General Category => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: Magic Carpet on May 29, 2003, 08:23:58 PM
There is a new tip posted on "Summer is for real bowlers"
plus I will be going back through all the tips I have written as I have time.
I will revise each one with more information, ideas and details.
Tip #1 "10 minutes of practice" was revised a little today.
Click on the archive of past tips button button to see all the tips at once.
Bowl great!
Ron Clifton
Thanks, Ron.
If BH is reading this, could you put back the link to Ron's tips?
Bones, you had me laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
Thanks to MI_2_AZ tip #1 has not only been revised but proof read and most mistakes corrected. My 4th gread edumacation can only serve me so far.
MI_2_AZ tries to keep me straight but its a full time job for him.
Ragnar Floggurass
Just see if BONES will sell you a copy of his note book 
Many people have ask me to write a book. I have thought a lot about it.
I have decided that I want to do a DVD instead or a series of them. What do you think of that idea? I could sure do a lot more with it. But it will take a long time. When I write tips for the website or the magazine I write for I have to pick things that I think I can teach with words and maybe a few still pictures. With DVDs I can add voice (what accent?) and demonstrations and cover a lot more subjects that I am afraid to tackle with just words and pictures. Nothing could ever be close to having the student here with me in person but I think I could get much closer with a series of DVDs. What do you think?
I expect most new laptops to come with DVD players so people could take the DVDs and their laptops and watch them at the lanes when they practice. I have been working on this idea for a long time but this is the first time I have said anything publicly. So I expect lots of other DVDs to be out soon by other coaches.
That's ok, the more the better! Best for the sport.
It has also taken me a long time to belive that I may be good enough at this that a few people may even be interested in what I have to say.
The internet has pushed me over that line due to the kind things people say on this board and others and the emails I get from all over the world. I never dreamed that a website with nothing but tips on it could get between 7,000 and 12,000 hits a month depending on the time of the year. Someone is reading them LOL
Thanks for the support guys. I will keep writing if you keep reading. 
Bones better get a bigger note book LOL or maybe a new laptop soon 
Ron Clifton
Edited on 5/30/2003 1:12 PM
Did I hear you say DVD?? I have been waiting forever to get my hands on a bowling DVD. If you make it, I'll buy it!!
How am I supposed to knock all 10 down with one ball?!?
I wish to thank Ron for the FREE tips and bowling site. The finger dancing
tip has raised my game about 10 pins.
Thanks Ron.
If you had everything
......where would you put it?
Ron, the DVD idea is great. In reference to the
latest tip, I would like to see the subject of
watching your ball roll. I keep the pap on the balls
I use marked and it has really opened my eyes as to
what my ball is doing. A DVD showing the various
degrees of rotation and when the ball has rolled out
or is still hooking to much ect. lots of examples of
not only perfect roll,but the balls that are too weak
and too slow, too fast. Also all types of delveries
from down and in to deep inside.If you know what you
want to see and don't , you can understand better how
to fix it. In other words learn to read your ball roll.
I see no way to teach this in words.
However, good job on teaching the bowlers release in
words, I think I understand it, lets get to the follow
through. Thanks Ron GS
Ron - I want distribution rights for Asia

What do you mean "its illegal to use my bowling ball for duckpins"? Heck, there goes the 900 series
Ron - Always hitting the nail on the head. I, the 170-190 average bowler who wants to be 190+. I will be working on those pesky corner pin spares this summer and maybe next fall, I'll get to 190+. Think I'll go with my old gyro urethane right at those corners this summer and see if I can get a bit more consistent picking them off.
"Chopping Wood For over Two Decades"
Ron - Don't give up your day job making donuts !
Besides that hat makes you look better. It attracted the exotic dancers didn't it ?
Sawbones - I hope you aren't standing like a statue on the approach thinking.
My Dad used to call guys that took forever up there "surveyors."
You haven't seen real LOFT until you've seen me bowl
ROTFLMAO, I still have my KK hat. 
I can't wear it most of the time. I get attacked by chicks.
Ron Clifton