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Author Topic: Number of teams down.  (Read 1132 times)


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Number of teams down.
« on: September 17, 2004, 04:07:25 PM »
Our fall/winter league was told we were expecting around 20 teams and we ended up with 12.  My dad's fall league is down to 12 also at another center.  Seems there are a lot of people not returning to bowl this year.  I've heard people say that they are just taking a year off.  How's the rest of the country.  Things are really slow around here.

Bowler's Slide Sock: Simply the finest slide product on the planet!  This sock will make you want to throw everything else away!
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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2004, 12:17:04 AM »
I just joined a men's league with a good friend from work and at the meeting they told us there at least 14 teams guaranteed and up to 18 teams.. Well we just wrapped up week 2 with 12 teams just one more than last year.. But the every other saturday league I joined with my family had to be consolidated with another saturday league due to lack of teams.. So I guess maybe it's not just you and I?
FALL, DAMN YOU FALL!!!  "I'm so tired of being a wannabe league bowler.. I WANNA BE A LEAGUE BOWLER!!"

T Brockette

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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2004, 02:18:39 AM »
The bowler count is down here in Southern Texas to. There
was a pretty good  sized league at a competitors across
town that was suppossedly unhappy with the center. They
were going to come to our center with about 20 teams. I
wasn't going  to bowl that night, but let myself get
talked into it. On the night of the meeting there
were 12 teams represented, with the assurance of 8 more.

When we had our first night of bowling, 6 teams showed
up. It seems that about 8 teams stayed where they were
and about 4 to 6 just plain quit. One of the guys in our
league saw a bowler he knew who said his team just flat
did not want to bowl. He ask him what night a week was
he bowling and he said none. Were not talking about a
hack here, this guy is a 200-210 average bowler. Very
Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2004, 09:11:03 AM »
My Tuesday league went from 6 teams down to 4 the first week, and then back up to 6 by the end of week two. On Monday nights I went from 16 teams to stay at 16 teams.

I've heard some bowling centers around Massachusetts have lost more than 100 to 200 bowlers over last season...



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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2004, 09:32:09 AM »
Sawbones  I'm not trying to be negative just curious.  I know that in some places like Detroit and Indiana there is plenty going on.  We keep hearing that there is going to be a bunch of new people but seems to be falling short.  The boring part I'll agree with.  There is nothing to generate excitement.  You show up you bowl you go home.  Since we are in an AMF center we do not get the Bowling News paper and I need to go to another center to get one.  Advertising may be partly to blame.  I bowl sometimes 3 to 4 days a week but only in one league and still can not really tell what's happening.  Open bowling looks like it is even down.  On the other end High School bowling looks more solid than ever.  Seems just something weird about this year.

Bowler's Slide Sock: Simply the finest slide product on the planet!  This sock will make you want to throw everything else away!
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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2004, 09:36:16 AM »
Our Friday Night Mixed league went from 10 to about 16, but the other leagues dropped off alot. Our Tuesday night leagues have only 8 teams in each league now. You used to have to get on a waiting list to get a team in.

I had a hard time finding enough people to put together my team, people just don't want to bowl more than one night a week, and other say it's getting too expensive.

In our men's league we pay 12.00 a week, 4.00 of that is prize fund, and we payout at midseason and in the end, anyone else do this?
Spare now, strike later!!..


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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2004, 10:51:33 AM »
Well, at the house I used to bowl in, all leagues are down to 0.  The place closed September 1, to reopen soon as a CVS pharmacy.  Sudafed, aisle 5!

OTOH, at the new house I'm bowling in, the place is full every night, leagues I was interested in were full with a waiting list.  Amazing!

The difference is the management.  Bowling can be successful, but you have to treat it like the business it is.  It's all about customer satisfaction.

Keep the customer happy, and he'll keep coming back!  Piss him off, and he'll quickly find something else to spend his money on.

It ain't rocket science, folks...
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2004, 11:28:54 AM »
Hi guys, checking in from the NW burbs of Chicago here, which has always been a hot bed of good bowlers and leagues. The same thing has happened here. Our Tuesday night league at Elk Grove Bowl has gone from 24 teams to 20. There is one team that needs ONE GUY to fill his team and can't find one. There used to be a waiting list to get into this and all the other good leagues around here but no more. I hear even Bill Spigner's house up in Vernon Hills is way down. Guys I talk to seem to say the season is too long, finishes too late in the spring, blah blah blah. The older warriors like me who truly love the game will hang on forever, but the younger big guns just don't seem to be as interested as we were. I can remember when after watching the tour on Saturday afternoons, everyone would either go down to the lanes or to the pro-shop to drill up what some guy just used on tv. Not any more. It really is a shame when the houses can't even find a bowler or two to fill a team.


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Re: Number of teams down.
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2004, 11:43:11 AM »
I think it's more 'house' specific.  Bowling is doing very well where I practice.  On the other hand, there's one house I bowl where teams in the league have fallen due to poor maintenance.  Many of the participants have fled to leagues at other lanes.  At the house I practice, they're doing great.  Hell, they even have a large group of men (you have to be over 60 to qualify) that get together every Tuesday to bowl for money, coffee, whatever comes to mind...  But a lot going on.  Even Patrick Allen (when available) comes to practice at times.

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