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Author Topic: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...  (Read 5052 times)


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when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« on: December 12, 2008, 11:35:56 PM »
...What can you do???

This is a problem that has been killing me for a month & a half; and in that time I've watched my average plummett from 181->172!!  It's just insane!

I've spent some time talking to the guy who oils the lanes in our house & he's not 100% sure what is happening either.  Here's what I do know:  The lanes are done nightly around 5pm; leagues start at 6:15.  On saturday morning the lanes are oiled for the local youth leagues (very flat pattern); then saturday night rock N bowl, sunday open bowling, then oiled finally again monday night (after a morning of open bowling).  My league is on the monday night by the way...  What I wonder is if the oil machine is simply not able to get all of that carry down off the lane from the 3 days of bowling?  It's brutal from lane to lane how diferent the "shot" might be; depending on how used the lane was on the weekend.  Sometimes one lane will actually have a breakpoint; and sometimes there's nothing.

So what I've tried to do is play much more direct into the pocket; harder & straighter.  But it doesn't seem to be any better cause there's not that drive into the pocket needed to carry the back row consistently.  I've analysed my games the past few weeks & I am still opening an average of 2 frames per game which is normal for me; but with no strikes in the game at all; I can't make average...
I've gone so far as to buy another ball (break s75) in the hopes that it will be able to find something to bring my strike percentage back up a little so I can get my games back into the 180-190 range.  We'll find out monday night...

I know this is more of a rant of frustration than anything else; but I am at a total loss & if anyone has ever encountered this and can offer advise on how to play these lanes; I would be forever in your debt.  I'm at the point now that if I throw another 460 set; I might give up & leave...

please help!!!!
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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2008, 07:52:42 AM »
If they are putting out a flat pattern for Saturday morning and not doing anything until Monday night yeah there probably is a lot of oil that is not being picked up. I questing is this the first year they have done this? The other thing I wonder is did they change stripping solutions this year if they have done this in the past? The center I use to work at changed from Wiz to Wiz+ or something like that and for us we noticed the Wiz got the backends cleaner with better reaction. Also to depending on the cleaning of the oiler that maybe causing a problem. So many variables come into play it is hard to tell what could be going on.
As far as what you can do. I would actually try to relax and slow the ball down instead of going harder. Give the ball more time to react. By throwing harder all your doing is giving the ball less time to react. It is trying to turn the corner but due to being tossed harder it just can't make the that turn. The new ball MAY help but I would slow it down a little to see what that does. Good luck keep us posted.


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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2008, 08:07:14 AM »
There is no backend, but you are going "harder and straigher".  Chill out, MFR(move feet right), relax and roll the ball.  If necessary adjust the surface of your equipment.
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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2008, 08:07:32 AM »
Slow it down and cross fewer boards late. For example, if you play a straighter line up 13 board the ball only needs to cross 5 boards to get to the pocket. You'll have to experiment a bit with your own game, but that's one idea.
Sometimes SOME surface on the ball will help, just don't get it so dull that it doesn't read any friction fast enough.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2008, 08:59:02 AM »
thanks for the responses guys.  

I don't recall it ever being this bad before.  I'm sure that in years past there has been some degree of this  going on cause from what I've heard the oil schedule hasn't really changed.  Don't know if they've changed stripping solution or not.  I should ask.

As for the suggestions thanks!  Ball speed (from what teammates tell me) is always been my nemesis.  I'm usually up in the 17-17.5 mph range according to the scoring machines but I know every once in awhile I get a little speed happy.  I think that's cause my timing is slow & I put a fair bit of muscle in the swing.  It's something that I've been working on all year despite the other issues.  I'm actually in the process of going from 5 step to 4 step (in practice only not ready for league yet) and people say that the timing looks better.  I might actually try it monday & see if it makes any difference.

notclay - I never thought about ball surface in that way before.  good point!  I overheard someone last week saying that they had to put their solid away & go to a pearl cause the solid was going straight!  With your comments that makes a little more sense now.  So I wonder if the s75 will encounter the same problems?
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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2008, 10:37:27 AM »
Just remember that the more coarse the cover, the slower response to friction. BUT, if there's little or no friction a polished ball will skate, too. That's why I recommend something in between (1000-2000) with no polish, and then moving around on the lane. You may just find a great breakpoint that's farther inside than usual, but still carries well.
The other idea of more forward roll is also an excellent choice. If the backends are truly slick (side-to-side) then not many bowlers can play the outside line effectively. EVERY ball needs SOME friction to change direction.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

David Lee Yskes

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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2008, 10:57:39 AM »
well i am suprised nobody has mentioned, trying a low particle ball?
" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "

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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2008, 11:08:19 AM »
Low load particle balls can be a great idea, if the bowler owns one.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff


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Re: when your freshly oiled shot has no backend ...
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2008, 11:12:10 AM »
Unfortunately the s75 is already drilled.  I picked it up at a great deal off e-bay.  Guy had a span identical to mine so it was a no brainer.

ball is drilled with pin over bridge, cg about 2" under ring MB (900) about 1" to right of thumb.  Was surprised that it was polished up a bit but the guy had explained kinda what was mentioned above the OOB surface was causing the ball to burn up & not make the turn cleanly so he polished it up to 2000 & it worked much better.

I've had a chance to throw it already but the lanes were pretty toasted.  I'm still optimistic cause this ball is easily 5-8 boards stronger than my NGS threshold with a similar surface prep.  I didn't see the hook monster some of the reviews had praised but I'm sure that's the polish.  Still a pronounced move at the breakpoint though.  Might hit it with a green scotchbrite pad to get a little more out of it.  Monday will be the telltale...
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