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Author Topic: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?  (Read 3036 times)


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(takes me awhile to get to the point, but I feel the background is important)

Recently I was having trouble getting the fit of a newly purchased [used] ball to match an existing ball's drilling. Seemed ok except for thumbhole being too tight. Went back and instead of a minor tweak, I discovered the hole was much larger than desired the next time I was practicing (at a  different house).

Went to the pro-shop there in frustration and it was determined the ball had 1/8 inch forward pitch vs zero that the original ball had. But... I decided to try it with forward pitch so I asked the driller to plug the hole and drill it a smidgen smaller, but leave the pitch unchanged. And at first... I liked it and felt the ball was staying on my hand longer without being too snug. liked it so much I decided to convert another 3 balls over to the new drilling.

First one was a success, but the next two were a disaster. Brought those two to league and was dropping them or nearly dropping them all night. Added a ton of tape and didnt matter...still had the dropsy's. Brought the balls to THAT house's driller and he said that the thumbholes were drilled with reverse pitch, not forward pitch.  I wa sjust going to return them to original drilling, but he looked at how I was putting my hand in the ball and at no charge to me offered to measure me from scratch, plug and drill one of my balls and have me evaluate the fit.

At first I liked THAT fit too, and to finally get to the point, he showed me that I wasn't putting my fingers all the way to the first joint. I had been doing this since switching from inserts to no inserts a couple of years ago, and I admit the balls he "converted" from "finger pad" grip to finger joint grip ARE comfortable, and I have more control --- at leats I think I do.

But.... I am also more revolutions challenged than I have ever been (I always was, but not so much over last 2 years), and the balls are acting like plastic balls and coming into the pocket flat. Hardly any kind of angle.

I'm pretty convinced I want to return to my old style of inserting my fingers ALMOST to the first joint, but not quite. It feels normal to me, and I throw the ball with much more authority that way. Not just on the strike balls, but on spares as well.

Does anyone else out there grip the ball this way? And even if you don't, is there anything fundamentally wrong with this method?  

The driller will do whatever I ask him to. He has been VERY understanding while I have oscillated back and forth, and still thinks I should try other things before going back to my old fitting, but I am stronly leaning toward returning everything to the old style fit.

Bowled 17 games today split between two balls that are identical (same actual ball) except for the drilling. And there was no question that the old fit felt better to me. I had SOME success with the new grip too, but at this point it almost feels like a conventional drilling would to someone who is accustomed to a fingertip grip.

Doubt I'll have time to comment/reply to all responses, but interested in ALL feedback ----even if you wish to tell me I'm nutz to want to go back to my prevous fitting.

Edited on 3/8/2009 2:50 PM



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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2009, 10:12:00 PM »
My understanding is that the thumb was drilled at zero pitch. Could be off  shade, though.

And yes... the thumb IS where I am noticing the difference, not the fingers. I was just blaming it on the fingers initially, because ----I don't know exactly why, but I was.

Could be a difference in pitch or bevelling or size, or the span, or a combination of all four measurements. Whatever it is... if it can be found, I will be happy and be more than halfway to fixing the problems I was having (and will stay with the new fit for a much longer tryout period).


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2009, 12:45:46 AM »
I use like a reverse Sarge Easter Grip on my equipment, with my middle finger going in to the first joint, and the ring finger only going in to the pads. I feel like I can get a few more revs that way.


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2009, 06:18:50 AM »
I have heard of the Sarge Easter Grip, but had forgotten what it did. Does sound worth trying, although I would have 4 different grips in my least until settling on one of them.  

Maybe I can experiment with just not putting my ring finger in as far into the ball? If it improves revs, and still feels as comfortable, I'd be interested.

Only this time, I would only change one ball and give it a much longer evaluation period than I did this time.



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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2009, 10:37:04 AM »
The reason I asked about the thumb is because that's usually the source of rev problems.  The thumb needs to be secure so that you aren't gripping the ball during the swing, and it needs to come out clean at release so that the fingers can do their job.  A stretched span plus a loose thumbhole results in squeezing, and that's why wedging the fingers in probably feels better, because the ball is more secure.  What is your span now?  It's possible that you need some forward pitch in the thumb.

I wouldn't go messing with sarge easter, or dropped ring or middle, just get your span measured for a relaxed or comfortable fit.  I shortened my span about 1/4" a few years ago, went from 1/4" reverse to 0 in my thumb, and got a tighter fit on it and I picked up a bunch of revs.


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2009, 10:55:44 PM »
Well I was called on to sub tonight, and went to the lanes early to practice, and I am getting more comfortable with the new relaxed (shorter span // ovalled finger holes) drilling, and actually seem to be reclaiming some revs on the balls. Just have to give a little push with the fingers, whereas I used to turn my wrist to put revs on (yes... I know that's not recommended, but it WAS working for me enough).

Only problem now is I have the original redrilled ball, and 3 balls copied from it's specs, and they are very close, but there is some kind of difference between them. Not sure what it is. Might be that the thumbhole on the original is less bevelled and more straight (I believe the other thumbholes are tapered a bit ----I don't like tapering).  Or it could be less bevelling of the original's finger holes, or a micron of a difference in the spans.

