General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: NABSO on May 24, 2003, 09:05:52 AM
As most of you have already noticed, the site has changed hands. I would like to thank EVERYONE for an enjoyable 2 years on
I found that I had less and less time to spend on the site due to other projects that I am working on. I wanted to sell the site to someone who could devote more time to the site and ensuring that new releases were put on the site ASAP. Unfortunately, I was not always able to find the time to do so.
Please give the new owners a chance. I know how most of you hate change, but honestly, this change will be for the better. They will have all the new releases on the site shortly and will maintain the site better than I could.
I have made a lot of friends here and I hope I have helped others make friends as well.
I will still be involved in the bowling business with our other sites, but will not be here on that often any longer. To be honest with you all, I am just a casual bowler and frankly, I know NOTHING about the technical details of a bowling ball. I relied on the users of the site for that. The new owners know a TON more than I do when it comes to bowling, so I know that will definately help the site AND you in the long run.
Goodbye to all, and again, THANK YOU for the past 2 years. It has been one heck of a ride!
I am taking a one week hiatus from computers and will not be posting during this time. Signing off.....
Scott Scriver
Edited on 5/25/2003 1:13 AM
I hope that the New Owners will screw the "contractual agreement" crap, and reveal themselves as personable as you did. I will show them support as I like the site, BUT this site always had a name other than Ball Reviews, and that name was Scott Scriver. I hope that this site does not turn into a site that has presidents and CEOs etc... where the lower employees do not know who they are. When I joined this site Scott never did not have the time for me or Vivian or many others, and he and Angela showed up at out gatherings. I feel like I am reading the story of the Mighty Casey, where at the end it read, "It was a sad day in Mudville, for Mighty Casey has struck out." I hope the new owners will not hide behind the title "Owners" (although they are the owners and can choose to do so), but will be as personable as Scott. Also, like myself and Scott, please do not hide behind a screen name like NABSO, but sign their real names. I hope this is understood for what is was written for, and in the context written. I hope that I will still see Scott at the Expo in June. I shared this with Vivian, and now she is not sure if she wants to join the site because she is sad that so much has changed, but I told her the "Family" of users here is still basically the same, and that she should still join. PLEASE DO NOT SAY "good bye" Scott, stay in touch via e-mail once in awhile, and I wish I could offer more. This Good-bye REALLY SUCKS!!!
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Edited on 5/25/2003 0:54 AM
Edited on 5/25/2003 0:57 AM
Your "boo" is echoed long and loudly throughout the fibers of the internet. I will be surprise if this eventis not on the front page of the Sports section of the USA Today newspaper. I am sure the site will still be incredible, AND I hope the personal, and I mean the "Scott and Angela Scriver" kind of personal. Time will be the revealer of all things both great and small; good and bad, and then people will be faced with a large decision. Hopefully others will chime in and respond to these comments, whether they agree or disagree.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
I wonder what would Clump say (besides "don't make me clump up on you"). I sure hope he joins the VT site as well, and chat with me once in awhile. Come on Clump, how 'bout it hmmmmmm...
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
I have to applaud Scott for the great job that he has done since the beginning of the Eteamz days. Somehow Scott was the one who fell in charge of this project after Bruce Hamilton (the ORIGINAL BallReviews owner) sold the site to Eteamz. Eteamz ditched us, and fortunately for us Scott came along with us instead of sticking with Eteamz. Scott has helped this project immensely, and he was always quick to listen to both the good and the bad that people had to say involving the site....and, he was quick to improve items that he was able to control.
We survived the transition from Bruce Hamilton to Eteamz only because Scott took the reigns and went forward with the project, and saved this site from a certain death after the Eteamz days. Now, that continuity is lost. One only has to take a quick look at the display here to see that things have taken a nasty turn for the worse already. And, just because someone knows a lot about bowling doesn't make them a great leader over a site such as this. I can only say that I knew something was majorly up when the deadline for "BallReviews" logo wear was announced....but I must admit, I never dreamed that we were being sold down the river.
