some intriguing questions here. Maybe a better questions is what do we really want our sanctioning/governing body to do? Some of the posts on this board have been quite negative toward the proposed changes and often with good reason. At the same time, many have questioned the integrity of the sport and the proliferation of high scores attributed to modern equipment and lane conditions. Where indeed do we start? Do we wipeout everything and set new standards across the board, or do we change one thing at a time after discussing the most meaningful changes?
As to your questions my thoughts are:
1) The USBC is attempting to regulate and identify the equipment that can be used in competition. It is not telling the manufacturers they cannot make a particular product, it will however restrict approved equipment with proper identification to competition that it sanctions.
2) There are actually several sanctioning and/or membership organizations that provide competitive events, however most of them find it much more efficient to utilize the rules and regulations established by ABC/USBC rather than starting over.
3) I believe that the governing/sanctioning body should have authority over rules, certification of equipment, lanes, conditioning, average documentation, inspections, and a scoring rating system. I would like to see the proprietors have responsibility for awards, bonding, insurance.
Overall, the industry needs to learn to work together and share information. That, in and of itself, may be a monumental task.