Just curious, how much does the Paradigm weigh?
I used to just float the ball out there really slow, with not much hand at all, but as I've gotten older, my revs have increased. I have a ball that I have been using since I was 14, and the track was on the left side of the pin (i'm left handed) now I track HIGH right next to the thumbhole on the right side.
I was also throwing 15 lbs, which after drilling is 14 and some change, and after seeing a video of myself realized that my backswing was out of control, way too high, which in turn forced me to pull it downwards to keep my timing correct. The weight just simply became too light for me. Also since I've been bowling a lot more, I feel like I am just completely turning the cover off of the ball as well.
I would suggest that next time you practice, try and figure out what your old release was like. This took me a while, but I figured it out, and it gave me some added length to my shots. Take the ball and don't try and turn it at all, just lift through it nice and easy, and let it go, and see what happens.
I know you say you're not doing anything different with your release, but if you are putting more revs on it, most likely you are, or you're just hitting up on it a lot.
The nice thing about todays equipment, it will do a lot of the work for you, so you don't have to try and over power the ball with revs. I would go throw a few practice games and just let it slide off your hand easily and just barely lift up on it, then adjust it from there.
Columbia 300 Beast (Baby Blue Urethane)