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new USBC rule about warm up time
« on: January 11, 2008, 03:37:49 PM »
This is an idea I feel the USBC should look into and passing a rule for every sanctioned league out there. It's really a page out of the PBA's rules. I really feel it is possible and would be a good thing. This would be a USBC rule, not a league rule because I would be willing to bet on most diverse handicap leagues people would not go for it.

First thing is regarding warm up time. Brunswick seems to have a rule about the amount of practice time. For whatever reason, the only time your aloud to get 15 minutes of practice is you have to have a 5 man team league. If you have a 4 man league team then you only get 10. If you have a 2 man team you get 10. Makes 0 sense to me. I say USBC has it across the board and make it 15 minutes for any sanctioned league.
The second part of this rule is the amount of balls you are aloud to throw when you are warming up. Every league I have been on, if you get a strike you go to the back of the line or to the other lane. If you get less then a strike you get to go again. Big time delays. From now on, USBC should have a ruling just like the PBA and you get to throw one ball no matter what you leave. The next person is not aloud to recycle. Whatever is up there, you shoot at. What is the point of this? To speed things up. I would like to throw more then 3-4 balls in practice if I'm lucky. With this system, I should be able to throw twice that.



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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 12:32:44 AM »
Sorry to disagree, but I personally do not feel it is USBC's job to regulate practice/warm-up time.  That should be left up to the house/leagues.  If they did, they would have to change their own warm-up practice for Nationals.  Bowlers get 2 shots for D/S.

The centers around here generally allow between 10 and 15 minutes.  The general practice is to bowl one ball and move to the end of the line no matter what the count.  Most do not reset, but some do and I agree it slows things down.
USBC Bronze Coach

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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2008, 12:34:51 AM »
Warm up really is a waste of time, I just like to get my body freed up mostly and can do that in about 2 shots. Once im in free swing and not tense, im good to go.
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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2008, 06:19:34 AM »
I would agree with Thong on this. I bowled in a league where people would bowl a complete frame during practice and it took forever. In 15 minutes, you would only get to throw a total of 6 shots between the two lanes. Normally I would just push the reset or step on the foul line and walk away.

Another lague I was on you threw one shot on the lane and then stepped on the foul line to rest the pins. You would get plenty of shots doing this and get a good warm up

Another league you shot at what was left by the bowler in front of you. Sometimes you shot at spares and sometimes you shot at a full rack. In the last 2 leagues, you were able to throw more shots rather then wait for the person in front of you to finish.

But if USBC were to implement a rule like you are talking, then tournaments would have to change theirs as well. While it is a good idea in theory,  houses and leagues should be the ones to do it. Looking at the USBC, there are alot more things they need to be doing.
Thanks in advance for all comments...

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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2008, 06:24:36 AM »
I am not so much concerned with the time allowed (5 min vs. 10 min), but I agree everybody should toss one ball and go to the back of the line and you should not reset the pins. This way, everybody gets an equal number of throws, and you have better flow.
Jon (in Ohio)
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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2008, 07:04:23 AM »
I prefer the frame approach, because I ususally get to practice at least one 10 pin and one 7 pin conversion before starting the game, in addition to throwing 2-3 strike balls. To me, this is invaluable.

I will throw the first ball of the frame at either the 7 or the 10, and then finish the frame with the strike ball. This is important as it lets me test both the strike line as well as the oil encountered for the cross lane spares.

As for the amount of practice time, I think that should be left up to the house. If they can afford to let people shadow bowl for 15 mins., then let them. If you need more time, then try to get there early and bowl a game before league. The only time that practice should be regulated is for tournaments, where consistency from squad to squad is important.

Just my $.02 worth.
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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2008, 07:12:33 AM »
Nicholas might be young.

Some oldier guys on this site are pretty well warmed up at the end of a set...but starting to get tired!


