CD:/Back to the OP
Nothing wrong with saving money. Nothing wrong with making money either, that is what capitalism is all about. Finding a way to do what you want and make all the money you can at it.
What most of the people complaining about are saying is that, because of his size, volume, and amount of money involved, has too much advantage over them and shouldn't be allowed to do what he is, mainly SELLING ONLINE because he is supposed to be a DISTRIBUTOR, not competing with proshops for business.
Thing is, a distributor is in business to sell products. If a market opens up that allows them to legaly sell their products to a very large market share, it is up to them to take advantage of that. And, they have.
The only reason the small guys are complaining is they are losing their large markup in consumer pricing. Don't cry to me about it, I used to work in a shop and I KNOW how big the markup is.
The little guy is hurting, I know that. Times are hard enough to make it without someone else coming in with lower prices. Problem is, this is ( and SHOULD BE ) a market driven economy. Sadly, that means survival of the fittest and nobody is going to care if you survive but you. If you can't make it, YOU SHOULD CLOSE YOUR DOORS and FIND SOMETHING ELSE YOU CAN make it at.
It's not that I am UN-sympathetic. I understand completely, heck, I've even been the guy it happened to. I went and found something else I could make a living at.
I've never really understood guys with shops that want to make a full time living at a part time job, based solely on a recreational activity that they are not in control of. Sort of like trying to get rich selling umbrellas when you can't control the weather, you make plenty of money as long as you're the only one selling them.
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