The problem with this is it is completely voluntary upon the league to report. In theory, I could put out a 1:1 shot everyday for leagues and open play and it would be my THS. I don't have to report it as a sport condition since it meets the USBC limit of 3 units of oil. My bowlers would clean house in tournaments.
At the same time, the league could report as a Challenge league and put out the easiest of shots for 35 of 36 weeks; ultimately leading to everyone in the league with an inflated average based on some scale. I am wondering if there will be a minimum or maximum number of weeks where more difficult shots are used. And what will be the definition of difficult.
There is no way to keep this consistent and fair. It seems like a way for USBC to be able to rerate bowlers when they see fit if an average for a league is lower than what that bowler had in the past. You will see bowlers being rerated at Nationals based on USBC stating their league should have been a Challenge league.