspotters, and let me shadow bowl.  That way, all you have to think about is whether or not you hit your mark.  You can try to factor out the pinfall, but there's still that little voice in the back of your head that's telling you to throw strikes, and it won't be very happy when you keep clipping off the 4-7-8.

Shadow bowling, that's the ticket!
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2003, 10:32:20 AM »
Twice a month?  No practice at all?  Practice every day of the week?

It depends.  What are your bowling goals?  Do you just want to improve this year over last year?  Do you want to shoot an honor game?  Do you want to shoot 800?  Do you want to be competitive in local tournaments?  Do you want to earn your PBA card?  Your goals will determine how much you practice.

My personal goal is to earn my PBA card and bowl in PBA Regional tournaments.  When I practice I keep a few things in mind:  

1 - accuracy is more important than striking on a burnt out condition.
2 - spares are more important than strikes.  I can get strikes, but I will have to shoot spares eventually.  I was at the South Regional tournament yesterday and one pro, Owen, told me how he lost nearly 100 pins in count for a few missed spares.  That 100 pins would have put him in match play.
3 - regional events start with 8 games of qualifying.  If you can't bowl more than 4 or 5 games without getting tired, then you have a problem.  I practice 2-3 days a week and bowl 10-12 games at a time.  I grab a lane on Wednesdays when I can get a pair for 6 buck for 2 hours.  Games then end up costing me about 50 cents apiece.  I also go on Sundays when games are a buck apiece.

My week in a nutshell:
Sunday - practice at about 12:00 when the center opens.  I can get the lane man to put down a fresh league/tournament/sport shot for me.  10-15 games.
Monday - work, then league at 7:30.
Tuesday - work, time for my family.
Wednesday - work, practice 2 hr block.  Usually 12 games.
Thursday - work, league at 7:30
Friday - work, local tournament for a little cash
Saturday, work @ bowling center

That's about 31-36 games a week, give or take.  Based on my goals, that's what I do.

What you do is determined by what you want out of bowling.

If you wonder if you're good enough, then you're not good enough.

I will never become another piece inside the paralytic construct I hate.


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2003, 06:22:24 AM »
The basic rule for paractice is: If you are keeping score, you aren't practicing  Work on you game, footwork, release, targeting, etc, just don't keep score.  You can't truely practice if you're worring abuot the score.


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2003, 07:46:16 AM »
Oh, I disagree.

There is form practice, sparemaking practice, equipment practice(balls, shoes, wrist braces), scoring practice(I love no taps for this), and match practice.

All elements can assist in competition.


PS a friend of mine recommends, a three game practice set of
1. corner pins, 2. strike balls, 3. One game for score.  I don't know he had an 845 in his league finals last year and then had a 300 in the rolloff.  Sometimes it works!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: When to practice? I'm Frustrated
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2003, 09:01:44 AM »

Contrary to what I hear from time to time on this board, that is scores will be higher in practice than on the league because you don't have to wait, I typically average HIGHER on the league when they are dressed properly as they are on my Sunday league.  I have problems with dry lanes on one other league, and the other league that I bowl on has 2 leagues before us, so we get carry down.  That's the league where I have to play inside.  

Typically, I get a condition that you've just described during practice.  It is NEVER a high scoring condition for me.  After about 4 games, the oil is totally gone and my scores go down.  Even my barrage ball begins to hook too much and I have to drop down to something else. But, in that same house I will bowl on my mixed leauge after they get through stripping and applying oil...suddenly, I have good back end and I can put revs on the ball without worrying about winding up on the brooklyn side.  It makes all the difference in the world to me.  There is no comparison.
I want to have a 220+ average like everybody else around here, so give me fresh oil.