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Author Topic: Not true in Bowling??  (Read 2102 times)


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Not true in Bowling??
« on: August 25, 2003, 09:24:52 PM »
I just saw one of those inspirational posters in a colleagues office today.  It showed an overhead view of what looked to be a very difficult hole (on a gold course, obviously).  Below it was the word CHALLENGE, and a note beside that stated "The harder the course, the more rewarding the Triumph".  And I just wondered, from many of the replies on this board bemoaning easy conditions, is this not true for bowling?  From what I see, it is usually "The harder the course, the fewer the league members".


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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2003, 01:28:58 PM »
I think the "good" bowlers would welcome a challenge, as long as there is some sort of feedback or information gained.
By this I mean - if it's a tough shot, post the graph. That at least tells me HOW MUCH oil is out there, so I can predict how much will move around. Graphs certainly don't tell the whole picture, but it is one piece of the puzzle.
When I know what the graph looks like, and then I judge ball reaction, I do it differently than if I'm bowling blind... So I can really learn something.
If I shoot on a tough shot, and have things to learn that I can take to the next tough condition, that's great. If all I can do is struggle and be puzzled, I'm not likely to sign up for that frustration all over again.
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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2003, 01:36:59 PM »
And that is why most golfers play from the easier tees. And why most bowlers want to play easier conditions i.e. the wall.  

  A solution to some of the ABC's miserable participation in the sports leagues to get the PBA involved with it somehow. Like instead of carrying a 200 average in a wall shot to be permitted, have it needed on a sport condition or something of that nature. Then maybe some of the classic leagues would go to it. Just ranting an opinion.

   I admit though most golfers would take the challenge of a tougher course and most would say that was a great test of golf but would not continue to play it everyday but admire it from afar. Whereas most bowlers on a tough condition would gripe continually about how unfair the condition is. Maybe golfers aren't as big as sissies as my signature says? Maybe the sissies are the bowlers?

 Bowling is for sissies....ask Bones.


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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2003, 02:17:15 PM »
My experience in golf is almost the opposite.

Far too often I see players on the back tees that have no business being there and playing courses that are far to difficult for their abilities. You hear comments like “I paid my fees and I’m going to see the whole course.” And “This is my one round of golf this summer so I’m playing the most difficult course in town”. And getting Joe to admit that he simply can’t hit the ball far enough anymore to play a certain set of tees is a blow to his ego.

I play at what is considered the best all around test of golf of the municipal courses in town. It is tree lined and has multiple ponds and creeks running thru it.

I cringe while paying in the proshop the foursome in front of me all get carts, buy 12 water balls a piece (and often have to re-load at turn), rent clubs, and are wearing flip flops. You know you are in for a rousing 5 to 6 hour round of golf. They drive on the tee boxes, take a dozen divots with practice swings, never fix a ball mark, and get mad and slam clubs into the green after missing 2-foot putts.

The course should throw them off but since it is municipal none of the employees want to rock the boat and refuse to enforce slow play rules.

Whew !!!! Enough on that tangent rant.

But one of the big differences is that in golf you can see most of the hazards and by looks can tell the course is difficult. You know it’s the course causing your difficulties.

In bowling the difficulty factor is invisible and few are willing to admit to their own inadequacies.


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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2003, 02:31:19 PM »
Good responses.  I agree, if the shot is constantly a grind, that would not be fun.  However, I am often, not sure the word to use here - discouraged, maybe bored, that it is never much of a challenge to shoot 200+ on any given league night.  Granted, I am a hack, and maybe my 191 avg. is a bit inflated from these easier conditions, but I rarely go 3 games without shooting at least one 200+ game - as you would expect from my avg.  However, unless I shoot 700, there is seldom a feeling of true accomplishment (I only shoot a couple 7's per year.)  Occasionally I will find a tough condition where I am challenged by the lanes (and not by my poor mechanics) and these are the times I stay after league and bowl 2 or 3 more games and try to 1) figure out the shot and break 200+ and 2) learn more about my strenghts/weaknesses while the pattern is forcing me to recognize them.

