The debate about which of them is better is definitely an open one. Osku on one hand has made the show in a PBA Major, which is tough to do. Jason has an incredible record around the world and has proven himself to be one of the best amateur bowlers in the world.
I don't think we'll see either of them bowl on the PBA regularly. They can make so much more money bowling tournaments overseas, big money tournaments and high roller and such. Plus, they can gain just as much fame and credibility doing this as they could bowling on the PBA Tour. Until the money winnings on PBA Tour get close to matching overseas Amateur tournaments, we won't see either of them. Disappointing, because I like watching them bowl, especially Belmonte...guy seems to have a great personallity and just acts like he has fun with what he's doing.
University at Albany 2007
-Let's Go Danes-
ROTO GRIP - King of Them All
STORM - The Bowlers Company
Harry E. Inglis 3/31/1915 - 2/3/2009