What did you do that changed your track? If the answer is "nothing" or "I don't know", I'll bet you're looking at later flare rings instead of the initial track. I find that with many of today's strong coverstocks the oil from the initial track has absorbed into the coverstock before the ball gets back for you to look at. The only track rings left are from mid lane or even further, and they look like a low track. If you have a plastic ball, throw it with your strike shot release and check the track position. Secondly, the track position doesn't determine whether the ball is a spinner, the tilt does. Tilt is dependent only on the diameter of the track, not location. For more information go to the buddiesproshop.com web site. In their Technical Information you'll find instructions on how to meassure track diameter. Then go to the asymmetrical layout guide for a chart to relate the diameter to the tilt and let us know what you come up with. -- JohnP