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Author Topic: Carry Down or Rollout  (Read 1963 times)


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Carry Down or Rollout
« on: August 08, 2008, 12:37:46 AM »
How do you tell the difference between carry down and rollout?I had four in a row, Then I left a 8-10 split what happened ? On the next frame do I move left or right ?


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Re: Carry Down or Rollout
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 08:59:14 AM »
It's hard to tell the difference, because in both cases the ball seems to "quit". One way to get a hunch, though is to pay attention to what type of balls are being thrown, and where they're being thrown.
Too many shots with plastic or polyester balls will push oil down the lane faster, especially if it's inside where a higher concentration of oil is to begin with.

Either way, my first move is a small one to the outside, so if it's carrydown the ball with start sooner and hopefully get through it better. If it's rollout, then the ball may rollout even earlier and I will hopefully notice that, too. If you've moved outside and still can't tell, try throwing a shiny pearl reactive ball out there (assuming you're not already) and see it if responds better.

Rollout is caused by too much friction too early on the lane, so by going to a shiny ball you're delaying that friction a little bit, and then the ball will respond faster to that friction and make a more angular move.

I don't have all the answers, but hopefully these ideas will give you a place to start. Good luck.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Amateur Staff

Dan Belcher

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Re: Carry Down or Rollout
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 09:04:35 AM »
If the ball is rolling out, you can usually see it begin to roll, then stop.  If you throw something shiny at the same spot, it'll probably turn left and then straighten out with an end-over-end roll.  If the ball is hitting carrydown, the ball will labor to get into the roll.  Something shiny on that same spot will just push and push and you won't see it hook until later in the lane.

On a house shot, if you're on a shot where there was already quite a bit of friction and you're playing the track area or outside, you're more likely to see the ball roll out, especially if you try to throw something dull.  If you are playing further in or on a pattern with more volume up front, you're more likely to see carrydown give you trouble if you're throwing something pearl or something polished.


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Re: Carry Down or Rollout
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 12:02:14 PM »
A ball that is rolled out will be rolling/rotating in the same direction in which the ball is traveling with no tilt. Just like a car moving in a straight line without spinning the tires.

A ball skidding in carry down will not. It will be/look more like a fast-moving car on ice with its tires turned (not straight) but moving straight.

That's not to say that a ball can't be rolled out in carry down.

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 8/8/2008 12:04 PM


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Re: Carry Down or Rollout
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2008, 12:51:00 PM »
If the ball is rolling out, you can usually see it begin to roll, then stop.

Second that - on a good hit, you just get the ball into its final forward roll phase when it enters the pins. If true burnout occurs, this happens earlier on the lane - sometimes only 5' awaqy from thwe pin deck, but the ball has spent all of its energy and simply rolls and lacks drive through the pins. With a keen eye you can recognize this, escpecially when you have a high contrast, multi-color ball.

Carrydown normally lets the ball slip thorugh its breakpoint, or react erratically at the back end. You will normally miss the pocket to the outside, craeting weak hits thorugha poor entry angle, or the ball finsihes late (see above).

Anyway, if you make 4 strikes in a row and then leave a split, chances are that it is rather a release mistake or simply bad luck. Carrydown and/or burnout symptoms do not occur that fast, so I'd rather make my next 2 or 3 shots as before, and if the ball reaction or leaves stay weird, then I'd think about changes, e. g. moving closer to the gutter and/or change hand position. But that depends on many factors, e. g. the condition you face, number of players and their lines, etc.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Carry Down or Rollout
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2008, 01:00:19 PM »
Too much speed not enough angle.  If your a righty the ball isn't getting enough of the head pin and 3 pin. Its coming to flat into the pocket.  Or it could be too light and you didn'g get enough of the head pin.  Its either Speed or angle and roll out and carrydown affect both.
Kiall Hill
Visionary test staff