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Author Topic: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?  (Read 4722 times)


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Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« on: February 13, 2009, 09:50:17 PM »
Hi guys.. would like some comments on advice should i be a storm or brunswick supporter.. just feel free to comment or advice me because i wanna get all the balls under the same brand but considering which brand to support.. i myself own brunswick and lane #1 balls, but never own any ball from storm.. guys, please advice me.. thanks alot..



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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2009, 04:37:43 PM »
RaydenOng: There is some merit staying within one ball line. It's much easier to build a non-overlapping arsenal than trying to mix/match from different companies, which can be somewhat of a crap shoot.

But why the choice of Storm or Brunswick? But if those companies are your finalists, consider Storm for no other reason than they're American made. Regardless of what others might say, that does mean something.

CDR you of all people should not be poking fun of anyone. Everyone is entitled to their opinions but if they are not the same as yours you resort to name calling and ridiculing. You sir are a joke and a big blow hard.

The Truth: LOL. CRD in the nutshell. Sometimes, 'the truth' does hurt.....


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2009, 12:05:36 AM »
Well, I'll never buy a Brunzwick.  I will admit, I did buy a Morich Awesome Flip not realizing at the time I bought it that it was made in Mexico too.  Funny, I still haven't drilled it.  Anyone want it NIB, I'll take offers.  Too many people are complaining about the economy, but then they're out there driving Toyota's, Lexus', Accuras, Nissans, etc.... We have a choice.  Support American made products or support out sourcing to foreign countries.  Yeah, it's a very small piece of the pie, but that's the only piece we can get.  Some things we have no choice on where they are made.  I own a pair of DynaRooz & they're made in China.  If I knew of a US made bowling shoe I'd buy em.
"The last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield

if i am not wrong linds still make their shoes in the u.s.a
my current arsenal....
secret agent
power agent (int'l)
attitude shift
gravity shift
tropical storm
jolt solid
storm spare x 2
thunderstruck pearl
street rod solid
street rod pearl
perfect dimension (int'l)
rapid fire pearl
fired up II
phase (int'l)
hot shot



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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2009, 12:19:48 PM »
Didn't take long for Lane #1's biggest slappy, Steven, to make an appearance. Well done, Steven. Illuminating as always.  

CRD: Thanks for the kudos. You might want to take notice yourself of the concept of actually  responding to the topic of the thread instead of being an internet goon. Maybe then you wouldn't be in an isolated position of talking to yourself.

Now, for the following:

Zef, if you have nothing better to do than drag up old (now solved) quality issues from Big B's move to Mexico, than that is sad.  

Actually CRD, you're wrong (again). Apparently, nothing has been solved at all. So while you're contemplating personal forum behavior improvements, please refer to the thread on this subject currently underway:

This is an excellent discussion about current Brunswick quality issues you'll want to check out to get current on the subject. Be pre-warned that there is some basic discussion about ball core information that you've continuously struggled with. But don't panic, Instead, focus on the quality specific discussions and you'll leave as a better informed bowling citizen.

BTW, you're welcome in advance.    

Edited on 2/15/2009 1:21 PM


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2009, 03:59:33 PM »
Bite me, steven.

Heck no. Who knows what I'd catch chomping into that trunk of yours..

Because you and beans say there's a problem, there is? I don't think so.

Beans is a proshop businessman who has drilled more Brunswick balls than you can count. He provided real world feedback to the problem. You conveniently omit that within the thread, several others in the proshop business confirm what Beans described. Do you always bury your head in the sand when you read things you don't want to hear??

I love how a guy gets a Morich, loves it, then finds out it's poured in Mexico so hates it.  

Totally out of context. He stills likes the ball, but hates that it was poured in Mexico. This is clear and simple (to most). Are you really that 'context' challenged??

I wonder how many illegals are pouring balls for 900 Global/Lane 1 in Texas. Open your eyes.  

Are you reaching so hard that you have to resort to baseless speculation to make any kind of point??

Funny too how the OP has nothing else to add to his thread. Started with one reason only. To bring out the brand loyalists to argue and you idiots didn't disappoint, did you?

When you're off the mind altering substances, maybe you can take the time to translate into understandable English.

Regardless, going back to outstanding questions:

1) You've yet to offer any constructive answers to the original post.
2) You're continuing to ignore/deflect real problems associated with Brunswick quality control issues.

What do you stand for other than reminding everyone you're a complete imbecile???


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2009, 04:08:23 PM »
Back to the topic...

I'd say if you haven't thrown a Storm ball, don't switch completely to an all-Storm arsenal.  I'd say try one, see how it goes and if the results are what you want, well keep on truckin'.  Never limit yourself to the amount of tools you can have, unless you get paid by a company of course.  

I second this comment made earlier:  Brunswick and Storm compliment each other very nicely.  TO ME, Brunswick seems to be rounder in reaction shape, and Storm is a bit more angular in reaction shape.  

I hope this helps, and good luck ball hunting!
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
Some stayed in the foothills, some washed logs like teeth.
Check out this blog
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2009, 12:04:20 PM »
Whatever, Steven.  

