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Author Topic: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)  (Read 8833 times)


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New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:14:33 AM »
 Not really sure exactly how to couch this question correctly, but here goes.

 When do you need a new ball?

 Say you start the season really well, but the center tweaks the shot during a break, and your shot just isn't working anymore. The urethane you were using just won't turn the corner correctly anymore, and you decide to get something new (which you haven't done in a while), but until you decide what to get, you pull out some old stuff to "play with" to help you decide.

 You put in some new grips, and make a surface adjustment, to a ball that's been in the closet for years (V2-The original), and give it a whirl.

 You average 220 with it. ???

 You think "Well, that must've been a fluke".   ::)

 Then, next set, you average 225 with it?  :o  ???

 Now this is NOT figjam. I'm just not that good anymore, and I am truly perplexed at this. I already just knew I was going to have to make a purchase soon, but then this happens, and I'm confused as crap.

 Do I really need a new ball?  Is this old ball going to die soon? If I were to get something, would it be any better than a 16 year old ball from the closet?

 Somebody please give me some clarity here. I've thought and figured my way into a conundrum about this, and can no longer objectively reason it out where it makes any sense to me.

 Talk to me people. Please?
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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2017, 11:20:08 AM »
Two possibilities:  Either you match up really well on the condition with your V-2 or they changed the pattern right before you switched.  --  JohnP


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 11:29:20 AM »
Ebo V2?? I'm jealous....

I broke out old balls after collecting dust in the storage and the ball was right for the conditions I've bowled on. One ball that collected dust was my Track Slash which matched up well at this house with old synthetics. I also had fun with the Depth Charge from Storm.

When I got my blue urethane I could not use it with the fairly new synthetic SPL's and old summit lane machine and old conditioners the house used. Then the bought or leased the walker and used fire and ice or a mix of both... now I can't put down my urethane most nights.
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003

Jesse James

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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2017, 11:34:57 AM »
This is NOT a conundrum, sir! This is a fun problem to have! Don't sweat the small stuff. Go with what works!

Unless of course you have that NEW BALL ITCH, where you just gotta have the latest and the greatest! We have actually discussed this issue on here multiple times, and I am no longer a ball whore who continually refreshes his library with the newest Ball of the Year.

I regularly rotate my equipment out, I'd guess maybe every other month, with some newer pieces and a lot of older pieces.......and amazingly they all work just fine! The lanes don't change. The only thing that changes is the oil.....sometimes the volume....and sometimes the length, depending on the house. So there's really no need for a lot of new stuff, for me, at least.

But who am I to tell you what you need! Go with the flow, and whatever you feel like doing. If you've got the income to invest in new toys, by all means head to you nearest PSO and jump in!  :) ;)

P.S. I am still stuck in the RG Planet series currently. Still successfully using my Saturn, Pluto, and Venus, with an occasional nod to my Mercury. Just so you know, my benchmark pieces right now are an AMF Hawk, and a Storm Prodigy! Go figure!
To each his own.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 12:08:47 PM »

 Thanks for some quick replies, but to tell the truth, I am being serious.

 Yes, it IS nice, and a nice problem to have, but still a problem. I don't want to get "comfortable" like this, only to have it evaporate like it did, and if there is something I can do about it proactively, that would be preferable for me.

 Just trying to logically figure out what step to take next.
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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2017, 12:41:07 PM »
Being honest, what are you going to buy a ball for?

You already have one that is working well. You have no idea how long until they tweak the pattern again. Might as well save the money you'd be spending until your forced to spend it.

You could go out and buy a ball to replace the one working now and they just tweak the pattern in two weeks. Wasted cash.

The old adage works, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2017, 01:08:43 PM »
The V2 was/is one of the best balls of the reactive era.  Why wouldn't it work?  If it starts to die revive it.


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2017, 01:40:12 PM »
Ebo V2?? I'm jealous....

I broke out old balls after collecting dust in the storage and the ball was right for the conditions I've bowled on. One ball that collected dust was my Track Slash which matched up well at this house with old synthetics. I also had fun with the Depth Charge from Storm.


A few years ago, I was having trouble with the conditions at the time, using an Ebonite Total NV, Complete NV, and original Mission. Nothing I did helped me on that condition. Over/under with everything I did, and squaring up caused everything to take off to when I moved in from that to adjust, caught the over/under again.

