That's obviously a great point, however I'm gonna be honest, there's something that I just don't like about the catalyst core. And I really don't even have any legit reason for thinking this. Perhaps it has to due with the fact that the Anarchy was simply the only Storm ball I've ever liked, I know that's an illegitimate excuse but sometimes when u think negatively one starts to believe in it ya know. So I really have to admit I'm definitely looking for something outside of their lineup, and yeah I know sounds ridiculous seeing that I loved my Anarachy, so I'm not gonna try and bs my way around any sort of reasoning here, by I'll just end eating my words. Maybe it's time to give me a whirl again, but I really do like the idea of trying out a lower total differential asymmetric for the first time given my success with the great Vibe core. I guess that's why the Break Down is so appealing to me at the moment.
Again, this is really silly thinking since I'm very much entertaining punching up a hyper cell skid which also comes from Utah.
I guess I can try something like Svstar, recommended and drill it up with a control layout. Perhaps 30x3.25x50 would provide the same look as the lower diff Break Down.