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Author Topic: NYC getogether a Huge Success!  (Read 1001 times)


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NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« on: July 29, 2004, 03:17:09 AM »
Today was a lot of fun.  Me, V12, charlest, Next Level PS, DANGERZONE, and DavidKSNK met at jersey lanes to bowl for a few hours.  it was great talking about equipment, different patterns, and different centers around the area.  it was also great to get some really detailed info on equipment from Lonce(Next Level), who runs a pro shop, and charlest, who knows a heck of a lot about just about every ball made.  the shot was pretty easy, but it was alot of fun overall.

after the success of this mornings getogether, i am hoping to do another one sometime before the summer is over.  please start letting me know, for anyone that lives close enough to get to central NJ, where they are from and what days/times would be best for them to go.  i was able to get 6 people after only 3 days of asking, so im sure this could be done in larger scales if i had more time.  START REPLYING NOW!




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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 06:49:31 PM »
Glad to see it went well .. you had a number of people there I would have loved to meet. As far as the NEXT get-together .. I make a lot of trip to Long Island with some advance notice I'm going to TRY MY BEST to be there! Hope someone has pictures to show ..
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O
RIP Thongprincess/Sawbones!


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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2004, 07:17:15 PM »
Hey hotwire thanks for the invite. I'd love to do it again. Just let me know when you guys want to do it. By the way in Yonkers, Ny they have a demo day in Sept if any of the guys close to NY/NJ are interested. Hotwire it is an ebonite demo day so I know you and v12 are out . Great time the lanes were very nice and the staff friendly too.



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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2004, 09:57:42 PM »
Actually guys, this grouping of 6 people on a pair of lanes was just perfect in my book. It gave most of us a chance to talk to each of the other people and not for just a brief, "hello".

Ballreviews folks, these guys, hotwire13, V12, Next Level PS, DANGERZONE, and DavidKSNK were all so friendly and had absolutely no axe to grind about anything (except too easy a condition) that the whole get-together was really wonderful. I fully enjoyed it. I must admit I had reservations going there at first, but had absolutely none after we had finished.

We spent from 11 AM to about 3 PM, bowling and BS-ing, mostly about balls and bowling. If I didn't have an hour's trip and rush hour (in NJ, really a b*tch)wasn't fast approaching, you couldn't have stopped me from talking some more.

Eric (hotwire13) - decent revs, very consistent release. will average very high very soon. Sharp guy; wish I knew what he knows about bowling execution when I was his age ...
Lonce (Next Level PS) - WOW! the man has controlled HIGH revs, a deadly combination. YOu should see any of his balls anywhere near the pocket. Been impressed with him everytime I've seen him bowl. I would not want to bowl against him, anywhere. I want him on my team.
David and his Golden Nugget gave us leanings towards such a ball; nice speed, consistent release.
Vinny was very consistent - true stroker. much potential.

The rest of us (well, it was a medium-light house shot and we kind of burnt up the outside after 5 games) we'll keep trying our best.



I'm still available Tues - Thurs, 11 AM - 3:30 PM, and Sunday mornings.

"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2004, 10:36:37 PM »
Fun stuff.

A very enjoyable experience to go out and bowl with people who want to bowl and don't yak away about how bowling sucks.

Everyone fears the Golden Nugget.

It out-carries everything Storm has to offer.

Just kidding...

Or maybe not...

Overall great stuff it was good to meet you guys and I'm looking forward to the next time we meet up.


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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2004, 10:46:04 PM »
Hey hotwire thanks for the invite. I'd love to do it again. Just let me know when you guys want to do it. By the way in Yonkers, Ny they have a demo day in Sept if any of the guys close to NY/NJ are interested. Hotwire it is an ebonite demo day so I know you and v12 are out . Great time the lanes were very nice and the staff friendly too.


You referring to Homefield Lanes?  If so, I practice there with a bunch of guys on Saturday (usually the afternoon)


"If you want SQUARE work, you DON'T CUT CORNERS!!!"....


