Come on everyone, give them a few days. The site was transferred over a holiday weekend. A lot of people don't post on the weekend. The new owners are probably monitoring the site for a few days to see what our concerns are. For all we know, they could be planning a complete upgrade. When Scott made a major change in the site about a year ago there were a lot of problems. One day the background was white, the next day the text size was all messed up, some days the links wouldn't work and the site would freeze. It all got fixed ASAP. I personally hate the white background, but the "preview" function has already been returned. Oops, just tried it, apparently it doesn't work yet.
It would be nice to find out who the new owners are, but it's not a major requirement. It was easy to cut Scott some slack because we knew him as a person. I appreciate all the efforts Scott made to make this a great site, but it is us, the posters, that will make or break it.
Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.