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Author Topic: Oilers, oiling experts, what is this Crap!  (Read 1915 times)


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Oilers, oiling experts, what is this Crap!
« on: September 11, 2004, 04:53:43 AM »
Vegatable oil, linseed oil, ear wax oil???

I bowl in a house that is just frankly hard on the left.

Another place where the difference is almost 30 pins between the high righty and lefty!

Talked to the manager and he claims the pattern is the same.

Watched the other day and saw some real good strong lefties(17 to 19 mph off the handusing pearls and barely getting any push down the lanes.)

On the right I noticed an old codger throwing about 13 off the hand throwing an ICON original(heavy particle oiler).  He had tons of push, hold area and could carry with a slight inside loop attack(very little hand).

I talked to the lefties and we all agreed, none of us could carry from inside on even the smallest of swings yet the oil pattern forced us there and though we could hit the pocket it was always weak and left flat 7s.

So we move outside get the dirt have great carry and have very little hold area and must throw with about as much speed as possible.

Actually I have started to beat this pattern with a fine grit Sonic Boom outside 9 with a pin up no kick out drilling.  Ball must be delivered with a lot of loft, speed and accuracy but now I am up to almost 3 boards of strike area.

Manager claims in a recent chart of lanes that pattern is same on both sides with a lot of oil from 12 to 12 and then very little outside on Brunswick Anvilane.  Shot is also supposedly in the 40 foot range.  I asked the manager is it steep, "ie is there avery low volume of oil after 20 feet?, Yes!".

Outside bowlers who come for a season and then leave.  (Most local 230 average lefties stop in average 204 to 207 for a season and are gone), say the oil is just cheap and degrades in no time.

I guess my question is what is this crap.  Why are righties with very little hand able to play and carry inside with all the push and hold area they want while lefties with much more hand and speed can move in and play similar lines and get no carry.  Thus are forced outside to play a non hold area shot to get carry.

What is the dynamics of what is going on here??  Expert oilers?.


PS same owners have several centers around including a wood center that has many of the same dynamics.  Very jumpy on left but must be played outside.  Righties can go in and carry with a lot of area and heavy partilcles.
PPS it almost appears as if there shot has a shorter oil pattern and more volume despite what charts of pattern say.
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Oilers, oiling experts, what is this Crap!
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2004, 05:20:01 PM »
Just went to another center under the same ownership.

Same crap different verse.  After watching the bowlers I put my son in daycare and threw a few.  A flatter shot or a slight reverse block with tons of oil outside 10 and still quite a bit from 10 to 10 but less this for not a sport league or anything but a night with mixed league and a medium handicap mixed league.  Righties blow a track in it and by the third game are tearing the shot up, as long as they don't go outside.  Lefties have to make mucho spares to bowl 190s.  In fact no one knew of a lefty over 205 for 3 years!

I ended up talking to another bowler from the left.

He told me the following:

"There are two ways of looking at this thing.  ONe you can hate it.... I average about 205 at a real 10 to 10 shot over yonder.  I love to bowl out of town and bowl in tournaments and win a lot of money.  I go out of town and bowl on 10 to 10 shots and I average nearly 215!  I win a LOT of money.

"I come over here to this piece of crap and try hard on every shot.  I hit 181 last year and I won't be close to that this year.  I hate this piece of crap he said,.... But it's made me a LOT of money!"

"He said the funny thing is the righies can't see the 30 pin difference we have here from them and think they're better than us!", He added, "I take their money too!"

"This is my money HOuse!" He was really on a roll about this time!


PS He said we had a 218 average lefty from another house come over the other week and sub.  He said, "Know what he shot.......  I replied .....hmmmm 480!"
Ha ah ha ha ah!  He said he had 460!  Good thing he was making a lot of his makeable spares!!!!!!!  He won't be back!  Ha ahhahahahhahahahahah!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana