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Author Topic: Numb Thumb  (Read 1935 times)


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Numb Thumb
« on: April 07, 2009, 03:57:40 AM »
So I went from 1/8 reverse pitch to 7/16 (span is 5") and perhaps that was a bit too much. The second driller I went to also drilled the thumb round vs oval like the first one. So I've been working on filling the thumb with tape. Last Sunday I bowled in a local small town tourney and had 2 pieces of white in front and 2 pieces black in back of the thumbhole. I bowled seven games and around the 4th game I noticed my thumb was a little numb on the left side of the pad of my thumb, down and around the knuckle towards the inside, and it's still numb today.

When I was bowling I did feel that I needed to squeeze a little more (due to the added reverse pitch im sure), so I'm guessing that wasn't good for the nerves at the base of my thumb.

Any ideas of what to do to fix this? Less Rev Pitch, more bevel, more tape, use Vise tape on my thumb?

Last thursday when I bowled I had a blister on my thumb (fixed the cause of the blister) and bowled with a fabric band-aid around my knuckle and I swear the ball never felt better coming of my hand. So that tells me that I should try the Vise tape around my thumb to get a similar feel?


Dan Belcher

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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 01:05:39 PM »
First things first:  why did you switch to using more reverse pitch?

In my opinion, if you're having to physically grip down onto the ball to hold it, you have too much reverse pitch.  (You should be able to come out of the ball quickly and cleanly if your hand is nice and open at the release point even with less reverse or even forward pitch.)

Also remember your thumb pitch combined with bevel controls how the ball sits in your hand and how it comes out.  For example, I can take a 3/8" forward pitch thumbhole with tons of bevel and fall out of it early, or I can take a 3/8" reverse pitch thumbhole with zero bevel and hang in it a little.  I generally like to ease my way into the amount of bevel used.  You can always take out more when you feel there's some pressure or hang on one spot of the thumb, but you can't add back without reslugging and redrilling the hole.

Last thursday when I bowled I had a blister on my thumb (fixed the cause of the blister) and bowled with a fabric band-aid around my knuckle and I swear the ball never felt better coming of my hand. So that tells me that I should try the Vise tape around my thumb to get a similar feel?

Once you use Vise Hada patch, you won't be able to bowl without it.  It's so nice having the same feel every time you pick up the ball, and the quick, silky smooth release is great.  


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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2009, 01:11:09 PM »
Great post Dan...

Very good explanation on the relationship of bevel and pitch.

Also it sounds like you might have changed your lateral pitch?


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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2009, 01:37:41 PM »

I explained to the second driller I went to that I was hanging up and he suggested with a 5" span I should have 7/16 reverse pitch.  I've been out of the game for so long so I tend to just go with what the "expert" says.

I'm thinking after reading your post perhaps the 1/8 reverse pitch was maybe okay and just needed a little more bevel.

Ugh, it's going to take a while to find that right fit I suppose.


I don't believe my lateral pitch changed, but perhaps it did, I guess I don't know for sure as the driller never said anything about changing that.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2009, 01:49:18 PM »

I explained to the second driller I went to that I was hanging up and he suggested with a 5" span I should have 7/16 reverse pitch.
I'm curious as to why he thinks this.  Did he take into account your flexibility, what feels comfortable to you, etc., or did he just plug in some numbers and say for X span, you should always have Y pitch?

More relaxed grips with slightly shorter spans and less reverse pitch in the thumbhole are the standard today, since it relieves stress in the hand while still allowing for a clean, consistent release.  If you have that much reverse in your thumb, it's possible your ball driller has more of the older stretched-span, lots-of-reverse mentality.  Hard to say without actually seeing your hand, talking to the driller, etc.

I suggest talking to several ball drillers in your area to work on getting your span and pitches right.  It's not an exact science at all, so finding someone who can figure out what you need sometimes just takes a little trial and error.

And I'm curious as to why you were hanging up before.  Was it because of grip, or was it possibly how you were throwign the ball?  If you aren't relaxing your hand and avoiding gripping the ball, you're going to get different results than if you keep the hand soft and open.  Also, coming around the ball early versus staying behind and under it longer can alter how easily your thumb comes out of the ball.

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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2009, 02:26:24 PM »
Dan has given some good things to consider. Based on your 5" span that does seem like a ton of reverse to me. I'm all for trying to use less grip pressure where possible.

It does sound like you are squeezing very hard. Assuming you can adjust to all the reverse pitch, how about the top of the hole, is it sharp? Can you try a little more bevel?

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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2009, 03:37:56 PM »
A little background...The ball I started out the season with was my Track Synergy.  The span was shorter and the thumb was way too big by todays standard.  So I always had the "kung fu" grip to hang onto the ball.  When I got my Cell Pearl drilled, it was WAY different and I thought there was no way the ball would ever come off my hand.  After a while I got used to it, but I couldn't get it to come off of my hand clean consistantly.  Maybe because I still wasn't completely relaxed, but frustration finally set in and I seeked another opinion, and that's where we are today.

There's another shop that I may consider talking to, and hopefully I can figure this out eventually.  This season is just about done, so I have some time.

I bought my Cell Pearl (1st new ball in 13 years) about 2 months ago and I've already had my span changed and thumb pitch adjusted, lol.  I should just buy a cheap used ball and turn that into swiss cheese first.

Know shops/drillers I should seek in the western suburbs of Minneapolis, MN?


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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2009, 10:55:42 AM »
The Jayhawk pitch chart shows, for a 5" span and "some flexibility", a 7/16 reverse pitch, so that's probably where the driller came up with the pitch to try.  But getting the right fit on a thumb requires some trial and error.  It sounds like you were originally too far forward, but that 7/16 is too far reverse.  Why don't you reslug and try 1/4 reverse, and start out with minimum bevel.  Throw the ball and add bevel until it feels good.  If you can't get the right feel at 1/4 reverse, reslug and try again.  --  JohnP


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Re: Numb Thumb
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2009, 12:06:44 PM »
One thing no one has mentioned that will cause you to hang up even with the Jayhawk settings.  Are you double jointed in the thumb?  Normal settings will not work if you are.  Another factor might be the hole.  If a driller hands you a ball and does not help you adjust the thumb hole or make sure you know how to change drillers.  Drill bits are round, thumbs are not.  Many people need oval thumb holes and or adjustments.


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