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Author Topic: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic  (Read 6405 times)


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New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« on: January 08, 2009, 06:33:16 AM »
So I am sitting here answering another nuclear engineering question regarding a pipe material that I was responsible for putting in these new reactors.  I basically changed steel piping to plastic piping because it corrodes less and looks cool.

First off, I think bowling ball testing from the manufacturer to online sites like Buddiesproshop are misleading and worthless.  Well I guess they are good if you plan to use a ball for about 10 games and then either are rich enough to buy another, plan to get it resurfaced constantly, or are just dumb in the head and need an arsenal of like 10-20 balls.

My way: treat bowling balls like building materials.  You think they test the steel beams in buildings based on how it is when new?  Hizell no.  They fatigue it, stress it, until it breaks.  They want to know how it will be years from now when it ain't sparkling new but covered in rust and garbage but still performing strong!

So instead of showing what balls do OOB and showing how it hooks all over the lane when it has 0% oil absorption, take it to the limits.  My method in outline form:

-Show me the ball OOB and show me the ball after it has been dipped and soaked in oil overnight (literally)
-Wipe off the oil and make sure the coverstock is good and soaked
-Now show me the ball OOB on a constant shot with a robot
-Robot should be standardized with 2-3 industry standard shots (straight up, coast-to-coast, and something in between, with a fixed speed and fixed axis of rotation)
-Now show me the ball after it has been soaked in oil (representing the ball after hundreds of games after poor care)
-The before and after will represent the range the ball can do performance wise

What bowling ball companies fail to do is show any range.  Yet in every other industry, ranges are required.  You don't see that rare steal beam get listed to break at 10,000 psi tensile strength when the range is actually much less or much more.

This is Necromancer and the New Ball Testing Method.

Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667
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2008-09 Three-Peat???, Courvoisier Winner

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

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Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2009, 04:29:09 PM »
Nails careful what you wish for.  Because my guess is that after you posted that Necro started going back in his vault of threads to pick out his "Top 10 Greatest Ideas" for all of us to view tomorrow.  Probably with this one being somewhere around 3 or 4.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2009, 05:17:58 PM »
To peolpe claiming to have 5% body fat...

1) A detox diet might be the quick way of getting rid of those love handles, but according to health experts, the "hydration diet" is dangerous and must be avoided to prevent permanent brain injury.

2) Cutting carbs too much for a long time COULD be dangerous and cause permanent damage to the body. No carbs, no glucose. No glucose, your brains cells are out of fuel.

it's almost always the indian and not the arrow
yes and i like this one also
don't go for a strike, go for a sure spare, we need 5 pins to win


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2009, 06:08:51 PM »
Necro, they are NOT laughing with you.
Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swervé~


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2009, 06:30:55 PM »
Necro -
I like the general idea of an independent review. However, it's not realistic to expect the manufacturers to do this, unless you can make it into a way to sell more balls for them.

As for the piping switch ... be careful. Plastic pipe (esp. PVC and CPVC) is known for maintaining a static charge. It's often more chemically resistant than cast iron/steel or copper pipe, but heat and other factors make it a poor choice for anything but low pressure, cool temperature applications. Polyethylene pipe is better, but still subject to some of the drawbacks as PVC.

(I speak as someone who worked in the Navy Nuclear industry doing reactor component engineering for almost 4 years).
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2009, 06:40:47 PM »
Necro -
I like the general idea of an independent review. However, it's not realistic to expect the manufacturers to do this, unless you can make it into a way to sell more balls for them.

As for the piping switch ... be careful. Plastic pipe (esp. PVC and CPVC) is known for maintaining a static charge. It's often more chemically resistant than cast iron/steel or copper pipe, but heat and other factors make it a poor choice for anything but low pressure, cool temperature applications. Polyethylene pipe is better, but still subject to some of the drawbacks as PVC.

(I speak as someone who worked in the Navy Nuclear industry doing reactor component engineering for almost 4 years).
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Haha, yeah I had to get it approved by the NRC.  You are probably the only one on this site that knows what HDPE is hehe.

As for the reviews, it would have to be from an independent site/company/mag - something like cnet or something.  It would be nice to see the range and what to expect on a ball in its worst state.

And for those that are calling me names, you would be shocked of my accomplishments both academically and athletically.


For haters, look up the Grand Challenge on google which I helped develop the coupling for transmission and steering for.

And look up door room beds in college that flip towards the wall when not in use to make more space for dorm rooms that are small.

Keep hatin'!

Edited on 1/8/2009 7:43 PM
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2009, 07:06:40 PM »

Haha, yeah I had to get it approved by the NRC.  You are probably the only one on this site that knows what HDPE is hehe.

HDPE:  High Density Polyethylene.  Used frequently for both water and waste water lines, gas distribution pipelines, and conduit for fiber optic lines.
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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2009, 01:11:58 AM »
Hello, real life calling...
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2009, 02:26:29 AM »
And for those that are calling me names, you would be shocked of my accomplishments both academically and athletically.

Assuming they've read any of your posts, they are well aware of all of your accomplishments.

I think would like the oil soaked ball reviews. "After deliberately removing all of the possible friction the bowling ball could create on it's own, it didn't hook."


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2009, 02:33:16 AM »
I do agree with the others that this would be a horrible selling point UNLESS it is a company say Storm showing their ball side by side with a Brunswick of similar design ideals soak them both in oil or show after 100 games that their ball still out performs brunswicks. I would however like a comparison of these balls with 50 games or more on them from a reliable 3rd party. Reason being is even with proper cleaning a ball WILL collect oil and the ball tends to smooth out a little as it ages the ball that turned 90* may only have half of that.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2009, 05:53:22 AM »
For a nuclear engineer you aren't very bright, or you failed marketing 101.  Either way it's an idea that won't sell anything.  Go back to the drawing board.

