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Author Topic: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic  (Read 6404 times)


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New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« on: January 08, 2009, 06:33:16 AM »
So I am sitting here answering another nuclear engineering question regarding a pipe material that I was responsible for putting in these new reactors.  I basically changed steel piping to plastic piping because it corrodes less and looks cool.

First off, I think bowling ball testing from the manufacturer to online sites like Buddiesproshop are misleading and worthless.  Well I guess they are good if you plan to use a ball for about 10 games and then either are rich enough to buy another, plan to get it resurfaced constantly, or are just dumb in the head and need an arsenal of like 10-20 balls.

My way: treat bowling balls like building materials.  You think they test the steel beams in buildings based on how it is when new?  Hizell no.  They fatigue it, stress it, until it breaks.  They want to know how it will be years from now when it ain't sparkling new but covered in rust and garbage but still performing strong!

So instead of showing what balls do OOB and showing how it hooks all over the lane when it has 0% oil absorption, take it to the limits.  My method in outline form:

-Show me the ball OOB and show me the ball after it has been dipped and soaked in oil overnight (literally)
-Wipe off the oil and make sure the coverstock is good and soaked
-Now show me the ball OOB on a constant shot with a robot
-Robot should be standardized with 2-3 industry standard shots (straight up, coast-to-coast, and something in between, with a fixed speed and fixed axis of rotation)
-Now show me the ball after it has been soaked in oil (representing the ball after hundreds of games after poor care)
-The before and after will represent the range the ball can do performance wise

What bowling ball companies fail to do is show any range.  Yet in every other industry, ranges are required.  You don't see that rare steal beam get listed to break at 10,000 psi tensile strength when the range is actually much less or much more.

This is Necromancer and the New Ball Testing Method.

Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667
2006-07 League Champions, Southern Comfort Winner
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2008-09 Three-Peat???, Courvoisier Winner

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Resolution 2009''s Greatest Show on Wood
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling



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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2009, 07:50:56 AM »
Give the bowling balls to youth bowlers that dont have time to maintain them then update every month or so the reaction level of each ball.
Kiall Hill
Visionary test staff


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2009, 07:51:25 AM »
Why do you have so much of a hard on for Chris and the guys at buddies?  This is the second or third topic you started with a bash on them?


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2009, 07:51:26 AM »

And for those that are calling me names, you would be shocked of my accomplishments both academically and athletically.


For haters, look up the Grand Challenge on google which I helped develop the coupling for transmission and steering for.

And look up door room beds in college that flip towards the wall when not in use to make more space for dorm rooms that are small.

Keep hatin'!

Edited on 1/8/2009 7:43 PM

Holy crap, you invented the murphy bed?

Unoffical FAQ

Search Ballreviews entire database here

"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."

"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2009, 07:56:28 AM »

And for those that are calling me names, you would be shocked of my accomplishments both academically and athletically.


For haters, look up the Grand Challenge on google which I helped develop the coupling for transmission and steering for.

And look up door room beds in college that flip towards the wall when not in use to make more space for dorm rooms that are small.

Keep hatin'!

Edited on 1/8/2009 7:43 PM

Holy crap, you invented the murphy bed?

Unoffical FAQ

Search Ballreviews entire database here

"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."

"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."

Obviously it was an improvement on existing designs.  If you base it on patent number then you could say it is an invention.  If you base it on pure innovation, then it was not since the design is relatively old.
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2009, 08:46:48 AM »

And for those that are calling me names, you would be shocked of my accomplishments both academically and athletically.


For haters, look up the Grand Challenge on google which I helped develop the coupling for transmission and steering for.

And look up door room beds in college that flip towards the wall when not in use to make more space for dorm rooms that are small.

Keep hatin'!

Edited on 1/8/2009 7:43 PM

Holy crap, you invented the murphy bed?

Unoffical FAQ

Search Ballreviews entire database here

"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."

"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."

Obviously it was an improvement on existing designs.  If you base it on patent number then you could say it is an invention.  If you base it on pure innovation, then it was not since the design is relatively old.

Very nice.  Any links or pics of the design and improvements.  I'm actually thinking about doing something like this - would rather keep both kids in the same room and use the other room for a guest/play/game room, but 2 single beds don't leave much room for anything else (and they are too young for bunk beds).

Unoffical FAQ

Search Ballreviews entire database here

"The Founding Fathers knew a government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose."

"Government is not the solution to our problems - government is the problem."


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #36 on: January 15, 2009, 09:25:17 AM »
Hey, Michael F. Carter, a.k.a. Necromancer,

Using your ingenious reasoning on bowling ball longevity testing, why don’t you apply the same principles on aging and its inherent effects, and date old, hunched over, wrinkly, crusty, cane-aided walking women—women aged 80 and over—since it will enlighten you on what it will feel like to get it on with your future wife when the 2 of you hit your twilight years.  (Assuming of course, that you already do know what it’s like to get it on with a woman around your age.)