I guess my real gripe is not an easy shot - I enjoy shooting well as much as the next guy, but the lack of a true test of my abilities on a regular basis.  That, and it's kinda boring to walk into league every night and know within 2 boards where the line will be.   Unfortunately, sport leagues were tried around here (I never got to try them) and did not generate enough interest to operate, so the nearest one is an out of the question hour and a half drive away.


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2003, 02:34:30 PM »
Far too often I see players on the back tees that have no business being there and playing courses that are far to difficult for their abilities. You hear comments like “I paid my fees and I’m going to see the whole course.” And “This is my one round of golf this summer so I’m playing the most difficult course in town”. And getting Joe to admit that he simply can’t hit the ball far enough anymore to play a certain set of tees is a blow to his ego.

I play at what is considered the best all around test of golf of the municipal courses in town. It is tree lined and has multiple ponds and creeks running thru it.

I cringe while paying in the proshop the foursome in front of me all get carts, buy 12 water balls a piece (and often have to re-load at turn), rent clubs, and are wearing flip flops. You know you are in for a rousing 5 to 6 hour round of golf. They drive on the tee boxes, take a dozen divots with practice swings, never fix a ball mark, and get mad and slam clubs into the green after missing 2-foot putts.

The course should throw them off but since it is municipal none of the employees want to rock the boat and refuse to enforce slow play rules.

Honestly, all I can say is that's why they have 5:00 AM tee times.

If people like that tick you off that much avoid them by going when they don't.

I don't complain about the noisy group of bumper bowlers next to me because I realize the more people enjoy my sport, the better off we all are.


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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2003, 02:38:59 PM »
I welcome any hard condition. But I know few others on my league who feel the same way.

It's almost always the same gripes about "the lane man screwed us".

I wish there was a sport league that was open somewhere near me. The only 2 in the area filled up before the end of last season.


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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2003, 02:50:06 PM »

   I have seen the errors of my ways. From now on my signature will read....
Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...

Saw Mill

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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2003, 02:57:10 PM »
I too get discouraged when a bowler that slings the ball or lofts it out on the lane scores, yet he/she has no clue on how they did it.  I love to golf, and I do not get too frustrated with those that go out to "see" the course, as it is beautiful, what I do get irked about is those that have no respect for that beauty, an dtear up a course.  Food wrappers, unfixed divots, ball marks on the greens that are obvious craters, etc... are the tell-tale signs of disrespectful golfers.  I like the idea of a center giving the league the option of what pattern they want for their league; I would love to have a challenging pattern, while scores may drop at first, they eventually go up.  Bolwers need to realize the one thing that sharpens and shines up the skills is challenge and toughness.  Just as a lump of coal is NOTHING without the emmense pressure, bowlers SHOULD feel stagnant without challenges.  We need to get out of our comfort zones and strive for NEW challenges to conquer.  Bones, I would love to come where you are and enjoy a round of golf with you someday!!

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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2003, 03:09:56 PM »
I guess what I would enjoy most is a league that rotated maybe a handful of patterns.  That way, you would not know before shoeing up what is out there, and you would still get to see each condition several times per year.  Not only that, but since bowlers all match up better to different conditions, maybe we could see who is really the best all around bowler, but we would each still be given our night to shine when "our" pattern came around.

Golfing is not for the weak.  I read a quote, I think it was from Arnold Palmer in which he said "Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated.  It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect.  It is without a doubt the greatest game man has ever invented."

I enjoy golfing, but if you think I'm a hack on the lanes, you should see me on the course!


Why, WHY won't the last one just fall??  It's WIGGLING for cryin' out loud!!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)

Saw Mill

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Re: Not true in Bowling??
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2003, 07:16:36 PM »

Just send me an address an dphone number, and if I am that way, you can count on a round, jsut make it a challenge, afterall we do not want a "walled" shot.

If You Are Not the Lead SAW, All You Get is SAWdust!!