Let me guess-You bowl in an AMF house. Where I bowl the lanes are bowled on by recreational bowlers before we bowl in league(6 PM) so it's always a mystery. It seems that AMF cares more about jamming as many people onto a lane as possible and turn a deaf ear to league bowlers who drop probably a grand a year at the house. In 2009 my entire league(24 teams) are leaving this house and going to one that cares about its core bowlers. I would kill for a typical house shot. If you are a low rev down and in bowler who never moves or makes any adjustments ever you can avg deuce+ where I bowl-If you have been bowling for years and knowledgeable you have a choice-retard your hand positions and use polished equipment. The only good thing is at tournament time the faux 200 bowler gets smoked by the guy who knows this game and has an A,B,and C game.