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Author Topic: New lay out made big difference  (Read 707 times)

El lobo

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New lay out made big difference
« on: July 04, 2004, 12:29:48 AM »
I think this could be interesting for al low trackers to read.
My daughter has very low track, axis tilt is about 75-80 degrees
and the track is 4-5 inches from the fingerholes.
I gave her a Neo Tec Kamelion when she got through her examination.
Knowing the ball alone would not solve her problems, not getting to
a roll, skidding through the breakpoint, no or very little hook, I started
to look for info. on BR. and other boards, but could not find enything
that could be of much help.
Logically it had to be a lay out that made the ball start up as early as
possible, so i decided to go to the extreme. 3 3/8 * 3 3/8 pin one inch
over grip center, and top it of with a rev. hole, ad a clt-grip and se
what happened.
Ball has a 3,5 inch pin and 3,85 oz top.
Went to a highly respected driller, he drills a lot for our national team,
and after discussing my ideas for a few minutes, he agreed that it could
work, though he had never done enything like it before.
She has only played about 20 games with this ball so far, but this was
Her track is 1-1,5 inch closer to her fingers now, Guess its thanks to the
clt-grip, but the ball-reaktion is just unbelievable.
I put a tape on her pap to see where the ball starts to react and it stays
still through the oil, and then just turns into a white cloud in an twinkling of an eye, I have never seen a ball rev. up so fast and so much.
Of course the ball does not do this by it self, she revs. it up pretty well,
the difference is that now she gets the energy down to the lane resulting in
a strong hook and a ball-reaktion that a cranker would be jealous of.
I am proud of my self for having solved this problem, but I´m most proud
of my daughter and the way she bowls.
However, now she is threatening me, saying that she will have a higher ave.
than me next year. Hmmm. think I have to work out a few lay outs for my self
Finally, Lucky Lefty, if you read this, a big THANK YOU for your posts about
lay outs, cores, and al that stuff. If it was not for you, I could never have
done this.

Have a great summer.