I went home that night, pissed off that I couldn't figure out that pattern, and went back that night with a 10 year old ball at that time: Ebonite TPC Warrior, and it matched up perfectly with it. Week later, same condition, shot mid-700s with that ball. It hadn't seen the light of day since I had moved to this area, which was when the ball was relatively new in 2003.

The point here is that while you can have that new ball itch, you never know when the ball you already have may be used with the right pattern. There's a guy that I bowl with that is still shooting lights out with a Gold Rhino Pro from the mid 1990s.

You just never know...



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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2017, 01:58:34 PM »
It is all about having the right ball, and surface for the condition.

Everyone can get to the pocket pretty consistent on most house shots all over the world. Doesn't mean your are going to strike however.

Most bowlers do not understand that getting to the pocket isn't enough.

Bowling balls lose reaction. Sometimes it is just a loss in surface over a period of games. Sometimes it is surface along with oil absorption. Many bowlers never understand this, nor do they take time to get this fixed. At the same time, a large number of propshops do not do a good job of promoting this service to their customers.

Any ball from 1985 to now can be very useful on any bowlers normal house condition on any given week. Many new bowling balls can also work.

I will say this one small piece that may help. This current season I am having the best season of my bowling career. In terms of average, scores shot, etc. I also have an arsenal of bowling balls that should only be owned by someone who is on tour or getting stuff for free and I am neither of those categories.

The difference is I stopped drilling and trying tons of stuff. I started the season using a red legend solid, a rebel pearl, a GB2 phenom and for the entire year that has been the 3 balls I've continued to use non-stop. I added a Delirium Shock about 8 weeks in on a very specific layout to address some issues I was seeing with flying backends. Other wise that is it. This has been weekly in league, in tournaments, tournaments on sport patterns, and everything in between.

I maintain surface and I know the different bowling balls reaction very well. It is easy to switch balls when needed in the middle of the game and not second guess what I am doing. I see and want other stuff all of the time. I have at least 20 undrilled balls I'd like to try, but there is no point.

Once a ball seems to lose enough reaction that de-oiling or surface no longer works then it is time to replace. As a non-staff member who has drilled and thrown a lot of stuff, don't believe the hype/marketing.
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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2017, 02:36:02 PM »
OK, think you guys are making lots of sense. It's just that, I was doing well, actually better than I have a right to, and it vanished seemingly overnight when they "tweaked" the shot, and I guess I let that get in my head.

 Yes, I was going to get a "new" ball, but like many have said, why do that when it appears that the answer was here all along. The old V2 didn't have a ton of games on it when I retired it, just afraid of what some of these new conditioners might do to a cover from that era. Don't need it to "die" on me without having some type of backup plan.

 Thanks again fellas. This is a great place to bounce things off of some of you when the brain and thought process get clogged up with too much garbage.

 Sometimes, a guy just needs the advice of people who have a clear thought process.
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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2017, 03:22:02 PM »
Here's a solution to your damn if you do/ damn if you don't, with all the great advise I would do this; As mentioned above, keep going with what works, and 2 (and more important)  BUY SOMETHING THAT'S SIMILAR TO WHAT YOUR CURRENTLY USING, that's close to the pieces you have meaning cover/core and the numbers, that way when either the ball dies, and/or the shot changes again, you'll be prepared both ways, problem solved.

Good luck to you whatever you decide.


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2017, 03:26:01 PM »
P. S I also had your same situation for yrs, using older urethane on older synthetics for yrs, where it was too tough to use the more aggressive, friction creating pieces that too uncontrollable (at the time) ; And finally after 6-7 yrs, it no longer matches up to the conditions, or my Rev doniment style and finally had to retire older urethane, so I understand how you feel; again use my suggested above advise.


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2017, 06:44:25 PM »
If the house tweaked a shot that was great with urethane then an older reactive may be your ticket for awhile.  Had they overhauled the pattern and it's now very slick then you might consider a newer ball.
For now go with what's working and set aside some mad money every month for the next ball if and when you decide to pull the trigger.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 06:49:21 PM by notclay »


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Re: New vs Old (Bowling balls) (When to buy a new one?)
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2017, 07:32:51 PM »
Unless of course you have that NEW BALL ITCH

May want to consult a doctor first. Ball itches are usually something else