Here's a fun reply.
No thumb release and being happy = louie's choice!
End of story!
If it works,go right ahead and KNOCK em down,but be careful of that
"10 pin".BTW,have you mastered that with the no thumb technique? The 10 pin spare pick up?I see a gazillion (around 25) bowlers week in and week out totaly
missing that pin!
That just the begginers!!
At my B-Alley,one of the bowling Mechanics can throw a mean NO THUMBER,with out killing the lanes surfacito(I know there's no such word,but we all know what it means,HHHHHICIIKI!)the lane surface!!
After this post,I gotta get some of my outside world!!
SEE ya all around 10pm Specific time!!!
I'll be back,worse case scenario mananananaanna!I'm sure louie will get more
pro's and con's on this topic.
Maybe I'll go to the bowling alley and golf! I'm confused!