When I was at USBC, I suggested going one of two directions, either mandating that all certified leagues be bowled on Sport-compliant patterns, or tiering leagues. For example, an oil ratio between 1:1 and 3:1 would be Sport and offer the highest awards package (when USBC still handled awards). Ratios between 4:1 and 7:1 equals Challenge and would have fewer awards and recognition, and anything above 7:1 equals Recreational, which would mean no awards unless they wanted to print them off themselves. I also thought maybe it would be best to have all youth leagues conducted on Sport from Day 1. That way, all kids would ever know are tough patterns, which might make them more willing to accept them as they get older. Sadly, none of those ideas were taken very seriously.
At this point. my suggestion would be to let USBC create a roster full of patterns or to use PBA, WTBA, and Kegel patterns. Mandate that all certified leagues use (one or a combination) those patterns, make them report which ones are being used, and make them take tapes every so often. They wouldn't have to do it every week like they wanted with Sport, but just once in a while. Also, maybe try to mandate that the local association conduct a certain number of random checks throughout each season just to try to limit cheating.
From the USBC side, if a certain bowler or center appears to be showing anomalies when it comes to scoring (either significantly above or below the national average for the pattern in question), they can conduct an inquiry and/or flag all of the bowlers who established averages in that center so that, until it's determined that everything is on the up and up, they can't take advantage of the situation.
Now, obviously, this idea, just like all others, has clear flaws. First of all, the way those patterns play in different houses with different machines, conditioner, topography, etc. is going to vary greatly, but at least then we would, theoretically, know what everyone is bowling on. Hell, USBC and tournament directors could even tier the patterns. If your league bowls on the toughest ones, you get re-rated higher just like they want to do now. If your league uses the friendlier patterns, we'll know why your average may be inflated.
While I like leagues and centers having autonomy over what they want to put out, it's just too much of a free for fall, and that's part of the problem. While there are and always will be scumbags who bag on purpose to screw others over, I think there are lots of honest bowlers who come off as baggers just because their leagues decide they want more of a challenge than the THS has to offer. In the end, there is no way to make things 100% fair because their is no way to monitor centers closely enough to make sure they're in compliance. Still, at least we're having these discussions, and USBC is willing to try different things to make this better than it is right now. That's a start.