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Author Topic: Free is not always better  (Read 1924 times)

Burak Natal

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Free is not always better
« on: May 12, 2003, 05:04:04 PM »
This topic is based on another about taking lessons for free or pay for them. I think that post is deleted coz it was gone when I finished writing my reply to it!

Now here is my post;

I would like to look from a different point of view.

Free is not always better. We, humans usually do not show enough respect to what we have for free. It is not only for bowling but for our lives. I don't remember the topic but someone talked about give away / free bowling balls and what had happened afterwards. Story was something like; He found many of the balls which he had given away, trashed, given away or sold to another one etc.. I came across my self with such an irritating situation!

If you're gonna pay for a lesson, first you will search for best coach around. Than most probably you will be listening to him/her with all your attention and get whatever you can from him/her. You will be loyal to your lesson hours with your whole equipment cleaned and ready. You won't want to miss anything and feel fully responsible because you are paying.

For the person coaching you will feel more responsible either. He/she will be prepared and concentrated to you because he/she is paid.

I've been coaching for an amateur bowling club for 2 years. Beginners must take lessons and pay. After 8 to 16 hours fundamentals, they are allowed to participate clubs free and discounted practice hours. From my experience, bowlers who pay for the lessons and/or practice hours appears to be more responsible for what they are doing. Focusing on their game and practice plan instead of chatting and doing other silly things..

Tragic but it is really hard to find someone who will show full responsibility without paying. Tragic, but it is human nature..

I'm coaching only three people for free now. And I don't think I'm gonna add one more..  

If you can find someone who will coach you for free, go for it. But make it long run, scheduled and with a proper practice plan.

What do you guys think? Sawbones?

Burak Natal

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Burak Natal

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Re: Free is not always better
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 09:24:00 AM »
Well, thanks for your prompt reply first of all.

I guess I'm one those who do not like the direction bowling is going today. Still I accept that thats a reality and houses and coaches have to make a living. Proshop and coaching are what make my soul alive, not my pocket. I'm sure I'm lucky to have another job to make a living..

While still don't like the direction of bowling, I'm trying to compromise the reality. But I prefer not to loose my self respect. Differentiating the everyday-enjoy the game like bowling with the sports bowling is one of the main reasons why sports conditions/bowling has came alive.

As for your question, I will definitely prefer the PGA tough course, not in the beginning perhaps but definitely when I feel ready. Trying the easy way is not a challenge. It is more like a cheating to me. It's like 100kg boxer boxing with a 70kg guy and find himself a "true winner!".

You may say I need a psychological help but I'll give you another example from my game. Even during the league, if I find one line harder than another, I choose the harder line. Because it requires more accuracy and repeating the same shot (not talking about impossible, very much shifted line of course). If I succeed by playing that line, only then I will feel ready to compete in higher levels. Only then I feel confident with my game.

"Change is inevitable and the direction of that change is dictated by the majority in our democratic society."
I partially agree with this. I don't want to act like a "conspiracy theory" man but we all know that even in modern democracy directions are not always the decision of the majority. Opinions, directions, buying behaviours, likes and dislikes can be leaded, directed. I'm not trying to ignore everyday-enjoy the game like bowlers but at least they should be aware that their 200+ games in fairly easy conditions mean nothing!

"If I owned a house, I would prefer all those wanna be pros bowl somewhere else. I would comply with ABC standards so my house is legit and honor scores would be honored and I would hope there would be many shot every nite."
I will respectfully disagree with this. Facing with the defacto is not always accepting it 100%. We should compromise and find a way in between instead of jumping on the band wagon. Where will those wanna be pros find a chance to improve their game.

Well, I guess this goes beyond the topic..

Anyways that is my opinion

Burak Natal

Edited on 5/13/2003 9:23 AM

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Re: Free is not always better
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2003, 09:36:19 AM »
I think you are correct, Burak.  Human nature and all.  

There are always exceptions to every rule, but it seems to be true that if we have to pay for something, we will go in with a more open attitude and more willingness to pay attention.  But that might also be because those that are willing to pay already have that kind of attitude, whereas those that are looking for the free lessons are not as committed?  

Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.

Burak Natal

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Re: Free is not always better
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2003, 10:19:13 AM »
MI_2_AZ, well stated what I've tried to express in other words..

Sawbones sir, I could imagine how you personally think about this matter. That's why I'd like to know what you are thinking in the first place. I agree that we have to sacrifice a lot of things in our lives even if we don't want to.

Let me tell you what we are doing in our humble organization. President of our club is the owner of the house we are practicing at the same time. We reserved some of our lanes to our members. We give free or discounted (almost free) practice times to our members. But we do this under one condition: participating the national league. Condition is sports like and fairly hard to shoot 200+ easily (hard for an enjoy the game like bowler). Among them we select highest scoring bowlers and some other we see talent/future and give them this opportunity. We try to encourage people to be better with this way. They have to practice in order to reach some level and get a free/discounted practice.
Other bowlers can enjoy their 200+ games by playing easy shots, but there is no way they can have an free/discounted practice. They may continue on complaining how much bowling is expensive and so..

That's one way we could find to compromise ..

Burak Natal

Edited on 5/13/2003 10:19 AM

International Track Staffer