I didn't take any "offense" at the things you said. What I was trying to point out were merely some philosophical flaws in your line of thinking. I really never try to "talk down" to people about things, because that is the way you learn, ASKING QUESTIONS!
My reply probably came across as gruff, due to the format it was in. It was only in my attempt to show to designate my reply from your original text, and not meant to be insulting.
Please, do not take me for one of those self righteous, self appointed "geniuses" that have little practical, or applicable, knowledge. I have studied the game for almost 30 years, have a good, working understanding of the physics involved in the modern game, and am also willing to share what I know with those who do not.
The "REASON" you catch heck for those "pin here, cg there" remarks is the pin, CG, or mass bias locations in relation to the gripping holes, is totally useless. Every person has a different positive axis point, and it is THAT point that has significance, not the gripping holes.
Asking to see a ball with "the pin beside the ring finger" might give YOU a strong ball, but might give someone else a weak ball, depending on your positive axis point. What if Britton did a video of a ball drilled that way and made it look so good that I drilled one like it for myself? I can tell you that, with my pap coordinates, it would be an early, weaker drilling for me. What if its a strong drilling for him?
It would mean that our two balls would LOOK alike, but be very different in reaction for the two of us. My pap is only 4 1/8> 1/2^, and if I did videos with a ball drilled "pin right of ring finger", NOBODY would buy one that wanted a high performance piece. Your pap is 2in past mine, so that drilling puts the pin 2in closer to my axis than it does for you, and that's quite a significant amount, and would make a TON of difference in performance.
Sorry if you thought I was "jumping" you about it, that really isn't the way it was meant.