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Author Topic: No thumb release=hostility?  (Read 3223 times)


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No thumb release=hostility?
« on: August 14, 2003, 01:07:14 AM »
Since I've switched to a no-thumb release I've gotten a lot of hostility on this site. Why are people so offended?

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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2003, 04:17:33 PM »
The no thumb style goes against almost all forms of the way bowling is properly instructed.  Many thumbless bowlers loft the ball halfway to the arrows or more and that's annoying.  Some no thumb bowlers throw it that way to generate a large hook that they think is very impressive and in reality they know nothing about bowling and can't pick up spares little lone score(thus not being impressive).  But it all gets down to the fact it's not how you do it or how pretty you are it's how many pins you knock down.


The only real impressive no thumb bowler I have ever seen is Chuck Lande.

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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2003, 04:21:10 PM »

The only real impressive no thumb bowler I have ever seen is Chuck Lande.

And unless Chuck has changed his style since returning to bowling, he would not fit the traditional concept of no-thumb; he would be better described as a two-hander.  It has been a looong time since I watched him bowl, but he was good back in the late 80's...seems to me it was a pink hammer that he was throwing back then and just tearing the place up (and he could convert spares).

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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2003, 04:24:13 PM »
For some reason people feel that a no thumb release just means that a person wants to throw revs and cannot create them by theirselves. This type of release is not bad in my mind, but it does make a person less consistant. I think throwing with a normal release and then going to a no thumb release is a step backwards, but that is just my thinking.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2003, 05:09:42 PM »
No thumbers....We have a few in our league and all they do gripe more than anyone. One, if he touches the head pin, thinks he deserves a strike everytime. I dislike no thumbers, but as far as you know, not you....
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Edited on 8/14/2003 5:19 PM


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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2003, 05:10:44 PM »
I know that my lack of respect for the "average, open bowler type" of no-thumber comes from the lack of respect (probably out of ignorance) shown to wood lanes.
No thumbers tend to loft the ball, quite often over the maple and to the pine. Since this damages lane surfaces, I don't much care to see that style.

Wood lanes are a VERY endangered species, and ignorance is quickly killing off the few that remain.

That - and ONLY that - is where my opinion comes from. If you're a good bowler thumbless, no problem...
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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2003, 05:41:23 PM »
I'm not what you would call good yet(190 on a house shot), but I get better every week.
I bowled with a thumb for 20 years. I always had more speed than revs. Give me dry boards at the five board and oil inside and I could look pretty good. Any other type of shot and I was lost. I topped out at a 212 average. My goal was a 700 every week, but I could only accomplish that 3-6 times a year(I only bowl one league). No 300. No 800. I was getting frustrated at my lack of improvement. Now it is like starting all over again. I have to learn how to adjust all over again. I need to play around with different drills, shell and core types. I'm fired up about bowling again. I may or may not reach the 200 average plateau no thumbing, but I know I'll have fun trying and I'll have no pressure (self imposed).


I do spray the lane a bit now though.

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Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2003, 05:41:51 PM »
anyone remember Mike Miller....PBA thumb...

so why the hangup with people bowling without a thumb......why is it so quick to critize something that isn't taught/instructed?? say you are going out and assuming a ton is a major understatement....

Don't really see a problem with someone shooting with a no thumb release....not one I could master...but can only master my way...

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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2003, 05:54:31 PM »

  I am glad to see that you are having fun , sometimes we forget that this is a sport to enjoy and just get frustrated and quit when we don't enjoy it anymore.


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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2003, 06:58:17 PM »
Louie, all the hostility you get is from JEALOUSLY..!! They all see your powerful strike ball and now they're jealous. Stay with the no-thumb release. The thumb serves no purpose. In no time, you'll be averaging what you were averaging, and probably more. Don't let others talk you out of something that is and feels good. Take it from me, a fellow no-thumb/r. =:^D


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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2003, 07:35:38 PM »
Here's a fun reply.

No thumb release and being happy = louie's choice!

End of story!

If it works,go right ahead and KNOCK em down,but be careful of that
"10 pin".BTW,have you mastered that with the no thumb technique? The 10 pin spare pick up?I see a gazillion (around 25) bowlers week in and week out totaly
missing that pin!

That just the begginers!!

At my B-Alley,one of the bowling Mechanics can throw a mean NO THUMBER,with out killing the lanes surfacito(I know there's no such word,but we all know what it means,HHHHHICIIKI!)the lane surface!!

After this post,I gotta get some of my outside world!!

SEE ya all around 10pm Specific time!!!

I'll be back,worse case scenario mananananaanna!I'm sure louie will get more
pro's and con's on this topic.

Maybe I'll go to the bowling alley and golf! I'm confused!



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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2003, 08:30:10 PM »
10 pins?
Who leaves 10 pins when no thumbing?
That's the whole point!!!!  
Seriously, I can make them before they dry out, but it's dicey as the lanes start hooking more. It always was a tough spare for me anyway. I probably only made 75% with my thumb in the ball. I leave mostly 6, 8, 9 and 4 pins now which are much easier to spare.

You work on the same things all bowlers work on!
It is harder without a thumb to be consistant but you get more revs and thus more strikes to help compensate.


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Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2003, 10:15:59 PM »
The "no thumbers" that bowl where I bowl, carry strikes on bad hits that the rest of us get 8-9 pins or splits on.
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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2003, 08:33:12 AM »
All the more reason to bowl with no thumb!  

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Why does everyone laugh when I bowl?



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Re: No thumb release=hostility?
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2003, 08:55:29 AM »
One thing is for sure.  If we keep doing what we are doing and expect different results we are called fools!

If you'd topped out the only way to go up was to try something dramatically different.

Around here we have a real stylish bowler, that is very medium handed with a thumb.  Every once in a while since he bowled in urethane days he just feels he needs more.  He still looks stylish and accurate and just carries better.

I've seen him shoot numerous 750s in money tournaments no thumb and looking very stylish.

Note we all went to Kegal once including several local regional pros, and the experts there loved his "Thumb" game.  He looks just as good no thumb!


PS I still think the best way to bowl in the future is going to end up being two hand.
Much easier to adjust the shot pulled or pushed at the last second.
Just like the two handed backend in tennis.
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