I'm not even sure which I prefer now.... though am still leaning toward the original.  It seems to have a lightly larger thumbhole and yet it feels more secure on my hand. Maybe there's a slight difference in pitch.

Anyway... the good news, is I don't think there's enough variation that I would want to re-plug and re-drill either original or copies. But I still am anxious to re-visit my pro-shop person and ask him where the difference in specs is, and the pros and cons of each.

Some of it is just going to be a subjective guess on my part. For example, with spring/summer and warmer weather approaching (eventually!), it would be better to go with a slightly larger thumbhole. But... if my thumb shrinks over time---it should, since the new drilling is less irritating to it), I would want the thumbhole kept as small as possible.

Tonight it was ALMOST too small on the copies.  I still had one piece of tape in it, but hesitated removing it as I had a string of strikes and didnt want to change the feel.... even though it was a bit too snug and becoming snugger.

But if I go with the smaller thumbhole (in the copies), and I'm wrong about my thumb shrinking in the long run, I will hav to run back to the pro-shop for some adjusting of the holes.

Sorry about the ramblling. I am actually very happy because despite the title of this post (which was about me returning to my previous style of not placing my fingers all the way into the first joint), I am now starting to embrace the new drilling. But since I appear to have TWO new drillings (due to the variation between them ---whether real or perceived), I need to determine which one is best.

I'll consult the Pro-Shop Driller tomorrow, and hopefully he can resolve it all for me.


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2009, 10:57:30 PM »
I posted some similar issues on this subject that I already talked about. I'm 100% sure now I don't want to get to the first joint. Actually I could do this if I used grips but since I hate grips it has made my finger joints very painful over months so started to put the tips of the fingers back in the ball like I used to and problem solved. Now I know in the future to get my new balls drilled with the holes smaller because this is how this problem for me first started.

I also tried things like reverse pitches in my fingers which you may want to try. I personally did not like it at all. I did go to a slight forward in my thumb...I think 1/8 and I do think it helps me stay in the ball longer and not have to squeeze my thumb as much even though I have a snug thumb hole.


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2009, 11:17:39 PM »
I'm not going to convert all my stuff to the new relaxed fit (fingers in to the first joint) and still plan to use the balls with the older drilling (finger only inserted to almost the first joint). But I am going to dabble some more with the 4 balls aready converted vs abandoning that project.

So far... I see some pros and cons regarding the newer fit.  Less revs (obviously a con in most cases) and more mistake prone, but more comfort and flexibility in the release of the ball too.

Biggest plus is that my thumb has become a LITTLE less important. STILL need a good fit, but with the old style (fingers not all the way in), it was all or nothing. Either the thumb was perfect, and the ball felt great. Or it did not feel right and the entire grip on the ball felt like crap.  ---too loose or too tight.

With the new grip, Even though the thumb sometimes doesn't feel quite right, I am still able to throw a decent shot. Not as good or with as much authority as if the thumbhole did fit perfectly. But I can manage better than I could with the old fit ----regarding the thumbhole. There is a grey area regarding the fit versus either a match or not of another ball's thumb.

Am sure I'll still have thumb fitting problems. But with the old style grip, getting the thumbhole right is always an adventure. Best driller out there, still manages to either mess it up or misunderstand how I want it to be. Maybe with the new fit, it will be easier to get someone to reliably duplicate my thumbhole from one ball to another.


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2009, 10:35:49 AM »
You might benefit from something like Magic Carpet in your thumbhole.  It's designed to take up the "slack", so that shrinking or swelling of the thumb doesn't change the feel of the hole.  Gives a nice clean release too.


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Re: Anyone else use just the pads of their fingers (vs first joint)?
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2009, 12:03:59 AM »
Just a kind of follow-up.

Bowled tonight in a house where I normally struggle, no matter what ball or drilling I use.  Didn't set the place on fire this time either, but actually did get more comfortable and throw a stronger shot as the night went on. In THIS house, it's usually the opposite.  

Normally start off well, when the backends are relatively dry or clean, and then the oil moves around and adjustments only adjust the errant shots I make to different wrong location on the lanes. Ball crosses over to brooklyn, so I speed up or move to the left. Then it sails past the headpin. Ball misses the headpin, so I slow down or move right and the ball crosses back over to brooklyn ----or beyond.  I believe it's a reverse block, but whatever it is, it gives me fits.  ----USUALLY !!

Tonight...with the newer drilling, I had much better control. Still was a struggle, but the new drilling is growing on me. Errant shots were still errant shots, but not as far off target, and sometimes even then (like one through the nose) I still got away with it. Always would get burned before at this house if the shot was not perfect and perfectly flush in the pocket.

Oh... I did visit my Pro Shop person earlier this evening, and at this point, am going with the presumption that the copied balls have a shade more bevelling than the original test ball. Not enough of a problem to plug and redo them, but theoretically less bevelling of the finger and thumb holes on the next ball drilled, should give me a more secure feeling. Meanwhile, I am  trying to get more comfortable with the balls as they currently are drilled (the copies).  And tonight was encouraging.

Edited on 3/12/2009 0:06 AM