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Author Topic: NOT putting the fingers to the first joint.  (Read 5134 times)


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NOT putting the fingers to the first joint.
« on: March 08, 2009, 06:59:52 AM »
For a while now, I have been getting a lot more red bruising on my middle and ring finger. Awhile back, my hand was getting a bunch of pain in it and determined my span in my middle finger was too least an 1/8 if not more. I can't remember how far I had it dropped but now my span in my ring and middle finger are about the same in span. I did this on a ball I had plugged and redone.

Well a driller I had one new ball do after the span made the finger holes bigger then I cared for and my fingers could go to the first joint. Before, I never put them that far in the ball nor could with the larger span. Then another ball followed and another. Then my fingers, especially my ring finger had bruising on both sides with mild pain. My finger was actually reshaping itself because I was placing my fingers farther in.

A few months ago or less things got worse. The mild pain in my ring turned to ligament pain or damage. At least that is what I think it is but I don't know. Some days after bowling it was hard to even bend it.

Decided on on of my leagues since my fingers in a poor morning practice were already hurting I tried just putting the tips of my fingers in the ball which I haven't tried with my new span and tried it during league and threw the ball terrific and shot over 700 which in that league I have been struggling in. I know must will say your supposed to put the fingers in all the way but I tried that and got nothing put pain. I have also previously tried reverse in my fingers and was just dropping the ball every shot.



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Re: NOT putting the fingers to the first joint.
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2009, 11:52:14 AM »
I'm sure my experience doesn't help either of you guys - mainly because I use grips.

For the first few years of bowling I COULDN'T put my fingers in to the first joint.  I figured I just had a weird finger size - 1 size was too small and the next size up was too big.  The smaller size felt better, so that is what I always used - at least that way I knew I was putting my fingers in to the same depth every time.

Turns out my driller must use the cheapest inserts or have a slightly undersized 31/32" bit (along with not being able to duplicate a measurement or drilling).  Went to a different driller and he looked at my fit and says "holy s#!t, you aren't even putting your fingers in the whole way."  We look at other sizes and come to the same conclusion.....others are too big.  He offers me the 1/2 size inserts, but turns out that I'm using the correct size, but the holes are slightly undersized!

I never really had any pain except when I cut my nails, so I just decided to not cut my nails if I knew I was going to be bowling.

I now use "properly sized" inserts, but I have noticed that I did get more revs when I couldn't put my fingers "all the way in."
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Re: NOT putting the fingers to the first joint.
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2009, 10:56:40 PM »
I didn't have the problem you had (mis-sized holes), but one of the reasons I stopped using inserts was because I was between two sizes and used to oscillate between the two closest ones.  

Even after discovering Vice brand half-sizes, I still couldn't settle on one size and stick to it.  Since I switched to no-inserts, each ball (at least at the fingers) felt identical.   Had other issues, but at least without the inserts, I can't constantly adjust them back and forth in my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) way.   No... I have not been diagnosed with it, but anyone observing the constant tweaking/adjusting I do with bowling equipment, would surely label me as such.

And surprisingly.... my fingers which had started to swell and shrink somewhat, have never done that since switching to no-inserts. Not sure why, but added benefit has been consistent feel in the fingers.  Only the thumb size has been a continuing problem in the 2 years since I stopped using inserts.