Edited on 1/15/2009 10:29 AM


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #37 on: January 15, 2009, 09:39:36 AM »
How has this thread lived for seven days?
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~

Jesse James

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2009, 11:46:28 AM »

You are indeed a trip! You make me laugh.....and fundamentally, your ideas ain't half bad....regardless of all the heat you catch on here from your fellow posters! Keep up the good work! You at least think outta the box, contrary to most of the engineers I deal with on a daily basis!

( and by the way, I do know what HDPE is, and PLC, CI, WRPD-STL, CTS, etc.
I'm in the piping field as well)
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.

Some days you're the bug some days you're the windshield.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2009, 12:26:22 PM »
Last reply, because you are going on ignore[b/] for riding my azz on here for far too long saying the same s*** (alzheimers?)and for just replying with some of the dumbest s*** I have ever seen on any forum and by far the dumbest in the 8 years I've been on here:

1. LOL @ getting beat up to death.  You obviously don't know me.  And don't get confused, this is not to say I can't be killed or whatever.  In fact, it is more than likely.  And guess what, I still don't give a f***.

2. I don't even know what those games are because I didn't have money growing up.  But if you must know because you are borderline gay like that, it is from a spelling test.

3. Yeah I'm so puny.  It's not like I played baseball and basketball until I broke both my ankles in college during a basketball game.  While you get a hard-on on your 300 games in bowling (yeah I see your lame profile), I was playing other sports.  Sorry.

4. Tough guy?  I never been in a fight in my life.  Maybe in hickville where you are probably from, people resolve their problems physically.  Others around you are probably about the same intelligence level as you.

5. LOL at peace with myself.  You are the one that has been following me around in every thread trying to get some people on your side.  

Have a nice life.  Your life during your golden years seems promising.


Wolf, he'll never make it to his twilight years.  He will tick the wrong person off in the wrong place at the wrong time and get beaten to death because he shot his mouth off and couldn't back it up.

C'mon, change your screen name to Mr.One Up.  You're that one guy in everybody's circle that everybody knows and hates.  No matter what the story subject you can do one better. ONE UP suits you much better than some silly name from Dungeons and Dragons or Magic the Gathering.  It's so funny when people actually leave the nerdery where they have been sheltered all their life.  Too puny to be paid attention to?  Make up accomplishments.  Weak and beat up everyday of your life?  Become a body builder and try to give the appearance of a tough guy.

Very typical of a callow youth.  Tries to get me in a pissing match about who has accomplished more.  Let me just say this.  I have forgotten more about life than you will ever know.  I am not the only person on this board to think you are full of crap.  As soon as you accept that you are just a B.S.'er and nobody is buying or believing a word you say, the sooner you will be at peace with yourself.  What else you going to invent today, gravity?  I am sure you will find some way to improve upon Newton's theory.  WHAT A TOOL!!!  

Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #40 on: January 15, 2009, 12:44:48 PM »
Necro is just a kid that was part of a large team of kids that rebuilt the same vehicle for the nth time.  Pretty cool, but not like designing the space shuttle from the ground up.  One year in the field after completing a BS in engineering you have nothing to do with major design work.  I work with a ton of engineers of all different levels of education and experience, so I'm pretty familiar with who does what.  You've done well for yourself at your age there's no need to inflate your importance to the world.
Telling it like it is.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #41 on: January 15, 2009, 12:55:48 PM »
necro you have never been in a fight but training to be in MMA?  

hold my hammer, while i NAIL your girlfriend.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #42 on: January 15, 2009, 01:01:31 PM »
necro you have never been in a fight but training to be in MMA?  

hold my hammer, while i NAIL your girlfriend.

And your point is?

Some cops train their whole life to shoot a gun, but some never fire it on the job their whole careers.
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling

Uncle Crusty

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #43 on: January 15, 2009, 01:13:11 PM »
And your point is?

Some cops train their whole life to shoot a gun, but some never fire it on the job their whole careers.

Maybe so, but that's a terrible analogy. If you want to stick with cops, a better analogy might be hiring a patrolman that had never driven a vehicle before in their life.
"Nobody in the game of football should be called a genius. A genius is somebody like Norman Einstein."

-Broadcasting Extraordinaire and Mensa Member Joe Theismann

Edited on 1/15/2009 2:14 PM


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #44 on: January 15, 2009, 02:58:21 PM »
Sorry to hijack but....

No offense Necro but I think you train sparingly and only to say you train in mma.

I could be wrong but what leads me to believe this is some of the things you have posted.

I actually train so I know when someone is

Throw an armbar on an attacker? Unless you are going for a flying armbar or are going to pull gaurd and go from there maybe.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2009, 03:14:55 PM »
Sorry to hijack but....

No offense Necro but I think you train sparingly and only to say you train in mma.

I could be wrong but what leads me to believe this is some of the things you have posted.

I actually train so I know when someone is

Throw an armbar on an attacker? Unless you are going for a flying armbar or are going to pull gaurd and go from there maybe.

Yes I train sparingly.  It is something I am going for, not something I have achieved.  The only thing I did was martial arts when I was younger and some boxing training (no sparring) in hs.

The armbar I assume is in the thread of hitting a woman.  It was a joke LOL. is where I go along with Bally Fitness.
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling