Not too too long ago, someone posted in these forums a great explanation of why better bowlers who are more accustomed to a tough shot, sometimes don't score that well on a soft "house" shot. Like you, I bowl a PBA league on Tuesday night, then a "typical" league complete with house shot on Fridays.
Since your scores start out well and then decline on the house shot, I can think of two possible problems:
1) You're getting mentally lazy, even if it is subconscious. You know on those tougher PBA patterns that every shot counts. As you bowl more games on the house shot, seeing errant shots not penalized, do you continue to bear down and focus on execution as much as you would on the PBA patterns? The mood during recreational leagues is often not the same as that of a more competitive league. Make sure your mental game isn't slipping.
2) Transition and adjustment. On the PBA patterns, we often need to make adjustments that would not work on a "house" shot (and vice-versa). Also, the PBA patterns are often "broken down" by the better bowlers bowling on them where the "house" shot is often broken down by people using plastic and spraying shots from the middle of the lane out. Again, each case calls for a different type of adjustment. Maybe try to keep your adjustments on the house shot simple.
Kill the back row (or maybe this should read "make your spares, dummy")