The bowler count is down here in Southern Texas to. There
was a pretty good sized league at a competitors across
town that was suppossedly unhappy with the center. They
were going to come to our center with about 20 teams. I
wasn't going to bowl that night, but let myself get
talked into it. On the night of the meeting there
were 12 teams represented, with the assurance of 8 more.
When we had our first night of bowling, 6 teams showed
up. It seems that about 8 teams stayed where they were
and about 4 to 6 just plain quit. One of the guys in our
league saw a bowler he knew who said his team just flat
did not want to bowl. He ask him what night a week was
he bowling and he said none. Were not talking about a
hack here, this guy is a 200-210 average bowler. Very