I'm one of the small handful of posters here that have been here since way back in the Bruce Hamilton days, but I can't even fathom where the future here will go. I know that the "new owners" didn't purchase this site to operate it at a loss, and I don't know what their motives are for investing in this site. One can only take a "wait and see" mode at this point, but I guess I've seen too many good things come to an end over the years. And, I've been through the trauma of where a company completely realigned their staffing and gutted out a large portion of the workforce, and I can tell you that the long term ramifications were not good for the business.
Today, everybody is wrapped up in using the word "change" and "flexible". Well, I'm from the old school where you only changed things for the better and changes were well thought out in advance. And, as far as people being "flexible", things were not done to the disadvantage of those involved in the old school. I know that I'm off on a Sawbones type comment here, but I admitted that I was "old school".
You don't step into a situation and make wholesale changes just to be making things look different. However, that is exactly what has happened right here, right now. For example, I'll bet that I'm the first one to notice that the posts don't automatically update have to force an update by reloading a page....yet another nice feature that has bitten the dust. Bright white color scheme????? Hell, I'm blinded by the display here! And, even with a 19" monitor in front of me, I can barely read the text that I'm typing here....where it was before was just fine.
I used to be addicted to this website....I spent far too much time on it. Now, I can easily find more reasons why I should spend less time on it.
Yes, bowling has suffered yet another terminal setback here. I know that I'm jumping to conclusions here, but I see this train on a one way trip off of a dead end bridge.
I agree with you 10-in the-Pit. The "new owners" as they are being referred to, need to step up to the "foul line" and prove themselves. I too will wait and see what happens to the site before making a "final" decision. Scott has asked for support of the "new owner" and I will honor Scott's wishes, as well as I like the family of users that I have come to know. I believe that I was in the ballpark with my choices of reasons for Scott needing to leave, BUT his friendship will NEVER disappear, especially since there is the VT site. I will remain, but along with my choice to stay comes my choice to voice my opinion in the same fashion as I have since the day I joined... honestly and clearly. Hope it does not create cause for banning (hehehehe)
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Gotta give them a chance at least. If Scott says they're cool, I'm willing to believe them until I see otherwise. But the site already looks commercialized. The blue of ballreviews that we've all come to love is now gone, replaced by the bland white of every other site on the web that isn't related to adult sites. I'm not a big fan of change either, I find something I like and stick with it. Then there's the occasion that I'm forced into something, or happen upon it, and find I enjoy it, so maybe this site will be one of those things. I vote for the old look of the site back though, this white hurts my eyes.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
Nobody knows, that's the thing. Scott's under a contractual obligation to not mention any names. Lol, reminds me of a Meg Ryan line in You've Got Mail. Cold cash cow. I think they're gonna get dogged until they drop the ownership entity thing. I can just imagine a response from a technical question reading something like you'd hear a Borg on Star Trek say.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
Scott: Thanks for everything!

New Owners: Please lose the white background. I liked the "preview" function, hopefully it will return. The site running doesn't seem any slower to me, but I'm at work and not on dial-up. I hadn't noticed that the posts don't automatically update.
Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.
I must say that I'm in complete agreement with Saw Mill. Some of the concerns mentioned by 10 In The Pit, however, nag at me as well. Self-help gurus, advertising executives, and others that want us to accept, agree to, and hopefully positively eat up something that is new, or worse yet (usually) "new and improved" have managed to hypnotize our culture into believing that change = good, or that change = evolution. All change means is that something is different. As far as products go, all too often "new and improved" just means that the product has more air or water in it, or a different size or color container. As 10 In The Pit also pointed out, the word "flexible" ought to send up a red flag nowadays, too. Most of the time, when I hear the word "flexible" it comes just before some bad news and means "get used to things being more uncomfortable." Of course, being "comfortable" is considered bad these days as well...but this could go on and on.
I hope that the changes in the site are improvements, or at least neutral. One thing that I doubt will be the same is the comfortable sense that this forum is a group of friends hosted by another friend. It was always comforting to know at least a little about Scott and feel the reflection of his personality on this site. I'm sure that many of us noticed that he had been less of a presence on the site lately. It's too bad for us that he had to leave, but we don't know what is going on in his life. I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing him well in his future endeavors, and in saying that I hope we will hear from him here at least on occasion.