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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2008, 07:20:34 AM »
Whatever happened to practice bowling without the pins? It was this way before my 10 year break and when I started bowling again, practice was always with pins. IMO it should be one shot, no rerack. But, I don't think you'll ever see a USBC rule that applies to all leagues.
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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2008, 07:57:49 AM »
Two leagues, two different ways. One of my leagues (5 person team), we throw one ball, move to the back of the line. The other (4 person team) we throw a complete frame no matter what, first ball a strike, you move, leave some pins then shoot for them.

Personally it doesn't matter how you do it, our problem is with the time. We get (both leagues) 10 the time is more an issue with me not the one or two ball issue.

It should be the house that controls the time, but I would feel better if USBC would put a min and a max time for warm ups.

az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2008, 08:22:18 AM »
we get 10 minutes of practice in both my 4 person mixed league and my 5 man mens league. i think we should get 15 minutes in the 5 man league. i too wish everyone would just shoot at what's down there at the pins----no resetting. as i get older i feel i need every ball i can throw to help me loosen up and find the correct line.


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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2008, 08:24:45 AM »
The league that I joined this year you throw one ball and move on. There really is no set time to practice once everyone is ready on the pair you can start. The leagues I was in back in Sioux Falls were all 10 minutes of warm up there were some nights that you would only get one or two balls and that was it. For those of us that live in cold weather it may take us a little longer to warm up then those of you that live down south were it is usually warmer. So I would not go for USBC to set a time amount on practice.


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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2008, 09:11:39 AM »
I never, ever seen a league where you got two shots or a full PERSONAL frame. It would definitely hold things up.

In some houses we get 5 minutes for 5 person league; that means that you get 2 ball on eachlanes. period. I think that's bad.

I can't believe some of you get 15 minutes?? Holy cow! I'd love that. I could actually both warm-up and find a line.

We do get 10 minutes for my 4 person handicap league. My team always gets there on time. Most other teams either don't there on time or don't use it.

Sometimes we can foul to reset the pins if we don't strike, if that's the way everyone wants to do it. But sometimes the house doesn't turn on the foul lights until league begins. Sometimes a few of us want to shoot at spares.


At 19 you feel like you need no warm up. Good for you. Not everyone is 19. Tell me you need no warm up when you're 45 and then 60. So, as a courtesy to others who do, you can get there 10 minutes later and let the others share the time you would have taken to warm-up.


If you want to shoot at 7 or 10 pins, just shoot at them with the full rack. No big deal. I do that myself, not to check the oil, because I do throw plastic at them. I do it just to get my body to feel the way it is lining up and to throw my flatter release in practice, as a body reminder.

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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2008, 09:24:14 AM »
You guys must be some slow azz bowlers!
We get 15 mins of practice with 5 man
teams, and there have been nights where
I have thrown almost a whole game in
warmups.  Thats with everyone throwing
two balls then switching lanes.


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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2008, 09:26:36 AM »
To be honest, the league that usually gets the 15 minutes is a 4 person and it is too long in my opinion.

As for shooting at corner pins in practice, I always take a shot at a 7 on each lane.  It doesn't matter if the pin is there or if you are shooting it out of a full rack.

Maybe it is because I have been bowling a long time, but shadow practice would be okay in my book.  Since none of the centers do thet, I like to have at least one full rack per lane just to see how the pins are falling.  With the one ball and move usually everyone gets at least a full rack per lane.

What I laugh at is the person who resets for every shot like they are not going to have to shot a spare all night and then misses 50% of their spares when it counts.  

Then there is the guy who follows me when I've just picked the 7 out of the rack and resets to shoot a strike shot
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: new USBC rule about warm up time
« Reply #14 on: January 12, 2008, 09:28:01 AM »
Take the pins out of play and the amount of practice time increases. There is no other way to make it right for everyone. Other than that, there is no way to say what is fair for each and evey bowler waiting to take a practice shot.

Besides in league play ( mostly house shot) all it really is, is a chance to loosen up the body
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff