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Author Topic: NYC BR GET-TOGETHER?  (Read 893 times)


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« on: August 19, 2004, 12:28:41 PM »
Here it is 8:00 PM and I haven't read ANYTHING about today's get together. I was hopeful someone took pictures and will have them shown here. This is the 2nd time they are having it .. 1st time I can understand NO PICTURES .. but the 2nd time I'm expecting to see SOMETHING! Waiting patiently!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!



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« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2004, 09:08:45 PM »
Sorry, Joe. Nobody that I saw brought any cameras. I had forgotten, but then I'm not much for pictures. We will all retain out secret identities ...

FYI It was more of a NJ get-together, but FBM (Vernon) showed up at 8:40 AM! We all couldn't believe how badly he wanted to be on time to meet all us precious people. (Now he knows better. ) Start time was 10:15!

Hotwire13(me, Erik)
Next Level PS(Lonce)
Sir Lefty(Bob)

We all showed up except Sir Lefty &  Next Level PS (Lonce); I imagine Lonce got real busy again. I was looking forward to watching him, though. Even when you're not competing against him, just watching him throw balls is so  ... intimidating.

Unfortunately there wasn't as much oil as we had hoped; It being Summer, they oiled last night, BUT they said there wasn't much bowling on the pair. I'd guess it started out as medium and around the 5th game, it became medium light, with much drier heads. Outside of 5 was slightly oily, with 5 to 8/9 board being on the dry side. LOTS of backend.

I threw 1 ball each with a Truck and a Ultimate (just drilled); then proceeded to put them away. (I was ready for oil, but then this IS New Jersey.) Then I threw a just drilled Intense, a CrunchTime and a lightly polished Mojo. Intense and CT were close in hook (drilled very similarly). Mojo hooked more than either. The Intense was amazing. I have not kicked out that many 4 pins or 10 pins in almost 2 years, in any one bowling session.

We shot about 6 games, with 3 of them staying for a 7th +.

Once again, it was a great bunch of people and we talked bowling for 3-4 hours. I'd take any one of these guys on my team .. if they could stand me.

Roy was the strong silent type, throwing all Visionary balls - nice revs.
FBM (Vernon) Had several Morich balls and then when it got dry, it dug out a Synergy pearl. I think he should have started with it.

Eric had hurt his thumb in Las Vegas so he was "off his feed", until the last game when he embarrassed everyone except Jerry.

Vinnie (V12) threw a WHite Dot for the last game, down the 5 board and we watched it walk into the pocket a few times. He left one stoned 8 pin with it and we all groaned. (I tried my Blue Dot around the same target and was shocked to find no pull area for BLUE DOT! It was the 6th game, with 7 people on a pair of lanes.)

Jerry stroked some great shots the last 2 games with his Inferno and his Intense, when I couldn't get my Intense thru the heads, well, barely. I think he had a 230+ and 240+.

Dave was a little off today, but he and his Golden Nugget had a whole bunch of great pocket hits, carrying the world, until the heads and the midlane got a little fluky for him. That ball is truly "golden" for him. Oh, and don't bet against him when he's shooting at a 3/10!

That's about it, from my end. I'm sure more of the gang  will post their impressions.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

Edited on 8/19/2004 9:06 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2004, 09:24:54 PM »
Thanks CHARLEST .. was hoping for pictures .. I didn't see the posting for the get together till the Monday it was scheduled .. mapped it all out .. but just couldn't arrange the trip that fast. Some day I'll catch you guys ...
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2004, 10:26:03 PM »
All I can say is ..."I had a great time!!!"

Guys were genuine which is cool in my book!  First time meeting them as well.  LOL@Charlest ... yeah, I showed at 8:40!!!  I was factoring traffic in my travels.  Low and behold... very little traffic!  I took a short nap in my car waiting for others to arrive.

You're correct, I should've used my Pearl Synergy.  Next time I'll bring my Black U-Dot.

One more thing, traffic was all hell going back.  I arrived in the office @ 3:30!!!!!  

Anyway, we need to do this again.  It was a lot of fun.  Next time lets opt to get 4 lanes instead of 2.

"Guns don't kill people... Stupid @$$ PEOPLE kill PEOPLE!!!


