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Author Topic: Advice needed  (Read 604 times)


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Advice needed
« on: April 13, 2007, 01:45:00 PM »
I am a huge Track fan, all I throw is Track ( Rule, Animal, Freak Out).
 I'm a high rev, med speed, deep line bowler. Is there another line that can match up to the current balls I throw now? Not wanting to change brands, just looking at other options along with what I have.  I've tried to get a few Track balls here other than buying new, but lately I've been getting let down by people. Thanks in advance.
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Edited on 4/13/2007 9:48 PM



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Re: Advice needed
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 09:56:44 PM »
You could go with an Apogee or Equation for a start if you can still find one.  However, with the emergence of the Ebonite deal, you may want to wait until the summer to see the new releases.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator

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Steven Vance
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Re: Advice needed
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2007, 04:22:53 AM »
Can't say for sure, because I have never rolled a Morich ball, but on paper and from what I have seen Morich would probably be another company I would look into if you like your track equipment.  Of course, I'd rather take somebody's opinion that has actually rolled both.  I have only seen them both rolled, by different people I might add.  Hope this gives you some ideas.

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for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."

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