Bones, you had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
Thanks to MI_2_AZ tip #1 has not only been revised but proof read and most mistakes corrected. My 4th gread edumacation can only serve me so far.
MI_2_AZ tries to keep me straight but its a full time job for him.
Ragnar Floggurass
Just see if BONES will sell you a copy of his note book

Many people have ask me to write a book. I have thought a lot about it.
I have decided that I want to do a DVD instead or a series of them. What do you think of that idea? I could sure do a lot more with it. But it will take a long time. When I write tips for the website or the magazine I write for I have to pick things that I think I can teach with words and maybe a few still pictures. With DVDs I can add voice (what accent?) and demonstrations and cover a lot more subjects that I am afraid to tackle with just words and pictures. Nothing could ever be close to having the student here with me in person but I think I could get much closer with a series of DVDs. What do you think?
I expect most new laptops to come with DVD players so people could take the DVDs and their laptops and watch them at the lanes when they practice. I have been working on this idea for a long time but this is the first time I have said anything publicly. So I expect lots of other DVDs to be out soon by other coaches.

That's ok, the more the better! Best for the sport.
It has also taken me a long time to belive that I may be good enough at this that a few people may even be interested in what I have to say.
The internet has pushed me over that line due to the kind things people say on this board and others and the emails I get from all over the world. I never dreamed that a website with nothing but tips on it could get between 7,000 and 12,000 hits a month depending on the time of the year. Someone is reading them LOL
Thanks for the support guys. I will keep writing if you keep reading.

Bones better get a bigger note book LOL or maybe a new laptop soon

Ron Clifton
Edited on 5/30/2003 1:12 PM