General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: da Shiv on May 24, 2003, 04:25:25 AM
And I was finally getting used to the blue background.
Is Scott Scriver still running this site? I don't see anything with his name on it around here any more.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Edited on 5/24/2003 7:34 PM
I just noticed that a lot of things are operating a lot slower since the look changed, such as the user list and the private messaging system. I imagine this is temporary, but I just thought I'd bring it up.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Well, this is different. Did you notice that Lane#1 is not a sponsor anymore?
Hey, da Shiv, go back and edit the name of the topic to read Reloaded.
Notice that the time stamps on the the messages is off. What time zone is this supposed to be? Also that it no longer shows the number of users online. Makes it feel more isolated that way.
Personally I hate the new look of the site. It looks like a high school kid designed it. A white background? C'mon here...even MS FrontPage has backgrounds to use that beat this.
The old Ballreviews logo looks much better. In fact I have it as a link on my website and think I will be removing it since it isn't the same as the site anymore.
Oh well....sometimes you get progress, other times you regress...
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Think about it....pins are wood, lanes are wood...
the weapon of choice is obvious...
We dont know if this is the final look or if it is just a temporary one. Who is in charge now?
I am neutral about the change but am surprised there was no previous mention of it.
First of all, OneEyedJack, the sales generated were not just because of the users as well as the site. Either way, it does not negate the right to speak freely, and that is all Doug was doing. I too think that the "plainness" of the site is lame, BUT the site will ALWAYS be awesome even if the look is not. Since you find it odd that people like Doug (who happens to be the best guy I have dealt with, and more importantly "MY" FRIEND), then what about people like ME who agree? Also, if you stop using Doug for sales, then I am POSITIVELY SURE that his success will still be good, and I consider it immature that you would stop dealing wth him just because he said that he doe not like the "LOOK" of the site BUT still loves the site as a whole. I believe that I can pick up the sales slack if you still decide to stop dealing with him.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Edited on 5/24/2003 8:57 PM
Edited on 5/24/2003 9:41 PM
I too don't care for the white site but it does make it a little easier to read some of the signatures.......... maybe a white with a bowling scene on it or a lighter blue, or maybe we just hafta put up with it cause it is Scott's site. I for one find the information here to be too good to leave because of anything....... annoying lefthanders included (joke)

and I thought you had to type all that stuff in all this time........guess I need to READ instructions............
What a difference.
I can see all the posts in the dark now.
I think all the older generation won't have as hard a time straining their eyes.
It's definitely different. Time will tell if there will be more changes.
Maybe we should take bets on when the next big change will occur.
My guess is in the next 2 months.
Change is good. Got to keep everyojne on their toes.
Owner and Inventor of
For more information click on the link below
Gee, it seems that there are ALOT of "Dougs" out there who say the new color scheme.... shall we say "bites". Okay, we will just say looks to plain!
Hey OneEyedJack, are you going to stop dealing with everyone on the site who expresses their dislike for the background color?
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Before changes background color, must add new balls