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« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2004, 10:37:28 PM »

Ya gotta bring one of every ball; never know what we'll get. Dave used his Ultimate more than a few times and Vinnie used his White Dot.

Sorry about that traffic. You came a long way. THANKS. Great to meet you and see the face behind the posts.

I tried to get 4 lanes but the counter people said they were expecting a bunch of regulars. Besides, imagine how much we'd have sweated if we only had 2 people per lane!!!! If we go to Carolier next time and there's no school bus of kids in the morning, I'm pretty sure we'd get 4 lanes for 8 people.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2004, 10:41:44 PM »

Ya gotta bring one of every ball; never know what we'll get. Dave used his Ultimate more than a few times and Vinnie used his White Dot.

Sorry about that traffic. You came a long way. THANKS. Great to meet you and see the face behind the posts.

I tried to get 4 lanes but the counter people said they were expecting a bunch of regulars. Besides, imagine how much we'd have sweated if we only had 2 people per lane!!!! If we go to Carolier next time and there's no school bus of kids in the morning, I'm pretty sure we'd get 4 lanes for 8 people.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."

The trip wasn't too bad.  I normally travel to Belmar and/or Pt. Pleasant whenever my Dad and I go fishing.  I wouldn't mind bowling at Carolier.  I haven't been there in ...ummm... 10 yrs or so.  Sheesh, I'd like to keep the equipment down to a minimum.... LOL  Can't be traveling with 15 different bowling balls... LOL

Once again, you guys were great and the time even better.  Just let me know the next time it happens so I can call in late for work... HAHAHHAHAHAH

How bout Vinny and his plastic ball? ... *still shaking my head*
"Guns don't kill people... Stupid @$$ PEOPLE kill PEOPLE!!!

Edited on 8/19/2004 10:37 PM


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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2004, 11:29:34 PM »
It was fun. Good to see everyone as well as two new guys, Vernon and Roy..well Roy and I met up at Pro Image in Rockaway.

Just was a little disappointed by lack of oil, but thats my own fault. Spent way too much time buying balls for heavier oil since that is usually what I bowl on.

Now it's time to get that light oil ball within the next 2 weeks.

A new SlayR or a Sling's tough decisions.

We'll have to do this again, personally I would like to go back to Jersey Lanes as they oiled the lanes that morning.

Anyone interested in trying to setup another BR get together before September 1st?
Somewhere in the far distant future Lane #1's slogan will be..."Lane #1, out-carrying Storm for over 50 years!"


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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2004, 11:32:24 PM »
Before 9/1? ... hmm, this time I'll probably take the entire day off... LOL

Sounds good.  Have to get word from everyone else.  This time I'll be late... HA

"Guns don't kill people... Stupid @$$ PEOPLE kill PEOPLE!!!

Edited on 8/19/2004 11:26 PM


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« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2004, 02:51:50 AM »

like charlest mentioned, my thumb wasnt in the best shape after vegas and it showed the first few games trying to figure out how to release the ball without feeling it...eventually i was able to and shot 630 or so over games 4-6.  I APOLOGIZE ONCE AGAIN FOR THE OIL!!! LOL.  every time i go before noon, the oil is always heavy because they had oiled that morning.  then i get you guys to come, and i'm playing 25 boards further left than i was planning.  next time, bring opposite equipment for whatever i say the condition will be.  go there on sunday morning at around 9, bowl for $1.00 a game, and you will have a hard time getting the ball to move.  i promise

as for another getogether, i would say it may be possible depending on how things go the next few weeks, but it would definitely be a quicker setup than this one.  i may be getting a job for the winter which may take up time, and ill be going back to school the week of the 29th.  let me know if/when you guys are available...if not we'll just wait till next year.  

as for the actual bowling, i had another great time practicing, talking the game, and watching the different styles...its nice to bowl with people who are actual BOWLERS for a change...not only do we play the game, but we try and learn the game more and more as we go along.  

its late, and im ready to pass out, so I hope to hear from everyone as to what they thought...dont forget(especially Roy), i will be needing a sub for my 9:00 am sunday morning league at linden at least twice this year!...let me know if it will be possible!

thanks again everybody!