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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2004, 11:17:50 PM »
charlest, i greatly appreciate the compliments about my game.  days like today can only make all of our games better, both mentally and physically.  

if you hear a loud scream tonight, its me biting my tongue trying to stay out of the Golden Nugget convo.

lonce(Next Level PS) has one incredible hand.  unbelievable revs, and to top it off, he actually has CONTROL of them...what a concept!  

jeff(charlest) was very consistent, and i was impressed with the control of his loft at the line...still trying to master that myself.  unbelievable equipment knowledge from him...if you ever have a question, you know where to send a message.  this also goes for lonce...may even be taking a trip to his shop one day if time permits.

dave(DavidKSNK) was, as has been discussed, throwing lane #1.  that in itself is, well, EXPENSIVE!  carried the house today...keep it going, ill be right down the block up at school...head over to holiday bowl and practice if you want.

jerry(DANGERZONE) threw a nice ball also.  an ultimate inferno...what a surprise!  hope your back feels better so you can make the next one.  

overall, it was a blast.  WE MUST DO THIS AGAIN IN THE NEAR FUTURE.  as soon as i get back from vegas not this coming monday but the one after, i will be looking to start this up again.  me and vinny had a great time, and hopefully we can even get a few more people from the area to join us.  

like i said earlier, please start PM'ing me ASAP to let me know what area you live in, and what days and times you are available in august(as of august 10th).  it will be worth the trip, as you can see.

thanks again everyone for a GREAT DAY




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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2004, 11:48:32 PM »
it was fun, and im sorry you missed it...coming closer to you may actually be harder than you coming to us.  like i said, if you can somehow get to staten island, i could get us into jersey, wherever we decide to go.  the problem with coming closer to you is that some of the guys today(charlest for instance), were coming from north of me, which was tough enough without having to battle the verazzano bridge brooklyn-bound(and the SIE to get to the bridge)...lets see what happens as the next getogether shapes up, but if you could manage to get to my house, by bus or by car(even if i picked you up at the bus stop somewhere), it would be better.  we'll figure something out.

damn, sounds like i should be sorry i missed this one . hey hotwire, next time how about ya do this somewhere a little closer than jersey, eh? i'd love to go to the next one, but i'd have to come up with a fool-proof excuse so the parents will let me venture to the island and not know i'm actually going to jersey, and for parents, mine arent stupid.

if it were a little closer i would have been there today. a weekend towards the end of the summer would probably be best for me to get out there.

Kiss My Big Blue Balls




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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2004, 12:26:32 AM »
hammer...2004 6-cylinder toyota solara...but we would be going in a 1994 mercury villager...bowling on the green is close by, but waaaaay too easy if we want to enjoy ourselves.



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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2004, 09:58:23 AM »
Glad to hear that a good time was had by all.

Erik, to tell you the truth, you could have planned this thing for a year, and the same six people would have shown up.  The way you did it was, I think, the right way.
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2004, 10:05:31 AM »
these events are a blast,....we do it here in the Detroit area every so often..which reminds me...maybe it's time for another...

Glad you guys had a good time!

And....nice to hear charlest was so much fun....he can get grumpy sometimes!
There is doing in not doing


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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2004, 11:36:30 AM »
i started another post about "signing up" for the next would be great if you could put this info there so i can start getting an idea as to when we may be able to do it again.  thanks.

if you guys get another together, I may be able to get some time off and make a trip over.  Living in South Jersey, so I'll brave the traffic.




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Re: NYC getogether a Huge Success!
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2004, 12:09:03 PM »
Hey Hammer,

You mentioned Chelsea which is for the "rich & famous", but have you thought about Port Authority?  I don't know if it's still there.  The lanes at Madison Square Garden were nice many years ago.

"If you want SQUARE work, you DON'T CUT CORNERS!!!"....