Thrash, SuperFreak, WOWpearl.....
Things I like:
Not seeing the tournament stuff
menu bar on left side looks good
Like seeing all manufacturers rather than drop down menu
Like the logo better
Like the PBA link
And has the complete ball list always been like this? If so I must have missed it but I really like it.
Things I do not care for:
white background -- I'm just often tired or overworked when I escape to here and would find a more soothing background better.
Purple folders? Yellow is nice but with the purple I'm feeling like I'm looking at colored easter eggs
Edited on 5/24/2003 9:40 PM
Edited on 5/25/2003 1:57 PM
I wonder why OneEyedJack apparently pulled his post on this topic, either that or I have been placed on his ignored list.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
That post is gone, not because you are on ignored list.
Thanks MI_2_AZ for the info, and I hope that alot changes back to what we had before (i.e. times, # of users on line etc...). I figured that the post was pulled due to its lack of respect etc...
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
the links in the messages about forum responses do not work that should link you to the forum, it brings me back to the home page.....
Do you mean the links that posters place in their messages that refer to other topics on this site? I have noticed that they only work for a short time. I think what happens is that as more messages/topics are added to the site, the older ones are moved back to another page so the link cant find the relevant topic/message and the result is the Homepage. If I am wrong on this, I can stand to be corrected.
I'm still wondering if Scott is still in charge. He pulled himself off the user list, stopped the Gold Member plan, and sold all of the Ballreviews logo merchandise. Did he just pull out completely?
Let's hear something from the site administrator, please.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
I'm not sure that I can express my exact feelings about this new change without being banned for life! Needless to say, I am not very happy about the new changes that have taken place here. What happened to our old familiar blue color scheme that was easy on the eyes? Now you get to stare into a big bright white screen while looking for your shades. And, even though the format is still in Times New Roman with size 3, I can barely make out the script on this other words, something has gone drastically awry here.
Do I like the new change here? Heck NO I DON'T LIKE IT! I can see that I won't be spending nearly as much time here on this site now, because of the headache that it gives me from looking at this blasted color combo.
Now I know why they were selling out all of the items the other day.....evidently the site has been sold down the river too. It took me over 30 minutes just to get logged back onto this site today, and now I can see that it was 30 minutes that would have been better spent in front of the TV set.
The type size looks smaller to me too. I also just noticed that there isn't a "preview" feature for posts any more either. I used that feature a lot.
It looks like the time stamp is EDT now instead of PDT, which (I think) is what it was before.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Edited on 5/24/2003 11:29 PM
Me again already. I just noticed something else. I occasionally keep post notifications in my mailbox for awhile so I can find a post again quickly if it drops off the first page. Now when I click on the spot in one of those notifications that is supposed to take me to the post, I get the home page instead. The posts I'm referring to are just a few days old--an example being the one with the MSDS info on Hook-It.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Edited on 5/24/2003 11:34 PM
Judging from the time stamp on this slow as mollassas server is now on Eastern Daylight Time, it appears that we have been sold down the river here folks! Count me "OUT OF HERE"! Something is totally wrong with this picture here, and I'm not sure that I want to stick around to see the place go down the drain.
If you all will notice that when you use the contact link, it still goes to NABSO, which belongs to Scott. I agree that things seem a little fishy, BUT it is because of all the complaints etc.. that Scott got from the whiners who could not post the trash they wanted, prompting him to allow someone else to deal with the petty issues of the site. If ALL the users would have helped Scott by supporting his decision as far as the AG Board, then maybe he would not have to have dealt with the headaches. Also, more users could have supported the site by "choosing to join" the Gold Membership. I do not know for certain if all I am saying is right or in the "bullseye", BUT I do feel sure that some of it is in the "ballpark". I wish I had the compute technology understanding, and could afford to devote my time to the site because I would take the job to help Scott with the site. Also, if users leave the site it would be wrong; it still offers the best advice from some of the most knowledgeable people in bowling. However, I would plead with Scott to bring back some of the luster that was BR, BUT I will remain nonetheless and ask that others questioning as well to stay. JMHO, but who really cares to hear it.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Scott Scriver
I hate the new look as well. I got a big shock
when I logged on. After a while I may get used
to it but at this stage I prefer the old look.
Hammerfan, don't hold your breath while waiting to "get used to it", because somehow I don't see anyone here getting to like the stark white background color. And, don't hold your breath waiting for the posts to update by themselves either, because they DON'T. In order to see an updated post, you have to back out a page at a time (which is incredibly slow with this new server), get to the original post, then force a "Reload" for that particular post. Remember the days (like earlier today) when you automatically got an updated view of each post as soon as some traffic came across it?.....well, don't hold your breath on that one either.
"Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!!!"
"I'll get you, my little pretty....and your little dog too!"
"Auntie Em, Auntie's a twister, it's a twister!"
Well I would love the new look if it weren't for that fact that it doesn't work with the Opera web browser

Every time I move my mouse over a piece of text it gets smaller and underlined. Kind of like what happens with the menu if you're using explorer. Someone must have screwed up the style sheet.
Out of boredom, I decided to check out this new who is supposed to be a new sponsor of the site. Well, the link doesn't work, or at least it didn't work for me. The homepage never fully loaded up, and then I kept getting error messages on everything.
Also, I still see listed as a sponsor, but I don't see their logo anymore. Hhhmmmmm.
The site loads up for me fine, but the menu looks just as bad in opera as the one on this site. When you put your mouse over a link it underlines everything in the menu