I also hope that the new owners will let us get to know them and will participate in some of the discussions. I know that no one is in business to lose money, but I hope that this site doesn't become just another example of the kind of lean, mean corporate crap that we get forced to live with more and more every day. "For our own good," of course.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top
Edited on 5/25/2003 11:04 AM
Edited on 5/25/2003 11:25 AM
Well, let be thankful we have a site like this to come to in order to share and learn the vast knowledge we all have. Personally, not a big fan of the white background, but hey at least is still here. I enjoy coming and hearing what people have to say about things in the sport of bowling and plan on doing so for many years to come. As stated with everyone else, I hope the new owners dont "screw" this site up for us because I am sure if that happens, they will lose alot of us.
In any case, I guess the bottom line is we'll all miss you Scott!! Will you at least remain an active member??
How am I supposed to knock all 10 down with one ball?!?
We have a site to still come to, I do not like change very much, but some times you have to learn to live with change.
I just hope that the "new owners" don't try to come up with a "GOLD MEMBERSHIP or DIAMOND MEMBERSHIP", get people to join and then sell the site in a month or two.
Scott, I do also wish to thank you for providing me an outlet in which to help the bowlers and also to grow my business. Thanks to you my Internet business outweighed my in-shop business for the last 2 years and I have met many now-dedicated customers.
Thank you once again for everything...your time, your patience, your dedication and yes, even your business :-) How'd the little guy do with the Scooby Doo ball anyway??
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Think about it....pins are wood, lanes are wood...
the weapon of choice is obvious...
Think about it....pins are wood, lanes are wood...
the weapon of choice is obvious...
Ah, Doug, I really hate to correct you but the pins are plastic and the lanes are plastic so your BUZZSAW is going to get really gooped up with melted plastic. 
What is the big secret???
Nice letter but why don't they say who they are?
It sure looks like an EteamZ format.
PS I all of a sudden see
PPS Have nothing against anybody, I just have a problem when people write a wonderful letter and then don't sign it. Of course when I call a business and people don't identify themselves I'm not real happy about that either.
PPPS Thanks Scott!!! Wonderful stewardship!!
The apparent disinclination of the new owners to reveal their identities is a bit troubling, but perhaps they have a good reason why they don't yet wish to be known.
Thanks for the ride, Scott, you did a great job. We all have to move on at some point.
As for the "new look", I generally like it. I thought the blue background sucked. The white is a bit too bright; if they made it just a bit dimmer, like #FBFBFB, it would still look white, while being a bit easier on the eyes.
Please bring back the "Preview" button!
In Doug's defense, they are wood inside. I have stripped the plastic, and sanded the wood cores for trophies. And to all those who think Scott sold Gold Membership and just abandoned the site, HE DID NOTHING OF THE SORT!!!! There were probably TOO MANY cry babies and complainers because they were being reprimanded for their post content etc..., that Scott just got tired of it. I will bet that was the biggest thing. People need to GET OFF SCOTT!
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Edited on 5/25/2003 4:08 PM
Who is Guest User???? I keep getting notifications of his/her post, but do not see the name. I hope that people that are NOT named users are not able to post.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Guest User is assigned to people who do not Log On.
If that is TRUE, then this REALLY stinks. NOBODY that is not registered and logged on should be allowed to post. Under the old way, you could review any post as a Guest, BUT could not reply. Anyone that does not register and log on, has no say. Bring back the Registered User and Log on clause to be allowed to post topics and/or replies.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
Are Twister pins wood inside? I thought they were entirely synthetic.
I dont think anyone needs to defend Scott here. Most of us would not be here if we did not find something here that we liked - a bowling community. And that is Scott's legacy as much as whomever first started this site. I was not here for the times before Scott, so all I know of this site is how Scott had it set up and I found it to be a very interesting and enjoyable place, both due to the setup and to the other bowlers who frequent this site. I am constantly amazed at the vast amount of knowledge that some you have accumulated and that you are willing to share it freely. Many thanks. That is what helps to make this a true bowling community, a willingness to share and help.
