The answers here are correct. Parker Bohn threw the Web ball at spares one year on the tour. It was legal for PBA but not for USBC competition.
The whisky bottle ball had metal caps in it. Same company made one with a naked lady inside that is illegal because ... well, it's got a naked lady in it.
Quasar ball has metal in it (batteries), so it's out.
There's a USBC rule about balls not having marks in the coverstock from the factory (which could be used to grip the lane, if engineered correctly). That's why the Jordan ball is out.
My mystery has always been why Bonanza balls are legal but Bonanza II aren't.
I believe the ceramicore thing isn't for balls with ceramic inside, it's those "titanium cored" balls which are actually ceramic with some kind of titanium powder. If you put a block of titanium in the ball, it would be illegal.