I must figure a way to listen to my "gut" when in the game. Actually, even outside of bowling. I also second guess myself, it's very upsetting. I wonder how to get rid of this norm that goes in my head when in play...
I make the adjustments when I need to, but it always happens too late. My Last league night of the week, I knew after the third frame I needed to ball down, but I didn't. And when I finally do it, it's the right move punching out with a 4 bagger but it's all for not. There are more examples in bowling, but I want to keep this post short...
In golf...."lay it up" but I don't, I go for it and ended up 3 over for the hole.
Or several years ago in my board exams, I reviewed my test results and find several answers I had right, but changed it and got them wrong. I'm just lucky I didn't need to take those exams over.