Besides, if someone has a negative opinion of Scott (or anyone else) I doubt that a few messages here will convince them to change their minds. Kind of like trying to argue politics or religion. 
Saw Mill, what did the posts say from the Guest User?
It is not what the relpies are saying, but rather the "notification message" of a reply or post. Usually when I request notification messages on a post, it will say, "Saw Mill or whoever has replied to a topic that you requested...". I am getting ALOT of notifications that say, "Guest User has replied..." If GU referes to somone that IS NOT logged on, then it stinks. Like I said, it used to be that GUs could only READ posts, and that to reply to or start a topic a person had to have a screen name and be logged in under that name. When I go to that topic their screen name appears in the Author column.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
I never receive any notification messages so did not know exactly what you meant.
Oh, now I see it at the bottom of this message window 'Check here to be notified of any replies to this topic'. I never checked it before so did not understand your message completely.
You can only post if you are a Logged On. If you log off, that is what it says.
The same web designer was used for and It will be interesting if the same guy shows up for this one.
I don't care, but the site sucks now. I also find it interesting that no one's concerns have been addressed yet. Maybe this is only a temporary site, and they'll have the new one up soon enough that they don't think it's necessary to bother with telling us all that, but if it doesn't happen soon, they're going to lose a bunch of people.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
I don't know why, but this whole thing makes me very mad. I mean I am mad. I feel stupid. I told people help Scott out become a gold member stuff like that. I feel like I was punched right in the gut and nobody cares. Sounds like he is off for his cruise though. He I thank him for the enjoyment he provided me. Look at it though. The traffic is becoming non existent. Hardly any posts. Most of the site doesn't work. I mean come on if you are going to change something have it ready for it goes live. I think I just need to go away for a while. I appreciate all the people I have met here. Thank you everyone for the help you have given me. YOu have made me a better bowler. I look forward to meeting the people going to the hoinke. I may check back in a week or so and see how I feel about it then. Again thank you. Any of you can contact me at
what was it that ragnar had changed his screenname too not amused but disgusted
Goodbye everyone
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.
Edited on 5/25/2003 10:11 PM
See? It's starting already. I have a damn message in my box I can't open because it was sent by someone with 'no name.' The glitches are slowly disappearing, but nothing is familiar about the site. The scrunched up window you have to read from is irritating, replying is the only time you get the full view. People are getting upset, and I'm one of them. Seems like everyone that most of us have come to know have disappeared. This is too much change, besides just a different look and feel, it's breaking up the entire site.
I know Kung Fu!
I am the one, the one that will bring balance. All the pins shall be destroyed!
Come on everyone, give them a few days. The site was transferred over a holiday weekend. A lot of people don't post on the weekend. The new owners are probably monitoring the site for a few days to see what our concerns are. For all we know, they could be planning a complete upgrade. When Scott made a major change in the site about a year ago there were a lot of problems. One day the background was white, the next day the text size was all messed up, some days the links wouldn't work and the site would freeze. It all got fixed ASAP. I personally hate the white background, but the "preview" function has already been returned. Oops, just tried it, apparently it doesn't work yet.
It would be nice to find out who the new owners are, but it's not a major requirement. It was easy to cut Scott some slack because we knew him as a person. I appreciate all the efforts Scott made to make this a great site, but it is us, the posters, that will make or break it.
Penn State Proud
Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say.
Strider - Actually the white back ground makes it easier for me to read the site but, at 1st I was dismayed at the lack of the signature blue back ground color.
Even Clump has risen from the dead to post, well Clump's owner has posted as clump at least.
Trust me, I know who Clump really is. if he is back and posting as he did months ago the site will be fine.
You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl
If you know who Clump is PM me, because I have "MET" him in person, and am the acid test for validity. I am just glad that Clump and his alter ego are still around.
If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!
I see the Users On Line is back (at the top of the page, not bottom).