I was told that the Mo Hole works best on symmetrical pieces. I just happened to have an Azo Fantasy X, (the gold one) and all this ball did was skid...and skid some more. I changed the surface, taking it to 800; then 1000, and re-added polish. Ball still skidded long and hit like a marshmallow.
Had a Mo Hole placed in my ball and WHOOOPEE! Suddenly I have a very useable light oil and dry lane piece. My ball now has a very gradual but strong move downlane, but does not jerk, regardless of the amount of dry it sees.
I bowled with it last night with some very pleasing results. And get this.....I was bowling against Bobby Hall, (former PBA member) who has been in a slump lately. Bobby was using a green Yeti. He goes 225-300-278 !!!! for a real nice 803 set, and low and behold, the ball he's using has a Mo Hole in it. Now, with Bobby's skills, this may or may not be that important. But as I said......he had been in a slump lately. It was the first time, this season that he'd had his name announced. Hmm.
It works!