First, you accuse Beans of lying about problems with Brunswick quality control based on a real world problems he's experienced. Next, you accuse Global 900 (Phil Cardinal in particular) of using illegal labor. These are serious accusations that constitute slander, and the best you can reply with is "Whatever, Steven".  

Does the rest of your cult know you are straying to other forums beside the Kool-aid factory?  

You really do have a one track hard on about Lane#1. I don't recall Lane#1 being any part of this thread until you brought it up (Ad nauseam). Anyway, I'd be glad to compare the range of my non-Lane#1 arsenal against yours anytime.

Tell ya what, when you answer why a diamond core is so much better than another core, aside from a physics paper that states if you put 20% more enegery into the ball it will react 20% stronger (wow, how profound) you might actually have the credibility to ask me a question.

You're not worth spending the time on this, so do a search. It's been discussed many times. If you missed the discussions, your loss. And by any definition, you're the last person to talk about credibility in asking questions.

C'mon up to detroit sometime, I could use a good ball caddy.

You really are full of yourself, and you don't try to hide it. You have to at least be given some credit for being an up front blow hard.

Now a few things you might want to consider if you're going to stay in this thread:

1) Answer the posters original question. You've yet to do anything here than emphasize you're a jerk. You might want to tell him that because you believe coverstock is 90% of reaction and you don't need a stinking core to make the pins fall, that company choice doesn't matter. As wrong as that is and as much hot air you're spewing, it's at least an answer.  

2) Apologize to Phil and Beans for being dishonest and making wild and baseless accusations. If you can't do that, you have no business in ballreviews.

Otherwise, have a nice day.


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2009, 12:09:06 PM »
mod close thread pls. dont need more bashing poll =--------------------
yes i sandbag im left handed.
Typical house bowler
need some balls p
Quantum Le


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2009, 02:36:25 PM »
I don't read anywhere in my posts where I said definitively the 900 Global used illegals. However, if you don't think there are one or two in there, you are even more naive and dense than I think you are.

CRD: LOL! Re-read your original statement:

"HMMMMM, I wonder how many illegals are pouring balls for 900 Global/Lane 1 in Texas. Open your eyes."

Only a complete fool would try to back pedal out of the accusations you made.

And get real and read your latest comment! You're not questioning the presence of illegals -- just the numbers. And that's not a 'definite' accusation? Idiot.

Phil Cardinale (Global900) has been a leading stand up figure in the bowling industry for a very long time. To even hint that his hands are dirty is completely dishonest and lacking in integrity. It's no different for Beans. He's been on this board helping people long before 'cool rockin daddy' was figment of anybody's imagination. If you have an ounce of class, you'll apologize to both of these professionals for going off the cliff with your flippant remarks.  

You got nothing and you never will have anything. If only the walleyes were biting as hard as you and the truth.

More moronic ramblings. I'll pass on trying to interpret the above.

Try to focus. You complain about the thread being derailed, but you haven't offered a real answer to the original topic. Man up and try contributing to the thread, and of course, offer the apologies you should have made already.


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2009, 06:47:27 PM »
Ray I have used just Track for years and switched to Brunswick. Both companies matched up well for me. Best thing to do is to find out what works for you. Both companies have excellent equipment. You have to look at the tour right now Storm and Roto Grip are on a huge roll right now.
As far as all of you guys ripping on Brunswick because the are made in Mexico get over it. The move went down a few years ago. I ask all of you that won't buy Brunswick because it is made in Mexico to take a good look at all of your clothes, electronics, cars, etc. Are they made 100% in America? I honostly don't think they are.
Do I know Brunswick has had problems and still are yeah I do. Guess what though. The other companies have the same problems as well. I don't care what company you look at there are blems or x outs or what ever they call them outthere. Mistakes happen from every company not just from Brunswick. It's time for you guys to grow up and realize this FACT. This is not just me saying what I think. Sorry for the rant.


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Re: Should i be Storm Or Brunswick Supporter..?
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2009, 03:07:54 PM »
CRD: Well, you pulled the final coup de grâce for the weak and mentally feeble -- you exercised your ignore list. It was only a matter of time before your inability to communicate led you to the ultimate internet chicken exit -- the ignore button.

Somehow though, I think you're still lurking around, so I'll respond to a few things here. Remember how you entered the thread in the first place:

I don't know. Maybe you can tell me if I should be caucasion or african-american, jewish or catholic, republican or democrat, Ford or Chevy. Really dumb post.

Not only was this unhelpful, but rude and condescending without cause.

Since an adequate arsenal can be constructed for any style from any company, there are all kinds of suggestions you could have made related to customer service, overall cover adjustability, range of equipment options, etc. Instead, you presented the limited and ever helpful suggestion of 'dumb post'.

I wish you had presented RaydenOng with your overall equipment philosophy for his consideration:
I don't rely on a core to make the ball move and the pins dance. I use my skills and shell prep (90% of ball reaction) to get the job done

The above is the only item of value I've ever seen you contribute. Your pronouncement is silly on the surface (and defies most common bowling conventional wisdom), but you could have offered this as a consideration to the original question of being a Storm or Brunswick supporter.

Food for thought if you ever decide to talk to anyone besides yourself.