Over the last few days I have been building a website
www.bowling-info.comI have set it up to be a good place for information and a place to host videos/pictures.
You will need to register to upload so get on over there and sign up.
Videos are limited to 3000KB or just under 3 meg.
Please be patient it is a work in progress but the video and tips section are up and running.
Compatible vid files are .avi, .mov, .mpg, and .rm
I will be adding support for more as time and experience allows.
I plan to have a forum as well in the future.
I have incorporated some nice features to the video section such as a ratings system and comments section.
If you find any errors in any of the pages please contact me here or at sean*at*bowling-info.com (replace *at* with @)
The most likely thing you will find will be cell/table width errors but they are due to picture sizes that require a wider screen and I have not configured an auto resizer or edited all the picture parameters to prevent such occurrences.
Any suggestion for what to put on the home page would be greatly appreciated, as I am stumped as to what to put there and give me suggestions to make the site better.
Post here to let me know what you think.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
formerly : Stormin1
If you get caught in the Storm Track beware it could be a Typhoon or Monsoon with Rolling Thunder and Lightning Flashes that when Unleashed may send splintered Wood flying everywhere.www.bowling-info.com