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(\ /)
( . .)
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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2009, 04:50:29 AM »
I seriously doubt he is a nuclear engineer.
1) The years you indicate you were enrolled at VT do not add up to a 4 yr degree.
2) How could someone who was supposedly enrolled in nuclear eng courses be on a engineering team that has nothing to do with nuclear power.
  I seriously doubt some of your facts. Please show proof of your being on the DARPA team and/or being a nuclear engineer.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2009, 04:53:05 AM »
I seriously doubt he is a nuclear engineer.
1) The years you indicate you were enrolled at VT do not add up to a 4 yr degree.
2) How could someone who was supposedly enrolled in nuclear eng courses be on a engineering team that has nothing to do with nuclear power.
  I seriously doubt some of your facts. Please show proof of your being on the DARPA team and/or being a nuclear engineer.

It has already been shown in another thread awhile ago.  I could care less what you think.  And yeah they don't add to 4 years.  2001-06 = 5 years.

EDIT: Here is proof - again.  Sorry for calling you a moron earlier:

Edited on 1/13/2009 8:16 AM
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2009, 09:48:18 PM »
OMG, now you are claiming to invent the "Pullman" type bed?  Hey jerk, those were on trains in the 1950's and 1960's to save space.  Wow, fifteen years ago I put a workbench in my garage that could be folded up against the wall to save space.  Does that mean I too can supposedly get a job replacing stainless steel piping with plastic piping in NUCLEAR REACTORS?  Son, money talks and B.S. walks.  You're walking so fast away from us I can hardly see you.  You are such an internet poser and imposter it just isn't funny anymore.  Get a life.

You continue to make yourself look dumber by the post.  Don't be mad that I am more successful than you ever were and I am half your age LOL.  Get a life?... says the 50 year old on a bowling ball site.

EDIT: Oh and if you can't understand the picture link above.  I am in that picture.  If you don't understand the subject of the picture, you are obviously out of the loop at robotic vehicles.

Edited on 1/14/2009 10:49 PM
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2009, 07:42:56 AM »
Good response.  You're a tool.  Since I have been involved for the last seven years in the local high school's FIRST robotics team,I might know a little about robotics. Here's the problem with your life and how you lead it.  When all you do is tell lies, pretty soon you can't keep track of all the lies and they trip you up.  I am sure I am not the only one on this forum that has noticed whenever you are called out on something that you post, you usually ignore it and come up with something like your last post.  Or when the Navy Nuclear Engineer replied to your post and you posted what you thought was a little known acronym (big word, look it up)for plastic piping to try to deflect any more criticism. You're just lame.  Just another anonymous internet poser who schemes and dreams. The only way I would ever let you get close to a nuclear reactor was if I was studying the effects of background radiation on monkeys and needed a good test subject.  By the way, I'm guessing you're the chick in the middle of the first row.

Edited on 1/15/2009 8:41 AM

Me stupid. Me believe anything. Please tell me what to do.


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Re: New Way To Test New Bowling Balls - Epic
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2009, 07:47:41 AM »
Good response.  You're a tool.  Here's the problem with your life and how you lead it.  When all you do is tell lies, pretty soon you can't keep track of all the lies and they trip you up.  I am sure I am not the only one on this forum that has noticed whenever you are called out on something that you post, you usually ignore it and come up with something like your last post.  Or when the Navy Nuclear Engineer replied to your post and you posted what you thought was a little known acronym (big word, look it up)for plastic piping to try to deflect any more criticism. You're just lame.  Just another anonymous internet poser who schemes and dreams. The only way I would ever let you get close to a nuclear reactor was if I was studying the effects of background radiation on monkeys and needed a good test subject.

LOL.  You are by far the dumbest idiot on this site.  Maybe you are a troll.  But I will play along.  So what you question about my so-called lies?


Maybe you are just pissed off that there is an ***hole that walks the earth that is more successful than you ever were in your pathetic life.  Maybe you are just mentally slow or borderline retarded.  Yeah I'm an anonymous internet poster.  Let's break that anonymous title you dumb s***.

If you want to embarrass yourself, come by my office:

4350 Northern Pike
Monroeville PA 15120

Or look up Westinghouse and see if I work there.  They would probably laugh at your face.  But most likely you have little to no balls to follow through with anything.  

Or maybe you don't believe I'm a bodybuilder.  If you were too slow to see the other thread months ago where I posted pics, then that is your problem.  Retards don't get second chances.

Or maybe you don't believe I went to VT.  Well in that case you are just stupid.  Or you don't believe I am getting an MBA at Pitt University.  It is hard to show someone online when they are too stupid or too lazy to click links.

Can you still not connect the dots or are you too ****in dumb to match simple names?

You just embarrassed yourself so keep it up and go for gold!
Current Arsenal Gallery
H: Brunswick Fury, Columbia 300 EPX T1
M-H: Storm Shift Gravity, Hammer Black Widow
M: Storm X-Factor Vertigo, Ebonite Predator
M-L: Storm Recharge
S: Viz-A-Ball White
Bench: Brunswick Target Spare Zone, Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
GEMS: Brunswick Quantum Helix, Brunswick Quantum Double Helix

2008-09 Year 215.000 2008-09 Tourney 177.360 Last Tourney 182.667

Hall of Fame BR Member Since: April 3, 2001

Currently Retired from Bowling