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Author Topic: Not just another left vs. right post.....  (Read 1684 times)


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Not just another left vs. right post.....
« on: December 14, 2003, 12:46:41 AM »
Did some thinking today at work (ran home to tape bowling though) and came up with a possible "solution" to end the whole left vs right issue.

Since the majority of the bowlers are right handed, the shot breaks down much faster, thus righties have to move in and adjust more than lefties. They (righties) then moan about how lefties shoot higher scores, avg higher, have a better shot etc. than the righties and also that lefties are one dimensional and cant adjust. In almost every league I have bowled in, there is usually 1-2 lefties per pair, which means the shot stays all 3 games and they dont have to adjust except for maybe a board or 2.

Solution: Put less oil on the left side, making it dry out faster and have lefties adjust as well. Not a numbers whiz, but say about 20-25% less oil on the typical house shot for the left side. Then (as far as some righties go) the playing field would be more even. Lefties would still have a good shot at first, but by middle of the 2nd game, they will be switching to weaker equipment and/or moving in, just like the righties do. At first, some lefties will complain saying the shot is too dry and they have to move way in, but after awhile and some practice (for the 3 revvers who cant move) will learn to play deep and have a better overall game.

I'm a lefty and on certain nights I can stand in the same spot all night and whack 'em as long as I can carry corner pins. For me, I like having the same shot all night, but I not mind having to adjust and "get deep". I have higher speed and good revs, so I would be able to get in when they dry out. If this were to happen, I think a lot of the left vs. right would go away, unless lefties started shooting the lights out from inside as well.....
This post was brought to you by just another lefty hack who considers covering corners bonus pins added to the series....



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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2003, 04:58:27 PM »
Additionally, because there are only 1-2 lefties per 10 people per pair of lanes, 99% (oh, who knows what the number actually is!) of the house do put less oil on the left side, just to save oil. The problem is how much is less oil in order to make those 1-2 bowlers adjust the same way as the righties do.

Around my way, lefties can use weaker balls, but since they normally do not need stronger ones, since the oil pattern is and has been lighter for years, they dry out or wear out the pattern slower anyway. So even though the oil is already lighter, it still requires very little adjusting cause their weaker balls disturb the pattern less.

Nice try, though.

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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2003, 06:11:56 PM »
Additionally, because there are only 1-2 lefties per 10 people per pair of lanes, 99% (oh, who knows what the number actually is!) of the house do put less oil on the left side, just to save oil. The problem is how much is less oil in order to make those 1-2 bowlers adjust the same way as the righties do.

True.  When I ran a house this is needed basically if you put down the same amount of oil that you put down on the right side you could effectively shut out lefties.  To much oil that they could not break down or even bowl on unless pointing the ball up to 1-2.  You see this on the tour at times when you never see a lefty make say the round of 8 or 16.


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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2003, 07:41:08 PM »
Check out the PBA lane patterns (and the league pattern they show).  You'll see that they have, to a degree, done exactly what you are suggesting.

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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2003, 03:27:55 PM »
WHY SHOULD I be penilized because I am left handed and be given intentionly a lesser condition?

Because lefty's are evil!  Lefties are like a witch in old Salem!  Burn them, Burn the lefties! LOL!

Actually, I don't favor shuting out lefties.  BUT... I do get a bit jealous when I have 9 other people constantly tracking up the lane and messing up my line when I could camp out all day on my favorite shot if I were "wrong-handed".

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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2003, 04:52:24 PM »
9andawiggle, you would have liked my Tuesday team last year 3 lefties.   My current Monday team is 50% left handers, 2 of 4.  The nice thing is we play different styles so there is no problem messing up each others line, but also no help when there is no shot.
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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2003, 05:02:32 PM »
you would think that with a name like "thongprincess", we'd at least get a link to a website!!!  

i am a rightie, and i think lefties should get equal treatment on the bowling alley.  they have to live with a natural inferiority, so why not let bowling be their refuge?!?
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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2003, 05:09:27 PM »
Preface: This is in no way a "dig" on lefties.

How often do you see righties (this past week's PBA TOC comes to mind) needing to play left of the middle arrow?  Even as far left as the second arrow from the left.

How often do you see lefties using the second arrow from the right?  After reading erock's initial post, I realized that in 25 years of bowling, I've never seen a lefty play over the 2nd arrow from the right.

Again, I'm not saying lefties can't - I've just never seen it.


So, depending on your point of view, it could be a good thing that lefties don't often play that deep or a bad thing.  Some good points have been made by other people.
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Edited on 12/16/2003 3:01 PM


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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2003, 12:10:51 AM »
Being a lefty myself, I sub in one 5 man league where on a given night depending on the team you will bowl against you can have 6-8 lefties out of the 10 bowlers (as the team I sub on will have 3 other lefties). Adjustments are made every game, because 3 of the 4 on our team play a similar down and in line, while one other likes to loop 15 to 5 board. The righties in the house complain every chance they get- yet 4 of them in the league average 220 or better. I find that when I bowl in this house that my average is between 210-220.

My main league I am the only lefty most of the time in the house, unless my friend subs on my team and then we have 2 lefties. We definitely don't have an advantage on this shot, as it's fairly dry and the only sign of heavy oil is on the first 3 boards. I'm happy to be averaging 195 on this shot, as every night is an adventure.

I may not necessarily throw the big games, but I tend to make 95% of my spares or more, and that helps me get through the night...



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Re: Not just another left vs. right post.....
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2003, 11:40:04 AM »
you would think that with a name like "thongprincess", we'd at least get a link to a website!!!  

I agree....

In our Thursday league, there are 10 lefties out of 60+ bowlers. 2 teams have 2 lefties, 5 more have 1, and 1 guy subs on occasion. When we bowl one of the teams with 2 lefties, I find my self adjusting some, but when I am all alone I am pointing most of the night. They finally backed off on the oil last week which was nice I was able to hook it a little more, but still not as much as earlier this season/last year.
Also, with the less oil on the leftside (which I did not realize some places have tried this before) I think people would see lefties play a little more inside. Not to get whiny, but when a righty who low revs is playing a little 10-5 swing and hitting the pocket and on the same lane a lefty who hooks it twice as much is straight up 8 and coming in light, is that really an even situation. Rightside is wide open, and lefty cant get it to turn the corner. When the shot plays out like this and it turns into a scorefest, lefties will never have a shot. Allow the lefties to play the same line and have the same success. My 2 cnets for today
This post was brought to you by just another lefty hack who considers covering corners bonus pins added to the series....

Edited on 12/16/2003 12:41 PM