actually with today's new oils, oil does not push down anymore, Unless plastic is used
every time you roll that ball, it takes oil off the lane
a ball quitting down-lane is actually burned up heads in most cases.
Oil sure carries down where I play. Wood lanes just resurfaced with a heavy 43' ths
While it sure looks like its pushing down, it may not be.
Like avabob says above.
try a ball with less surface(same strength piece if possible) in the same spot after league play is done, you may be surprised at the ball reaction
or if your ball seems to be going to long, trying moving into some more head oil
and use the same target spot downlane.
you r best bet is to experiment after league play is done on the same pair you were just on.
We do that every week with different pieces and surfaces to learn the new ice oil we have in 1 house
Or after league, see if you can actually walk down the lane and see where the pattern ends, there would be oil streaks past the end of the pattern if in fact its pushing down