Actually guys, this grouping of 6 people on a pair of lanes was just perfect in my book. It gave most of us a chance to talk to each of the other people and not for just a brief, "hello".
Ballreviews folks, these guys, hotwire13, V12, Next Level PS, DANGERZONE, and DavidKSNK were all so friendly and had absolutely no axe to grind about anything (except too easy a condition) that the whole get-together was really wonderful. I fully enjoyed it. I must admit I had reservations going there at first, but had absolutely none after we had finished.
We spent from 11 AM to about 3 PM, bowling and BS-ing, mostly about balls and bowling. If I didn't have an hour's trip and rush hour (in NJ, really a b*tch)wasn't fast approaching, you couldn't have stopped me from talking some more.
Eric (hotwire13) - decent revs, very consistent release. will average very high very soon. Sharp guy; wish I knew what he knows about bowling execution when I was his age ...
Lonce (Next Level PS) - WOW! the man has controlled HIGH revs, a deadly combination. YOu should see any of his balls anywhere near the pocket. Been impressed with him everytime I've seen him bowl. I would not want to bowl against him, anywhere. I want him on my team.
David and his Golden Nugget gave us leanings towards such a ball; nice speed, consistent release.
Vinny was very consistent - true stroker. much potential.
The rest of us (well, it was a medium-light house shot and we kind of burnt up the outside after 5 games) we'll keep trying our best.
I'm still available Tues - Thurs, 11 AM - 3:30 PM, and Sunday mornings.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."