Professinal work ... 
Edited on 5/25/2003 3:50 AM
Hmmm link to the PBA site, Scott contracually obligated to not reveal then owner(s), coincidence I think not.
Strider get on this one follow my hint see where it goes. I think you will be suprised.
I must be getting old it is easier to reqad the posts for these old eyes.
You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl
There are also no more links to Ron Clifton's tips or magic carpets.
I occasionally keep post notifications in my mailbox for awhile so I can find a post again quickly if it drops off the first page. Now when I click on the spot in one of those notifications that is supposed to take me to the post, I get the home page instead.
The above quote is from me in this thread. Checking again, I find that the above is no longer true and I can get back to the post in the way that it is supposed to work once again.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Whats that bright glow in the family room? Oh,, it's's website! Cool, now I can cut my energy / electric bill amount,,, dont need as many lights on in the house.

So far after 45 minutes I have sore eyes!
What happened to the screen resolution? It's now at 600 X 800 unless you are posting a reply then when you set it to 1024 X 768 you have to scroll left and right!?
Profile and, Signature windows popup with scrollbars and the window is NOT resizable!
I miss the "preview" feature!
Looks like I'll have more time for other things now since I am not able to stand this radiation for very long... Maybe the welding goggles will do the trick?
Has anyone noticed yet that the "New Owner(s)", as they seem to be referred to, still have not chimed in to say anything or change what is obviously not liked. I hope that this site does not become the "it's my site and I will have it MY way" site. I hope it stays a site "for the bowlers, by the bowlers" (hehehehehe).
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
There is also a discussion about the "GOLD MEMBERSHIP" under Miscellaneous NON-Bowling Related, titled Gold Membership.
Well, at least I must admit that someone took the time to get the text size deal straightened out already. The size of the text on the posts and replies looks much better now than it did earlier in the night. Somebody tweaked something in the right direction!
Now, if we can only get some attention to the hospital sheet white background that is blinding everyone, and get the auto updating deal working again. Yeah, I know that I'm a squeaky wheel, but it has taken me plenty of years to get the amount of gray hair that I currently have.
Now comes the next question too. Just who/whom is/are the new owner(s).
I second the motion!
What was wrong with the way it was? Bring back the blue. Bones
Yep, and sure is slower loading.
Change may be good, but folding money is better.
I'm not overly fond of the stark sort of look, but as long as the info and people remain pretty much the same, I can live with it. I do sort of wonder at the anonymity of the new owners, and now expect to see some kind of license agreement whenever I log on, where, buried in the fine print, will be a mention of 3rd party software that will turn out to be spyware and contaminate my pc with persistent cookies and tons of pop ups. Which, I'm sure, we'll be able to circumvent with the purchase of a "platinum membership" and yearly fee. No one "buys" a site and expects not to make cash money on it, whether from sponsors or user fees or advertising revenue. And for the rest of us "cheap" bowlers it will mean pervasive ads and s- l- o- w loading pages. I don't touch type, so when I'm looking at my keyboard, typing away diligently, and a pop up happens, all my hard hunting and pecking goes in vain. I also expect to have a whole new flood of spam into my inbox as the new owners sell our e mail addys to whoever wants them.
Am I happy about the change? Obviously not. Will I accept it? I don't see that I have much choice, if I wish to continue to enjoy the content. I seem to be having a problem keeping my ASDL connection live when I visit, too, that never was an issue before. The connection seem to be fine however long I'm at other sites, but I keep losing it here. I guess I'll have to get used to making my forum posts in wordpad off line and and pasting them in before the connection dies.
I'm trying to keep an open mind about the whole thing and I'll wait and see what happens.
Shoes for industry, compadres!
the 3 is silent
I think that identifying every user as Guest User under the reply notification is STUPID. I liked it BETTER when my notifications included who it was, not GUEST USER. The best thing that this site has going for it now is the people that are here, because it sure "seems" to lack the syle and personality; it's like "plainsville".
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Now we are getting ads on the bottom of the page about Bowling Digest magazine. Did we have ads on the bottoms of the pages before?
I too HATE the bright white background. I've been snooping
around for about 1/2 hr and already have a headache.
Well I guess that's one way from keeping me here too long.
The site does seem to load a bit quicker for me, but that
may be due to the fact that it's not nearly as many hops
away from me. Looks like it now hosted in NY city area vs
Does anyone know what happened to results of last couple of BR
Also - "preview" doesn't function correctly. oh well.
Pork Fat Rules!