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Author Topic: For the old ball guru's  (Read 1185 times)


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For the old ball guru's
« on: November 01, 2004, 03:29:56 AM »
In my almost ended quest of finding an old urethane, I've had a lot of help from fellow members (thank you very much!)  I had 2 friends both donate me balls, one a burgundy UDot and one a burgundy Hammer.  I was wondering if and how these balls are comparable, and which one would be the more aggressive of the 2?  

Any information would be great.  Also if there are any net resources with old balls included, let me know so I won't keep bugging you guys
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins.  Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
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Re: For the old ball guru's
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2004, 11:40:47 AM »
The Wine U-dot is a three piece ball and the Burgandy Hammer is a 2-piece ball.

The Hammer would be a lot more aggressive than the Wine U-dot. In fact the Burgandy was the biggest hooking ball when it was introduced.

The Wine u-dot was the less aggressive brother of the Black u-dot.  


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Re: For the old ball guru's
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2004, 11:41:17 AM »
My guess, Burgandy hammer by about 1 board on todays conditions.  Black U-dot  and Blue hammer were the most agressive in each line.
~~~SrK - Have balls, will travel

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Jesse James

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Re: For the old ball guru's
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2004, 11:49:00 AM »
I not sure if aggressive is the term to use here. I had a burgundy Udot, and still have a burgundy Hammer. Both balls were the class of the litter in their day. Burgundy Udot was great in medium oil, especially if you had a lotta hand, for consistency and carry. The Hammer on the other hand, I kept dull and only used on Hvy oil. Great rolling ball.Tended to drive the pins backward and in one direction, when you were consistent with your release and follow-thru. I would swing this ball, with a small amount of loft, to prevent roll-out. It was drilled simply label. The UDOT was drilled about 4x4 stacked. They were both good balls, but I can't exactly call them aggressive. They were.. what you put into them, because they were urethane.
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Re: For the old ball guru's
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2004, 03:09:39 PM »
Hey guys, thanks a lot again for the great feedback.  I am not looking for a Urethane thats a hook-in-a-box, so no matter what it will probably be polished or sanded to a high grit in some capacity.  I will probably start with the burgundy Hammer, get it plugged and redrilled and see how it does.  If it is still to much ball even polished, then go down to the Wine UDot.  I needed a good dirt ball anyways, didn't want to sand down the plastic and start hooking in front of 10 pins
D <~~~~ Used to be terrible wiffing 10 pins.  Now through much practice, can wiff any single pin spare at any time.

Darrell Guzman
guzmand19 - Yahoo IM and MSN screen names


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Re: For the old ball guru's
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2004, 09:45:38 PM »
To follow up BR's "inside info" on old burgandys.

The balls that had issues were the original runs out of the baltimore plant.  You never really knew what you were gonna get drilling one of these.  The original couple of runs out of the utah plant, though, were total monsters.  We used to sell them for a $20 premium over the "B" balls.  The runs of "utahs" stopped when fab sold the plant to HSP (now know as a little company called Storm...).

I saw a little something different out of the original "hooker" blue hammers.  All of our first original run balls hooked a ton (a good arrow more) than all the suceeding runs.  Dull or shiney .
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