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Author Topic: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?  (Read 31929 times)


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Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« on: March 09, 2003, 03:47:21 AM »
At the risk of offending the PWBA I wonder if those who watched both TV shows this afternoon noticed what I did. Regardless of the size of the tournament/venue/arrangements the male bowlers created some excitement (in addition to PDW) while bowling. They exhibited emotion, pumped fists in the air, got the crowd into it etc. etc. On the womens show, nobody cracked a smile while bowling, no matter what happened. They showed no emotion and could have been walking down the street or watching a dull movie. No wonder nobody is interested in watching womens bowling on TV. And when are they gonna get rid of those pantyhose and shorts? yeeeccchhhhh!!!  
Those who do not know and do not know they do not know are FUBAR.
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The Hose

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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2003, 06:36:55 AM »
Dicnic...if it is any consolation, there are members that would not shed a tear if hose were no longer a part of the dress code.

When Oklahoma Women need their fires put out---
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2003, 06:46:21 AM »
The greatest bowler of all time, Earl Anthony, would never lower himself to this childish behavior.  Even the great competitior that is Mark Roth never would do these things.  The greatest matches ever, ever, ever, was when Roth and Anthony would bowl head to head.

How about the Roth/Holman matchups? In his heyday, Holman was a firecracker looking for a place to go off ... but Roth was just bad to the bone. Good stuff!

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The Hose

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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #18 on: March 10, 2003, 06:49:46 AM »
I can't wait to see Dave Arnold get in someone's face or give the crowd the finger.
When Oklahoma Women need their fires put out---
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #19 on: March 10, 2003, 06:50:27 AM »
One of the biggest differences between the PBA and PWBA shows is the level of commentary.  When Parker left the 2-7 in his match against Kretzer, Randy Pedersen said emphatically, "That was a bad shot."  Then, after Parker failed to convert the split, he questioned Parker's judgement in going at it with his strike ball, rather than his spare ball.

On the PWBA show, they'd have you believe that every shot that didn't strike was a result of "The Transition".  "She'll have to make an adjustment on that lane."  Yeah, right.  Like the show where Wendy kept trying to throw it in the gutter but couldn't, due to the incredible friction outside of 5.

If the PWBA could replace Jan Schmidt and Dorin-Lizzi/Dorin-Ballard/Adler with Dave Ryan and Randy Pedersen, that alone would improve the broadcasts by at least 100%.  Then, get Dorin-Ballard to give the other gals a few pointers about looking like you actually care whether or not you win the damn match, and maybe we'd have something worth watching.

Let's hope the PWBA can get it together this year.  It's a long time between now and next October, and I really, really, really want to watch some professional bowling between now and then.  Watching the clowns on my Thursday night league spray the ball over the place for strikes really doesn't cut it.
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #20 on: March 10, 2003, 06:54:58 AM »
I can't wait to see Dave Arnold get in someone's face or give the crowd the finger.
When Oklahoma Women need their fires put out---
They call The Hose

Maybe TBU could teach Dave the Gorilla Dance.
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2003, 07:08:24 AM »
If your basic nature is to be obnoxious then you will be that way on TV.

Walter Ray's enthusiasm is contrived but not over the top.

Parker Bohn has always behaved professionally.

Voss I love his game but many of his antics seem contrived and childish.

I had no problems with Kretzer other than the language.
Pete was somewhat subdued for Pete, again the language.

I always wanted to see Holman and Ernie Schlegal get beat. And in particular Holman beat himself because of his emotional outbursts.

I like to see intensity and enthusiasm but you don't have to be obnoxious while doing it.


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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2003, 09:21:17 AM »
I really enjoy watching the women bowl personally, however I HATE their telecasts.

It's not the bowling that is boring, it's the production & the commentary that really kill the show. I was watching the last event of last season, the "skins" game they had. It could have been a great show with the announcers sitting down with the players & having normal banter. Instead of the normal banter they should have been having there was silence accompanied by some contrived/forced commentary. Then when there was actual conversation THEY WEREN'T MIC'D!

A few suggestions to the PWBA:

1) Your asthetics SUCK. Put up some pretty decorations & lights, make the show pleasing to the eye. I can watch people bowl at my local house, but I want to see a show.

2) Mic the players. 2 small wireless mics dont cost much, heck the local high school has 3 of them for their spring musical. I want to hear what they are saying under their breath. Let us into their psyche.

3) Get new commentators. I like Kimbo, personally I think that if she had a most interesting commentator to work with she could shine. Another idea could be a coed booth. A male play by play & a female color commentary. This way they could play off of each other, possibly use it as a way to explain more about women's bowling. The people covering the event make the show. Why do you think ABC paid so much for John Madden. Trust me, it wasn't for his genius insight into the game.

4) Hire a few fashion & image consultants. I know that these women could be beautiful. But the camera is wicked & evil. Help out these ladies with proper camera makeup. On the fashion side, NO ONE wears shorts & hose like that anymore. PLEASE let these ladies wear decent clothing. I would love to see them be able to express more of themselves, & that starts with how they look.

Hopefully they will address some of these for the next season.


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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2003, 11:53:04 AM »
I can't wait to see Dave Arnold get in someone's face or give the crowd the finger.
When Oklahoma Women need their fires put out---
They call The Hose

Hose, you've been gone too long; glad to see you posting again!!

