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Author Topic: grip change back to using grips  (Read 671 times)


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grip change back to using grips
« on: March 27, 2010, 03:43:29 AM »
Exactly 10 years ago back in 2000 I went to a power game at the time and was using grips. I kept on breaking the grips and learned from former and current pros on the tour along with other people that going to "finger tip drilled" without grips is a better way to go. Everyone on this board has been debating using grips vs not using them. I went to finger tip drilled and never looked back.

My game has been revolving around more power and even keeping a relaxed grip my fingers have been hurting for years. About 3 years ago I bought a No Mercy and decided to try and find a driller to help my painful finger problems. That was the start of my joints on my fingers getting big callouses and literally changing the shape of my finger especially on my ring finger which is red raw on both sides. Not only that, I can't curl/bend my fingers in my right hand very well like my left hand and know it's because of my grip.

 Well back then the driller recommended that I go to 1/8 reverse on the fingers. Tried it and hated it. Kept coming out of the ball and kept dropping it on the foul line and could not produce much power on it. So after a month of that and stopped using it in leagues I had the same ball plugged and drilled back to the way I have all my balls. However, everyone knows using epoxy plugging can make the finger holes slippery after it is drilled into which is a downside.

Two nights ago my fingers were hurting bad I had to do something for my Friday league last night. I have 1 ball left with grips out of 10 in my closet. It's a Storm El Nino from 1998. Good condition and loved the ball but was so against grips I just stopped using it but never got rid of it or sold it. So I used it last night pain! I also shot near 700 and every ball seemed to be consistent off my hand unlike my finger tipped drilled balls. The best part I have no pain from last night. I also believe I can get more revs with grips. I proved it by for fun bringing that El Nino with 5 other balls to practice and my El Nino outhooked everything I owned including a Gravity Shift by a mile.

So making the decision on getting grips into my balls and all future new balls. Hopefully someday my fingers will return to normal.  If I was to do this can a driller just drill the holes into my existing finger tipped holes for the grips without having to plug the balls first? I know I have some older balls that has longer spans and wouldn't work without plugging it probably but if the ones I have with the same span can it work without plugging it?



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Re: grip change back to using grips
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2010, 11:56:04 AM »
yes you can just have them drilled over the holes without plugging.

i have too found that I was getting callouses on my fingers but that was because I was trying to grab with my fingers... of course that will cause pain. I now use a relaxed swing and follow thru and i actually get more reaction and revs then with trying to grip and rip. (but i never was or will be a power player so take that as it is)

i just dont use grips because I dont like anything tacky on my skin and my fingers tend to swell. if they got swollen and the grips were tight to start with... forget about being able to still use that ball.

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Re: grip change back to using grips
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2010, 12:00:12 PM »
I've had a few finger tip balls opened up for grips without having to plug them.I would think you would want to copy that el nine o's grip exactly so don't know if you can do it with out plugging but yes I have in the past.

for the record I like grips over FT but I have to keep reminding my self not to hit on it,something I didn't have to do with FT.
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Re: grip change back to using grips
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2010, 12:05:21 PM »
ya thanks...the El Nino feels great and is perfect so will do that..


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Re: grip change back to using grips
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2010, 04:21:19 PM »
As long as the bridge isn't to narrow, then it shouldn't be an issue to install grips into your current stuff w/o having to plug.

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Re: grip change back to using grips
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2010, 04:39:28 PM »
Hey...just got back from the pro shop and bowled some games. Got two balls fitted for grips and they feel terrific. As rev of my balls was drilled a little poorly to begin with and the bridge was very narrow. The driller said it may crack someday. Both balls feel great and now have 3 balls in my 3 ball bag with grips. Only cost $20 for getting grips in them which is a great deal considering the labor of drilling.

Edited on 3/27/2010 4:40 PM


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Re: grip change back to using grips
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2010, 11:02:13 AM »
If your driller is willing to take the time and be careful he can actually slightly shorten the spans on those balls that are drilled long while installing grips.  What he has to do is line the bit up with the back of the hole and the side of the bridge instead of the center of the hole and drill very slowly.  I would start out with a 29/32" bit because it will want to wobble some.  Then install the 31/32" bit and realign with the back of the hole and the side of the bridge.  You're limited on how much you can change the span, and it probably won't be a perfect job, so try it first on a ball you're willing to plug if it doesn't come out right.  --  JohnP