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Author Topic: dropping to 14lbs....  (Read 1429 times)


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dropping to 14lbs....
« on: June 15, 2009, 01:43:22 PM »
i've been thinking of dropping in weight for some time now. I'm extremely rev dominant. i've tried to increase my ball speed to better match up. i slide versus planting at the line now. i have a deep knee bend and a pendulum arm swing. will dropping in weight help me get the ball down the lane better and help me when the lanes are on the drier side??? with the longer patterns, ie shark and scorpion, i tend to fair well with my slower ball speed. any thoughts?? thanks!!
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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 10:07:16 PM »
I wouldn't hesitate to switch to 14. I have slower ball speed as well and I adjusted to 14 and now carry 10 pins higher than I did throwing 15 and 16. If you put a fair amount of revs on the ball, you won't see any difference in carry. As a matter of fact, I've had more carry because I am able to put more revs on the ball, I am able to throw more aggressive balls on the dryer stuff and I get less deflection using a 14lb as oppossed to 15 or 16. It may take some time to figure out your timing though when throwing a 14. I had to really focus on keeping my feet slow. It took me a little while to get consistent with it because I would throw one through the break point then get to the line and throw it causing the ball to go high on the next shot. Once I got used to the weight difference though, it was all good.


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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 11:04:40 PM »
I am getting rid of all my 14 lb. Storm equipment due to carpal tunnel surgery being performed over the summer. I will not be bowling next year to recuperate from my injury if you want to take the plunge. It was the best move I ever made as I am rev dominant as well and this easily added a couple of mph to my speed.

Scott Merritt
Storm Regional Pro Staff


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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 02:35:14 PM »
thanks! i'm drilling up a used 14lb ball today and spend the rest of the summer getting used to it. if i like it, i will buy new stuff at 14. i think i will be fine. anyone else have any experience in doing this???
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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2009, 01:26:07 PM »
something has come to mind....i have in the past used mostly mid  level equipment. with the drop from 15 to 14, will i need to use more aggressive equipment with the added ball speed??
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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2009, 01:44:30 PM »
something has come to mind....i have in the past used mostly mid  level equipment. with the drop from 15 to 14, will i need to use more aggressive equipment with the added ball speed??

I don't think so.  I'm not one to explain it very well, but I believe I've heard something about the lighter weight having less resistence to changing direction.  So as long as you don't increase your speed by a lot, you will not need stronger equipment.


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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2009, 08:42:53 AM »

i threw my 14lb ball last night. i noticed the change in my timing immediately. also, quite a bit more speed. i will work the rest of this summer with this weight to get my timing down. i really like the way it feels. i didn't notice any reduction in hitting power. it seems to match up better with my rev rate.
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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2009, 08:50:43 AM »
14 lb may not be for everyone, but I know for me and a couple others that I talked into it, it's a big difference in performance. Scores take time, adjustments don't come overnight but I'm very glad I did.

I think more people would see better performance if they didn't get this "I'm a real man" and only throw XX lbs out of thier head.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Edited on 6/19/2009 8:51 AM


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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2009, 11:20:25 PM »
Brian, once you get your timing down your speed will fall in line.  With your
newfound control of the ball, you will be able to call upon that extra speed
with ease.  It will feel.....Effortless!


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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2009, 02:11:21 AM »
I've been thinking about going down to 14 from 15 for a while now because of the obvious reasons like more control, less strain on the body.  And because it wouldn't hurt to gain some speed when times call for it.  

But I think I found a new reason to drop in weight.  I'm a small guy and I seem to have pretty weak wrists/forearms.  Granted my right forearm is stronger not only because that's my dominant hand, but because of bowling with it.  I just can't conjure up the strength to get a strong wrist position fr the release without engaging all my other muscles including squeezing the ball(during the swing that is.  If the ball is stationary at my side I can do it).  And even then, although it my feel like i'm cubbing the ball, I'm probably still on top of it.


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Re: dropping to 14lbs....
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2009, 10:35:41 AM »
The only thing you will miss  is the Swing weight!!