OK, after reading a couple of threads about prices to drill balls not bought at the pro shop, I am interested in seeing what you guys think of my prices. Remember-----I am a newly opened shop, trying to get some interest in me. Notice I said in me....not my shop. I think Pro Shop owners/operators are selling themselves, sales men per say.
A couple more things to add before I get into the prices, I am the newest shop around me, and I feel I know as much if not more about layouts than any of the other guys. Here is the perfect example-------I had a guy bring in 2 bowling balls for me to look at and then drill him another ball. He had a purple Monster, and Matrix Conquest. He told me that he told the guy that drilled these balls that he wanted them to hook. SO----the other pro shop drilled them the standard....pin next to the ring finger and the CG stacked below. WELL, that guys axis point was 3 inch over and 2 1/2 inches up(a spinner).........ALMOST exactly where the pin was located. SO on his new ball (a Throttle), I moved the pin to 3 3/8 from his PAP.....the guy shot his first 700 series ever the next week. I do not think alot of people take enough time for bowlers.
OK....on to prices, and please, let me know what you think.
--To drill a blank ball----me providing grips and slug>$25
--Top end balls (I have not dealt with Lane 1 yet) $180 drilled with grips and slug
--resurface (still using a spinner, want a Haus eventually) $15
--Polish, sand, clean with GOOD cleaners(for stuff not bought from me)>$5
--Mid price stuff $120-$150 drilled with grips and slug
That is most of the stuff....there a little things here and there, but just wanted to see what you guys thought about the prices on the things listed.