That crack that you are not part of the PWBA Dress code is just too precious and a great opening for a 30 minutes comedy sketch. I mean, why would you want to wrap yourself around  .... (If I say anymore, I'll get a well deserved nasty-gram from Scott or Leftside.)
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #24 on: March 10, 2003, 11:57:52 AM »
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2003, 12:09:46 PM »
My recollection is that the show was cancelled, not because the ratings were that bad, but because bowling had the wrong demographics.  Basically, its audience was too old and too blue-collar.
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2003, 12:16:25 PM »
I don't like the play-in game, where three bowlers are bowling together...I dunno, it seems like for whatever reason that just dulls things. And why is it professional NOT to show any emotion? Seems to me the best professional, in any career, are those who love and enjoy what they do. That being the case, would it hurt to show a little bit of emotion? I just don't get this idea that being excited about doing your job is somehow unprofessional. I mean, in the places I've worked, the guys who get noticed are the ones who do the job well and demonstrate some sort of enthusiasm for it. I mean if you are a boss looking to evaluate or promote someone under you, who are you going favor if you've go two workers that are equal in qualifications and performance, but one demonstrates some enthusiasm and desire, while the other just ho-hums his way through each day? I will say, though, that I always enjoy watching Carolyn Dorin-Ballard because she has some fire to her.

Jeff Carter

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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2003, 08:06:18 PM »
I usually stay away from topics like these but i'm going to throw my 2 cents in. I've been a PBA fan for 25 years now. I've seen them all come and go. I've seen 90% or more of all the shows. I know many of the past stars and all of the current ones. I am very good friends with Dick Weber and Carmen Salvino. I can tell you that the passion burned deep inside both of them just like it does Pete and others that are emotional. The difference between then and now is back then the old PBA wouldnt allow anything "out of line". What you saw on TV wasnt a true indication of what really went on. There was plenty of trash talking and gamesmanship back then, you just werent allowed to see it. That PBA was 1 week from bankruptcy. The new PBA, the so called "WWF" version is now thriving. Why ??? Because the viewing audience wants excitement. The prime target audience is 18-35 males. Do you really think that they want to watch the old style shows ? Hell no !!! They want what every other sport has. Flash and controversy. Why do you think Allen Iverson and other stars like him are so popular. Pete didnt just turn into this person overnight. The new PBA just allowed him to be himself. Pete truly is a good person and a good friend. People only see his TV personality and make a snap judgement. I have to admit that before i joined the PBA there were several people that i thought were total jerks ( based off what i saw on TV ). Now they are some of my closest friends. The new PBA encourages players to show emotion and let their "guards" down. I truly feel this helps the players relax and bowl their game. It has to be easier to focus when you dont have to worry about what you cant do. I realize that the language may not be suitable for some people, but all i can say is at least we still have a PBA to watch. Ratings are going up, sponsors are coming in at an unbelievable rate and things look really bright for the future. I wish more people could see things from the players point of view.

As far as the ladies tour goes i really feel sorry for the players. I have a lot of close friends their and they dont know what they will do. The PWBA is in danger of not making and i really wish the new PBA owners will rescue it. Their ratings have always been good and the product is excellent. Their tour stops from start to finish are every bit as good as the mens. Unfortunatley they only have 30-40 entries each week and they are bolwing for spare change. I think that if the prize funds get better and the entries go up you will see more emotion from the ladies. You are already starting to see it in Carolyn, Kelly and Kendra. The other problem they have is marketing. I dont want to sound sexist but they need to take advantage of their appearance more. There are some beautiful women on the tour and i think they can market that. It may not be the proper thing to do, but at this point they have to try something.

Sorry to be so long winded
Bowl to Win
Jeff Carter


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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2003, 11:35:46 PM »
I say this with respect to all those who love the old school bowling, How many of you who say that bowling should go back to the way it was bowl like that
I know that personally I bowl with the emotions of any PBA bowler I hate to lose and that drives me to win if i throw a bad ball i cuss at myself with no intentions of hurting anyones feelings. I love the new PBA all though some of it is annoying at times and some of those bowlers do appear to be forcing reactions, AND NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS PDW IS A GOOD BOWLER AND GOOD FOR THE PBA
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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2003, 01:44:59 PM »
Why do you say that??
H-A-M-S-T-E-R!!! No P!!!  TRUST ME, I KNOW!!!

Once again, the HAMSTER kills a post . . .

Watch out, Tubs, the miniature greatness is coming . . .

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Re: Notice the Difference in PBA & PWBA Shows?
« Reply #30 on: March 12, 2003, 06:17:34 PM »
let me throw my hat in the arena.

i like the new format of the pba and the fact that they allow
the bowlers to be themselves. i think its wrong to say that
showing some emotion is unprofessional even though pete's
crotch chop has grown somewhat old. no sport would prosper if
you didn't have teams that you like and teams that you hate and
bowling is no different. its the mixture of personalities such as
dave arnold at one end of the spectrum vs. pete weber at the other
end that makes thing interesting. if there were only one or the
other the telecast would grow tiresome very quickly.

while it would be nice to go back to the days where you could leave
your front door unlocked and had no idea why someone would need to
put an alarm on their car we have to accept that times are changing.
most athletes thrive on emotion and adrenaline and i have no problem with
them showing it as long as its natural and wasn't rehearsed. i can remember earl anthony sitting stone faced no matter whether he won or lost a match
and i couldn't help but think that he didn't really enjoy his job and that he only bowled for a living because he was good at it.

for anyone who has a problem with the behavior of some of the bowlers today:
if your livelihood was based on how well you bowled in league would you be as
calm, cool and collected if you didn't perform as well as you'd like?