I have to applaud Scott for the great job that he has done since the beginning of the Eteamz days. Somehow Scott was the one who fell in charge of this project after Bruce Hamilton (the ORIGINAL BallReviews owner) sold the site to Eteamz. Eteamz ditched us, and fortunately for us Scott came along with us instead of sticking with Eteamz. Scott has helped this project immensely, and he was always quick to listen to both the good and the bad that people had to say involving the site....and, he was quick to improve items that he was able to control.
We survived the transition from Bruce Hamilton to Eteamz only because Scott took the reigns and went forward with the project, and saved this site from a certain death after the Eteamz days. Now, that continuity is lost. One only has to take a quick look at the display here to see that things have taken a nasty turn for the worse already. And, just because someone knows a lot about bowling doesn't make them a great leader over a site such as this. I can only say that I knew something was majorly up when the deadline for "BallReviews" logo wear was announced....but I must admit, I never dreamed that we were being sold down the river.
I'm one of the small handful of posters here that have been here since way back in the Bruce Hamilton days, but I can't even fathom where the future here will go. I know that the "new owners" didn't purchase this site to operate it at a loss, and I don't know what their motives are for investing in this site. One can only take a "wait and see" mode at this point, but I guess I've seen too many good things come to an end over the years. And, I've been through the trauma of where a company completely realigned their staffing and gutted out a large portion of the workforce, and I can tell you that the long term ramifications were not good for the business.
Today, everybody is wrapped up in using the word "change" and "flexible". Well, I'm from the old school where you only changed things for the better and changes were well thought out in advance. And, as far as people being "flexible", things were not done to the disadvantage of those involved in the old school. I know that I'm off on a Sawbones type comment here, but I admitted that I was "old school".
You don't step into a situation and make wholesale changes just to be making things look different. However, that is exactly what has happened right here, right now. For example, I'll bet that I'm the first one to notice that the posts don't automatically update anymore....you have to force an update by reloading a page....yet another nice feature that has bitten the dust. Bright white color scheme?

? Hell, I'm blinded by the display here! And, even with a 19" monitor in front of me, I can barely read the text that I'm typing here....where it was before was just fine.
I used to be addicted to this website....I spent far too much time on it. Now, I can easily find more reasons why I should spend less time on it.
Yes, bowling has suffered yet another terminal setback here. I know that I'm jumping to conclusions here, but I see this train on a one way trip off of a dead end bridge.