Today, I practiced on the WTBA Atlanta Pattern and I guess I just didn't have it. On the fresh, I was in the hole and threw the ball beautifully aged about 215 for 3 games. After that, I noticed my mechanics went all to pieces for the next 3 games. After getting home, I realized that my wrist is killing me and my body was worn out. Those who've seen my vid know I don't do anything special to the ball and have a medium-low speed. I think it is officially about that time to drop down to 14lbs to help improve my speed, increase my ability on THS by keeping me closer to the friction longer, and take less of a toll on my body.
My purpose of this post is to find out guys mindset as they dropped to 14lbs. What were some of your pitfalls and how did you adjust your equipment and layouts to accommodate? I thought about getting a couple used pieces and trying out some used stuff.