General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Pumac on December 18, 2012, 12:00:24 PM
I am looking of a hybrid ball to play medium to heavy oil patterns. I have a liking to both the 811c/t and the defiant soul.
I am not very rev demoninant and my speed is average, which of these two would you recommend and why?
Thanks in advance for the advice I appreciate any and all insight
Another option, you can always go with Storm Hy-Road, its a hybrid that handles oil well.
Also,you can include Storm's Modern Marvel.R2X Hybrid Reactive cover.
I haven't used the Defiant Soul, but the core in the regular Defiant retains a lot of energy and seems to help the ball carry really well in most situations. The core tends to get into a heavy roll in back.
The 811C/T seems to be a really good ball from what I've seen and it looks like it can handle a good amount of oil too. It seems to have a continuous shape in back.
I really don't think you can go wrong either way. Both Roto Grip and Track are putting out some great balls as of late.
900 global train is another awesome hybrid!
The Storm Hyroad is a beast. I just picked one up last night and I must say that this ball can handle some oil and flies of the dry. I cant wait to use this ball in league!
The 811 C/T looked great in Michael Fagans hands.
As a rev dominant bowler I am loving my new Rising Star from Roto Grip, now replaced by the RotoGrip Wrecker . See post in Rotogrip. The conditions I bowl on are lighter than medium league pattern that is slick but starts at 35 feet and lenghtens.
The closer it gets to 40 feet the more this ball wants to dominate!
+1 on the train great ball shot my first 800 with one of the three i own.
I am looking of a hybrid ball to play medium to heavy oil patterns. I have a liking to both the 811c/t and the defiant soul.
I am not very rev dominant and my speed is average, which of these two would you recommend and why?
Thanks in advance for the advice I appreciate any and all insight
There's a saying in bowling with a lot of truth in it:
"You don't look for a specific ball; you look for a ball reaction."
Any special reason why you think you need a hybrid?
If you're thinking a hybrid gives you the best of solids and pearls, please also remember that saying about "All season" tires: they're not good in the snow and they're not good in the dry. Of course it's much easier changing a ball than it is changing a set of tires each season. :D